Paramedic, Sigint, Ocelot, EVA and Big Boss formed the Patriots.
Big Boss grew disillusioned with the Patriots lead, so he distanced himself.
Zero counters this by authorizing Les Enfants Terribles, with Paramedic heading the Project.
Big Boss cuts himself from the whole project. He is defeated by Solid Snake two times in the game and is put into a indefinite coma.
EVA and Ocelot decide to take down the Patriots from within.
Paramedic is killed by Gray Fox. She was the doctor in charge of the project to revive him and put him in the exoskeleton.
Sigint was killed by Ocelot.
Zero becomes crazy and decides to let the AI control the functions.
By 2014 The Patriots is automated by AI. Zero is only physically alive, he is mentally gone.
Ocelot decides to use Snake to destroy the Patriots.
Act 1 is in the Middle East
Act 2 is in South America
Act 3 is in Europe.
Octocamo, a digitalized camo system from Snake Eater, is available that allows you to camoflauge your face into many different faces.
Eva is Liquid Snakes and Solid Snakes mother.
Big Boss is still alive
The Foxdie virus is mutating in Snake, and anyone in contact with him in 3 months will be infected.
A cyborg version of Raven is fought in Act 3
You go back to Shadow Moses, but Liquid Ocelot is already there. You follow him to Outer Haven.
During Act 5 you kill Vamp, who is not supernatural at all, but this whole time was using nanomachines. At the end of the game you fight Liquid Ocelot and give the virus to GW. The virus destroys all the AI, leaving the Patriots just being Zero, who is killed right afterward.
Ocelot is killed by Foxdie after you fight him, but instead tells Snake that he was faking the possession by Liquid Snake to gain power inside The Patriots, Big Boss would have denied him if he wasn't fused with Liquid Snake, who has been dead since Metal Gear Solid 1.
Snake talks to Big Boss after he awakes from his coma and apologizes, and Snake is told to make the most of his short life. Big Boss then kills himself by inhaling the Foxdie virus.
All the war in the world stops because all the weapons are unusable. Everything Ocelot has done in Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 and 4 was to fool the Patriots, even at the cost of torture and mass soldier death to convince the Patriots he was against Snake.
Meryl marries Johnny Sasaki,
Naomi dies of cancer because the nanomachines keeping her alive are useless do to the computer virus.
Snake does NOT kill himself.
There is a badass rail gun you can use.