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*breaks out into song*
I belieeeeve in Santa Claaaauuus...

Wait what? Oh yeah...magic. Yeah...*cough* I like magic.
Harry Potter is cool. Barry Bladder is pretty awesome too.
Hatty Smatter has nothing on them.
For me, magic, forces of good and evil, and spiritual beings does exist. Witchcraft is a form of magic that ask the spiritual beings to lend his power (example: floating in the air, strike foes with unseen power) by various ways. Like creating a pentagram, or spelling some prayer to the spiritual beings for lending it's help. Vampiric phenomena has already explained on the upper post, but some people said, it just an another form of possession.Technology is form of magic that humans made to help their daily chores, improving their lives, or to relive them from boredom (Like internet, googling some hentai.  :tongue:). But for some phenomena like pshycic abilities and reading minds, some people said it's a gift from those mystical being, while i believe it was the power from human mind itself. I believe when someone had really a high faith upon something, like they're believe they can bending a spoon, it could really happened. the reason why psychic lost their powers are because they're didn't had a high faith on his power and discouraged by people beside them.

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