Magic is awesome. If I'm not on the computer, or being yelled at, I'm playing Magic. Even on the computer; I play it online using Apprentice.
I've been playing it for 4, wait; 6 years. Yes. 6.
I have a box of random commons that wieghs about 30 KG, hah, and various folders full of rares...some decks...but I mostly spend my time collecting them, and testing out dream decks on Apprentice.
Wyatt, if you really want to get started - 10th Edition is coming out soon, buy the starter pack, you get a heap of starting cards, an in-depth instruction manual, a foil card that can be pretty damn good, even a CD that teaches you how to play on the computer. After that, Planar Chaos is coming out early next year, that should be fun, and Timespiral is out currently, which is a very good set, introducing some new abilities, and many, many old ones.
They also introduced the new 'Timeshifted' cards, which are just copies of older cards, but in a new set. You get 1 of those in each booster, and 3 in a Tournament Pack. It is possible to get 2 rares AND a Timeshifted in a booster (Foil Rare, Rare and TS.), which they only just put in for Timespiral.
Do NOT make the same mistake as I did when I started, don't go out and buy any random deck. Chances are you WONT like it. It's better if you do a little bit of research, and find the deck you want the most on the internet, then go and buy it. This is after you've got the starter, ofcourse.