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Magic: The Gathering

I've always been a fan of trading card games. I spent over £200 on Pokemon cards when I was like... 10, I have over 1,800 of the damn things but nobody will ever buy them on eBay, not even for £50. :( But that's another story. Anyway, I was thinking of getting into MTG. Is it any good? Worth getting some cards?
If you liked Pokémon, liked YuGiOh, liked Digimon and liked any of the other TCGs out there, you'll love MTG, as this is the one they all got their ideas from :P

No, really... MTG is IMO a lot better than all the other MTGs, simply because of it's feeling. In Pokémon, the kiddie feeling is always there, though it's a halfway entertaining gameplay, but in MTG, you get the impression that you better win or... don't wanna find it out :P

I'm playing MTG for over ten years now, first four years with real cards, the last six only on MWS (constantly updated cardbase and online gaming portal). I still have my real deck laying besides the desk I just sit at... :P

Play that game, get a basic impression of what it is with MWS, and duel me :P (not that I'm any good, I simply dislike counter decks, so I lose every time... ^_^ )
If you're into TCGs, MTG will be for you what blood is for a vampire... :)
I played Pokemon, played Yu-Gi-Oh! (Came into Semi-finals in the international tournament 2004. =D ).

Started on MTG, but never got round to playing anyone, they all played YGO..
Luckily I have older simplings... and when pokemon was "In" that is if you can call it "Out" now lol... They managed to lead me away from the darkness that is the money wasting nerd fest known as pokemon. (sorry fans... but i really just dont like the card game... although the game boy games were addicting to no end...)

As for Magic the gathering, I did find it enjoyable for when i played it, and the group that plays it is less... uhh... how can i say this... erm... W/e I just fit in better with them, it defiantely has a more serious and hardcore feel around it, so even a few preps got in some of my games. (Played it in the grand age of middle school.)

I think It would be a great investment for any fan of trading card games, even though when you start really getting into it its Hella more expensive than pokemon... occasionally up to 100$ per card... but if you just want to be a casual player then you will get buy with no less than 5 dollars per select card, and like 3 bucks for an average 10 card who knows whats in it pack. (where i got all my rare cards then sold for immense profit when i got out of the game.)

So over all (think i got a little off track)

Is it any good?
In my mind... Very.

Worth getting some cards?
Once again.. In my mind, Very.



Been playing about 7 years now... Great game. I play both online and in real life. I actually make money playing... :) Been to the semi-finals for the World Championship before. Nice prizes. I beleve that magiconline has a free trial offer. Try it out and see if the game is for you.
gmanjudo said:
great investment
No. Sales are only to other collectors and speculators. M:tG reprints most of the valuable (non-old overpowered) cards eventually and there is too large a print run to have any value years from now.

M:tG is a great way to lose money. If you do play it, I recommend using one of the online sites where you don't actually have to pay for cards.
I played this game a long time ago, and I didn't really care for it. Of course this is more of a personal preference matter than actual fact.

However, the hype of trading card games seem to have a reoccurring pattern. They turn into an addiction, become redundant and then you will find yourself going through a loss of interest after spending "x" amount of money "investing" into the fad. Then you are going to wish that you had spent your money elsewhere. There are going to be people against this notion as they don't see it to be possible (hard headed), but I guarantee that this pattern is a constant. It will happen.

As Goomba said, if you are interested in playing this game, find a website that you can play on without spending money on cards. There are certainly better investments out there (regardless of age), or you may even want to save your money for something you will be interested in for an extended period of time.
Goomba;113299 said:
No. Sales are only to other collectors and speculators. M:tG reprints most of the valuable (non-old overpowered) cards eventually and there is too large a print run to have any value years from now.

Not all investments are for financial gain, some... (especially in card games) are for enjoyment, sorry if i made that seem like you would get into the thing for money.

Goomba;113299 said:
M:tG is a great way to lose money.

myself said:
(rare cards then sold for immense profit when i got out of the game.)


no i'm not saying i made back more money than i spent, but like i said before, it would be a financial investment.



I've been playing since Beta, although I rarely buy new cards nowadays. The old decks work just fine against those young noobs. ;)

It's a fun pastime, if you like card games. Heck, it's the original collectable card game.

However, beware the money it costs. Especially if you plan to play in type II tournaments, which dissallow OOP cards, forcing you to buy more and more cards as the old sets are phased out.
I've played this game a couple times, great game, fun, easy to learn. I can't say much more, because I didn't play it for long, as I became drawn to the lesser known card game Magi-Nation. It sucks that game went out of buisness.
Magic is awesome. If I'm not on the computer, or being yelled at, I'm playing Magic. Even on the computer; I play it online using Apprentice.

I've been playing it for 4 years...no, wait; 6 years. Yes. 6.

I have a box of random commons that wieghs about 30 KG, hah, and various folders full of rares...some decks...but I mostly spend my time collecting them, and testing out dream decks on Apprentice.

Wyatt, if you really want to get started - 10th Edition is coming out soon, buy the starter pack, you get a heap of starting cards, an in-depth instruction manual, a foil card that can be pretty damn good, even a CD that teaches you how to play on the computer. After that, Planar Chaos is coming out early next year, that should be fun, and Timespiral is out currently, which is a very good set, introducing some new abilities, and many, many old ones.

They also introduced the new 'Timeshifted' cards, which are just copies of older cards, but in a new set. You get 1 of those in each booster, and 3 in a Tournament Pack. It is possible to get 2 rares AND a Timeshifted in a booster (Foil Rare, Rare and TS.), which they only just put in for Timespiral.

Do NOT make the same mistake as I did when I started, don't go out and buy any random deck. Chances are you WONT like it. It's better if you do a little bit of research, and find the deck you want the most on the internet, then go and buy it. This is after you've got the starter, ofcourse.
I've been playing Magic since Ice Age, I think... possibly earlier. It's been years and years since I've played though. It's a great game; and it really is what every other "new" card game (Pokemon, Yu-gi-oh, etc) are based off of.

I still have envelope boxes full of cards, old taped up card boxes full of decks I built, and could probably still hold my ground, heh.

In any case, I don't know much about the new cards... Apparently they got rid of banding and added a bunch of other rules and such. It's fun, it gets you thinking, and it's not too terribly expensive. Although like I said: I haven't played in ages.
illustrationism;115236 said:
I still have envelope boxes full of cards, old taped up card boxes full of decks I built, and could probably still hold my ground, heh.
Most likely not... if you've seen the Darkstell and Fifth Dawn edition cards, you'll notice they're more or less overpowered... no any-so-good pre-8th-edition deck could stand a above-average-8th-edition deck IMO... if they players aren't jackasses, that is... :P

(Well, it's really a shame I dislike 8th edition cards and only play pre-8th ^_^ )
BlueScope;115334 said:
Most likely not... if you've seen the Darkstell and Fifth Dawn edition cards, you'll notice they're more or less overpowered... no any-so-good pre-8th-edition deck could stand a above-average-8th-edition deck IMO... if they players aren't jackasses, that is... :P

(Well, it's really a shame I dislike 8th edition cards and only play pre-8th ^_^ )

I agree completely. A lot of the people here at my school play with the new cards and they're just...well...it's not even that they're cheap or overpowered, but that they remove any sense of strategy from the game.

Back in the day you made your own decks. These days Wizards makes them for you.
I think i can relate: with pokemon cards, charizard was the best one, then they made feraligater. Still, i had feraligater and not charizard so can't really complain.
I found on the internet this:

"All three Dissension card decks, 60 cards in each, all different"

For £8.99. Worth getting?

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