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London/British Riots



It's no longer a protest, it's the entropy of riots. It starts for a reason, but just dissolves into a reason for unrelated people to break stuff.

Edit: That being said, it's not that there's no reason whatsoever, but you know half of those people are in it for kicks and not getting caught to steal stuff. Many are upset about England's near police state status, but others are just smashing shit because it's there to be smashed and societal rules have flown out the window.
Flare bombs have just been set off in Wolverhampton high street, two people hit, one of them a police officer. Gangs have gathered throughout the city some of which with dogs.

They're ruining my city!
We don't have a police state. We don't have any police. They just laid off 20% of the force. Seriously, if anything we're a gangster state.



Well, not like, men in blue marching in the streets, but people seem to be quite upset with the gov't control over everything, like net neutrality, CCTV and bending over backwards to religious pressure. But, like I said, it's not about the police shooting a man anymore, it's about destroying fucking everything.
Welp, here's Wolverhampton right now:



We're gonna go out tonight and find a quiet pub in the countryside.

My Dad's had to grab a lift off someone going vaguelly the same way to get home, all the buses are off and there's no way in hell he's going through Wolverhampton.



That doesn't seem that awful. I was expecting like mid london riots where people are smashing fucking everything, deckers are burning and everyone's in chaos. That just looks like people standing around sort of.
Well, yeah. Just a little more scary to me because this is next to me rather than 100 miles away.

Like yesterday in Birmingham though they're just waiting for nightfall.

My heart goes out to people in London whose homes have been burnt down.

London is just awful:



Well, it's started kicking off here now that the gangs have taken hold. A bookies has been smashed up and looted. I had a photo but it looks like the photo websites are going around deleting them en-masse.

Edit: local radio's taken a new shot:


Right opposite my bus stop to come home from town.
1. Gather army
2. Start shooting to rioters (lulz, is there any word describing people who are starting a riot?)
3. ???
4. Profit

It may sound violent but we (they, cause I'm not living in England) shouldn't have send police with "eh, you guys REALLY should stop robbing shops and burning everything up, please", instead of - let police/army teach them a lesson.

Oh my, I think that I commited many grammar mistakes.
Because obviously the best way to reduce violence is just to shoot everyone. That'll teach society a lesson!

That sounds like an unequivocally terrible idea. It would only serve to create a larger divide between the rioters and the police, and deepen the rifts in British society. Creating more hostility between authority and the general population is the last thing that's needed.
i just heard a BBC broadcast describing looters pilfering a bunch of stuff from a designer clothing store while police just sort of look on helplessly.

like they threaten the announcer to his face that they will break his camera and microphone and keep looting and the police are just like chillin there b/c there are less of them than the looters.


they've made 500 arrests thus far, but this seems silly

people are going to lose their jobs, their savings, their businesses. if they wanted govm't subsidies, they're DEF not going to get them NOW, considering that it will be up to the govm't to PAY for all this DAMAGE.

i'll bet the building/car insurance companies aren't super thrilled!!!

im not hearing anything on violence though. has no one died? no rapes or anything? it would be the most impressive large-scale riot ever if they managed not to kill or seriously harm anyone o.O
They need to become intimate with the smell of tear gas and the business end of a police truncheon. How is it a political statement to rob a local cell phone store or radio shop. I'm guessing the brits will end this with a mandatory curfew and wholesale rounding up of the idiots still outside. This seems to have changed from a protest gone awry to an excuse for immature brats to steal things without consequences.

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