Vanguard;275010 said:
Most of the variations I'm talking about when creativity comes to mind are rhythmic. Most bands of all types of metal are guilty of this- they'll stick to the same rhythms, therefore losing any "feeling" that something more unique would bring. Just dropping an 8th note, or a 16th note would be alright at least. What I meant by "Straight 32 notes" is that there are no complex rhythm changes during a short period, such as slipping some triplets in there. The same goes for a straight line of quarter notes, 8th notes, and 16th notes.
What you gotta remember is that I'm speaking generally. I'm not saying that all the bands in the genre apply, but a lot do.
Another thing that gets me is the cliche of tremelo picking in a lot of black metal music. It's boring to listen to a straight line of notes (rhythmic), even if it is a beautiful melody. In half the cases, its just a washed up, overused melody, though not all the time..
The thing is, that I do know alot about black metal, on a musical level. I can't tell you its history, its current trend, or the names of the musicians. What I can tell you is that I've heard A LOT of black metal in my life. I can listen to it, but it just gets so boring to me- just like most melodic death metal.
I like some of the atmospheric aspects of black metal, but I think other genres have done it better, imo. Check these songs out off of Between the Buried and Me's unreleased album. These guys have so many different styles of playing, from death metal, to jazz, to black metal, to hardcore. This album even features alot of adult contemporary, one part even ranging to some insane bluegrass soloing.
I do like emperor though, I forgot to mention that before.
Vanguard, when I was reading your post one single thought came to my mind and it was the fact that you simply don't know about music a lot. (No offense intended, but considering I studied music theory, sound design and classical guitar, I think my point of view is somehow credible and slightly valuable).
When you said most metal bands I believe you are not really aware of what you are stating, in fact, I invite you to enlarge your horizons by listening more bands than those that the mainstream got to offer.
I'll go step by step.
First, are you aware of the very definition of art? Well, art by definition is an skill to denote an aesthetic (mood, feeling, sensations).
Black metal emphasizes on melody rather than percussion, and complex, classically inspired song structures that act as 'textures' or 'motifs' which demotes the drums to secondary and allows guitars to function as the primary composition instrument, with vocals being the primary rhythm instrument.
Do you see a lot of percussion in Classical music? not a lot, isn't it? Mostly timpani and snare and rarely.
Just like classical music (and neoclassical), Black metal communicates a theme by using textures or motifs layered together.
If you would know Black Metal as you say, you would know that not only tremolo picking is used, but also strumming among others.
Now, I listened the band you showed us, they play well, but do you know what? they aren't really inspiring anything, their music is empty of meaning.
Is it really art? not really, in my opinion art is whichever that produces a sensation of mood in as. Isn't really about how complex it can get.
Black metal was that, was a call to wake up from the modern life and it's decadent valors.
Black metal showed us a dark world, and inside it, a new light.
You wouldn't understand this since your knowledge of music as art is very low I fear, but I really do invite you to understand it more and find its true meaning and purpose.
I invite you to listen Franz Schubert and one of his masterpieces called Winterreise. Only piano and voice. but still, very evocative and intricate.
When comes to music not only rhythm matters, but also pitch, melody, harmony, dissonance and consonance, texture and structure.
Also, just out of curiosity, if you know music why do you ask for a composer for your game? this got me wondering...