I'll have to contribute and say that The Passion of the Christ was pretty frustrating. Not so much the entire film, since some parts were pretty good, but the whole mentality behind it. Like we can feel for Jesus just by watching him get the living shit beaten out of him for two hours. Then show a clip of the resurrection for about 5 seconds and expect everyone to leave the theater happy. Forgot one thing, Mel.....you have to actually make Jesus sympathetic somehow, not just send soldiers to pwn him.
What makes it worse is the terrible hypocrisy most people showed when talking about this movie. The same people that bitch about violent games or gangsta rap happily took children (I'm not making this up, I know people who did) into one of the flat out bloodiest mainstream movies in history. If anyone else but Jesus had been on that cross it would have been NC-17, plain and simple. Then around Oscar time that year people went crazy because it didn't get a Best Picture nomination. Their reasoning was basically because it was one of the highest grossing movies of the year and people liked it. Wow...okay, guess what. Shrek 2 made even MORE money that year AND got better reviews, but no best picture nomination for the green ogre. Who's outraged on SHREK'S behalf?!
Whew...still bitter, I guess.