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Kismet 22

sorry i havent been posting in this of late. I have graduation and stuff like that so i have been a little busy. I am working on a terrible flash intro though and have been working on it for a couple of days (or a week or two) ~o:

Oh! It seems our main character is writhing in pain. So much pain he isnt even moving. It was most likely that fall. Or it could be a most unfortunate and maybe even a little bit terrible name suggestion. This is the main character of the story and explaining why he doesn't need a name would be a long, strenuous process that would result in a bunch more poppycock.


It seems like 10 minutes have passed since our hero has awoken and got on his own two feet.


I think our hero wants to make sure he still has two feet. Or maybe it is to examine the curious stone panel he is standing on.


And what is this fascinating and quite curious marking. It was not here before. Maybe it was cast by a magical wizard who just happens to look like Ron Weasley. Or maybe it is a sage who looks like Hermione Granger and she put this on his shirt. Actually, probably not. This is most likely the work of some outside force telling the hero to do something.


Meanwhile, at this very second, our magician is teleporting. He is hoping to be transported to the mysterious crashsite but he has been in the flux for quite a long time and honestly he is feeling rather queasy. He doesn't really care where he will be transported, he just doesn't want to be around bright colors that move really fast.

Also, its a cyoa so if you have any suggestions on what should happen next, post them and i might implement them into the comic!
name: Kevin Erle O'Gilly (he has scottish roots)

he ground pounds the weird stone in order to get it to do whatever the hell it is that it normally does
HOWEVER.................... .. .. . .... .

also is kismet-22 a pun on catch-22?
kismet-22 a pun on catch-22
The 22 comes from the 22 characters that are, hopefully, featured in it. Basically, each characters represents a different tarot card in the major arcana. There are actually 23 characters, but the hero is 0 or infinity, so he isn't really counted. He's the hero but he doesn't have any development, its more of him developing other characters around him.The whole situation the characters are in is a catch 22 as well so yeah, I guess you could say its a pun i guess.
name: Kevin Erle O'Gilly (he has scottish roots)

he ground pounds the weird stone in order to get it to do whatever the hell it is that it normally does
this will happen ~o:

He is so tired fucking tired of teleporting. Jesus its been like hours or something along those lines. That is it. We are taking actions into our own hands. Fucking Ron Weasly style. Its time to lasso the hell out of here.


Get that wand ready. Get it all glowy and hot.

Comment comment comment~

Throw that headband. Throw it nice and neatly.


Cast that spell. Cast it all sparkly and amazingly.
You got this.

Comment comment comment~

I don't think he knows what he exactly did. You don't know what you did, did you? Anyways, way to go. You are officially a terrible magician again. Do you even know that spell? Jesus. Terrible. I say terrible.


This is the fairy. Hi fairy. She is just so happy to be alive, to be free of that terrible curse that turned her into a headband. Now she can dance. Now she can sing. Now she can be alive. Oh, the marvelous perks of not being a headband. Make sure to thank the young lad, not only did he free you but he kept you safe and clean.


Oh man. You are going to be partners forever and most likely best friends. You guys will go on picnics together and laugh at eachother's jokes. You will have the best of time being best friends. All of the adventures; all of the joys of being alive. She is even saying thank you. Oh, she is going to grant you three wishes too. What a very nice future best friend. That is right, pull that wand out and cast a spell to get you out of here. Gosh, I bet you are are so -


What have you done. What kind of soulless bag of flesh are you.

oh gosh I have been in a drawing slump for a little while and have been practicing other things like music and pixelling but this will continue pronto

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