A few months eh?
I'll be dead in that time.
Lol j/k but seems like this is being partially serious now eh? :thumb: I commend you on your skills either ways.
But will you please include animations if possible? Y'know thats going to be the main thing that people would probably gripe about [[me being one of them
]] so I figured I'd save you a headache later on down the road and give you one now.
Nah this isn't a request. You said you were modding Near's old one yes?
EDIT: Jump doesn't work? Or I'm not hitting the "H" key correctly. Lol
Curious to ask though is there a way you could possibly get the jump in this to work as it does in say Blizz's abs?
IE: You're not moving you just jump up. But if you are moving you go a little farther or whatever?
Or is this already set up?
I'm looking through them now but not seeing that [[it also doesn't help that I don't know a damn thing about scripting. :tongue:]]
Just curious.
[off topic] can you share some light on your ABS? No point in not building up hype y'know? [/off topic]
Oh and I found another small problem. '_stand' only seems to work if you're moving?
I'll be dead in that time.
Lol j/k but seems like this is being partially serious now eh? :thumb: I commend you on your skills either ways.
But will you please include animations if possible? Y'know thats going to be the main thing that people would probably gripe about [[me being one of them
Nah this isn't a request. You said you were modding Near's old one yes?
EDIT: Jump doesn't work? Or I'm not hitting the "H" key correctly. Lol
Curious to ask though is there a way you could possibly get the jump in this to work as it does in say Blizz's abs?
IE: You're not moving you just jump up. But if you are moving you go a little farther or whatever?
Or is this already set up?
I'm looking through them now but not seeing that [[it also doesn't help that I don't know a damn thing about scripting. :tongue:]]
Just curious.
[off topic] can you share some light on your ABS? No point in not building up hype y'know? [/off topic]
Oh and I found another small problem. '_stand' only seems to work if you're moving?