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Kingdom Hearts II HUD (V 1.0)

Kingdom Hearts II HUD
Version: 1.0


After months of Despain and others requesting this system, I have decided to do it.

This script was designed to remake the arc gradient bar HUD from Kingdom Hearts 2. It shows the HP and SP values, with a custom feature that will make the face change when hp drops, hp rises, your actor dies, or life falls below 25% health.

All HUD dimensions are customizable, although I did make a basic setup nearly perfectly matching the Kingdom Hearts 2 HUD. You may also toggle the visibility when a switch is on or off.




# ** Kingdom Hearts II HUD
# SephirothSpawn
# Version 1.0
# 2008-09-17
# * Description:
#   This script was designed to remake the arc gradient bar HUD from Kingdom
#   Hearts 2. It shows the HP and SP values, with a custom feature that
#   will make the face change when hp drops, hp rises, your actor
#   dies, or life falls below 25% health.
#   All HUD dimensions are customizable, although I did make a basic setup
#   nearly perfectly matching the Kingdom Hearts 2 HUD. You may also toggle
#   the visibility when a switch is on or off.
# * Instructions:
#   Place the script below the SDK (if included) and above main.
#   Change the constant in Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD module.
# * Requirements:
#   Method and Class Library 2.3+
# * Terms & Conditions:
#   Copyright (C) 2007 SephirothSpawn (Timothy Hoffman)
#   Free for non-commercial use.
#   40 USD commercial license. Contact via. SephirothSpawn@hotmail.com
#   Any modifications to the system are not to be re-distributed without my
#   consent.

# ** SDK Log

if Object.const_defined?(:SDK)
  SDK.log('Kingdom Hearts II HUD', 'SephirothSpawn', 1.0, '2008-09-17')

# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if Object.const_defined?(:SDK) == false || SDK.enabled?('Kingdom Hearts II HUD')
# ** Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD

module Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD
  # * Faces Directory
  Face_Folder = 'Graphics/HUD Faces/'
  # * Background & Cover Images
  #   The background image will be displayed below everything
  #   The cover image will be drawn over everything
  #   Draw Background will draw pixel borders are gradient bars
  #   Draw SP Background will draw pixel borders are sp bar
  Background_Image    = nil
  Cover_Image         = nil
  Draw_Background     = true
  Draw_SP_Background  = true
  # * Faces Size: Rect.new(0, 0, width, height)
  Main_Face_Rect = Rect.new(525, 369, 86, 86)
  Sub_Face_Rect  = Rect.new(573, 307, 46, 46)
  # * Main HUD Preferences
  Main_Center_X         = 568
  Main_Center_Y         = 412
  Main_HP_Min_Radius    = 36
  Main_HP_Max_Radius    = 50
  Main_HP_Border_Width  = 2
  Main_HP_Tail_Length   = 172
  Main_HP_Color         = Color.new(188, 243, 62)
  Main_HP_Color2        = Color.new(53, 215, 18)
  Main_SP_Length        = 150
  Main_SP_Height        = Draw_Background ? 8 : Draw_SP_Background ? 12 : 8
  Main_SP_Border_Width  = 2
  Main_SP_Overlap       = 6
  Main_SP_Color         = Color.new(9, 141, 255)
  Main_SP_Color2        = Color.new(8, 101, 222)
  Main_HP_Background    = Color.new(50, 50, 50)
  Main_SP_Backgorund    = Color.new(25, 25, 25)
  # * Sub HUD Dimensions
  Sub_Center_X          = 596
  Sub_Center_Y          = 332
  Sub_Center_Diff       = 56
  Sub_Min_Radius        = 20
  Sub_Max_Radius        = 26
  Sub_Border_Width      = 2
  Sub_HP_Color          = Main_HP_Color
  Sub_HP_Color2         = Main_HP_Color2
  Sub_SP_Color          = Main_SP_Color
  Sub_SP_Color2         = Main_SP_Color2
  Sub_Background_Color  = Color.new(50, 50, 50)
  # * Visibility Switch
  Switch_ID = 1
  # * Faces
  Enable_Complex_Faces = true
  Complex_Face_Change = 20
  Complex_Faces = {
    'hp_down' => '_hp_down',
    'hp_up'   => '_hp_up',
    'crisis'  => '_crisis',
    'dead'    => '_dead',
  # * Load Face
  def self.face(actor)
      return RPG::Cache.load_bitmap(Face_Folder, 
        actor.kh_face, actor.character_hue)
      return RPG::Cache.load_bitmap(Face_Folder, 
        actor.kh_face_base, actor.character_hue)
  # * Background
  def self.background
    return RPG::Cache.load_bitmap(Face_Folder, Background_Image)
  # * Cover
  def self.cover
    return RPG::Cache.load_bitmap(Face_Folder, Cover_Image)

# ** Game_Actor

class Game_Actor
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :kh_face_suffix
  # * Kingdom Hearts Face Base
  def kh_face_base
    return character_name
  # * Kingdom Hearts Face
  def kh_face
      return "#{kh_face_base}#{kh_face_suffix.nil? ? '' : kh_face_suffix}"
      return kh_face_base

# ** Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD::Window_HUD

class Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD::Window_HUD < Window_Base
  # * Include Constants
  include Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD
  # * Math Calculations
  c  = Main_HP_Min_Radius + (Main_HP_Max_Radius - Main_HP_Min_Radius) / 2
  c *= 2 * Math::PI * 4 / 3
  HP_Arc_Percent = c / (c + Main_HP_Tail_Length)
  HP_Arc_Color = Color.color_between(Main_HP_Color, Main_HP_Color2, 
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    super(-16, -16, 672, 512)
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
    self.opacity = 0
    # If background exist
    if Background_Image != nil
      # Draw background
      b = Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD.background
      self.contents.blt(0, 0, b, b.rect)
    # Set empty actors
    @actors = []
    # Save face changes
    @face_suffix, @face_time = [], []
    # Update
    # If cover exist
    if Cover_Image != nil
      # Draw Cover
      b = Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD.cover
      self.contents.blt(0, 0, b, b.rect)
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Update visibility
    self.visible = $game_switches[Switch_ID]
    # Stop if not visible
    return unless self.visible
    # If no actors
    if $game_party.actors.size == 0
      # Clear window and return
    # Update face suffix
    for i in 0...[@actors.size, $game_party.actors.size].max
    # If main actor has changed
    if actor_changed?($game_party.actors[0], @actors[0])
      # Save actor
      @actors[0] = $game_party.actors[0].dup
      # Clear main
      # Draw main HP Background
      draw_main_background if Draw_Background
      # Draw main HP Bar
      # Draw main face
      # Draw main SP bar
    # Pass through sub actors
    for i in 1...[@actors.size, $game_party.actors.size].max
      # If nil actor
      if $game_party.actors[i] == nil
        # Set nil actor
        @actors[i] = nil
        # Clear area and skip to next
      # If sub actor has changed
      if actor_changed?($game_party.actors[i], @actors[i])
        # Save actor
        @actors[i] = $game_party.actors[i].dup
        # Clear sub area
        # Draw sub background
        draw_sub_background(i) if Draw_Background
        # Draw sub HP bar
        # Draw sub SP bar
        # Draw sub face
  # * Update Face Suffix
  def update_face_suffix(i)
    # Return if not complex faces
    return unless Enable_Complex_Faces
    # Get new and old actor
    new_actor, old_actor = $game_party.actors[i], @actors[i]
    # If id is different
    if new_actor.id != old_actor.id
      # Clear both suffixes
      new_actor.kh_face_suffix = '' unless new_actor == nil
      old_actor.kh_face_suffix = '' unless old_actor == nil
      # Clear time and suffix
      @face_suffix[i] = nil
      @face_time[i] = nil
    # If dead
    if new_actor.dead?
      suffix = Complex_Faces['dead']
    # If less life
    elsif new_actor.hp < old_actor.hp
      suffix = Complex_Faces['hp_down']
    # If more life
    elsif new_actor.hp > old_actor.hp
      suffix = Complex_Faces['hp_up']
    # If crisis
    elsif new_actor.hp <= new_actor.maxhp / 4 && new_actor.kh_face_suffix == ''
      suffix = Complex_Faces['crisis']
      suffix = ''
    # If suffix exist
    if suffix != ''
      # Change suffix
      new_actor.kh_face_suffix = suffix
      @face_suffix[i] = suffix
      @face_time[i] = Complex_Face_Change
    # Return if no face suffix
    if @face_time[i] == nil
      @face_suffix[i] = nil
    # If time is greater than 0
    if @face_time[i] > 0
      # Subtract time
      @face_time[i] -= 1
    # Return if suffix is dead or crisis
    return if [Complex_Faces['crisis'], 
    # Clear suffix
    new_actor.kh_face_suffix = ''
    @face_suffix[i] = nil
    @face_time[i] = nil
  # * Clear Main
  def clear_main
    # Get rect
    rx = Main_Center_X - Main_HP_Tail_Length - Main_HP_Border_Width
    ry = Main_Center_Y - Main_HP_Max_Radius - Main_HP_Border_Width
    rw = Main_Center_X + Main_HP_Max_Radius + Main_HP_Border_Width - rx
    rh = Main_HP_Max_Radius * 2 + Main_HP_Border_Width * 2
    rect = Rect.new(rx, ry, rw, rh)
    # Clear area
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.clear)
    # Draw background
    if Background_Image != nil
      # Draw background
      b = Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD.background
      self.contents.blt(rx, ry, b, rect)
  # * Draw Background
  def draw_main_background
    # Draw arc region
    self.contents.draw_cw_arc_region(Main_Center_X, Main_Center_Y, 
      Main_HP_Min_Radius - Main_HP_Border_Width, Main_HP_Max_Radius + 
      Main_HP_Border_Width, 180, 270, 1, 1, Main_HP_Background)
    # Draws corner border
    ox = Main_Center_X - Main_HP_Max_Radius - Main_HP_Border_Width
    oy = Main_Center_Y
    ow = (Main_HP_Max_Radius - Main_HP_Min_Radius) + Main_HP_Border_Width * 2
    oh = Main_HP_Border_Width
    self.contents.fill_rect(ox, oy, ow, oh, Main_HP_Background)
    # Get HP tail dimensions
    ox = Main_Center_X - Main_HP_Tail_Length - Main_HP_Border_Width
    oy = Main_Center_Y + Main_HP_Min_Radius - Main_HP_Border_Width
    ow = Main_HP_Tail_Length + Main_HP_Border_Width
    oh = Main_HP_Max_Radius - Main_HP_Min_Radius + Main_HP_Border_Width * 2
    # Draw bar
    self.contents.fill_rect(ox, oy, ow, oh, Main_HP_Background)
  # * Draw Main HP
  def draw_main_hp_bar
    # Get current and max values
    cur, max = @actors[0].hp, @actors[0].maxhp
    # Adjust for arc region
    max = Integer(max * HP_Arc_Percent)
    cur = [max, cur].min
    # Gets center and radi
    cx, cy = Main_Center_X, Main_Center_Y
    mnr, mxr = Main_HP_Min_Radius, Main_HP_Max_Radius
    # Draw Arc Region
    if Main_HP_Color2 == nil
      self.contents.draw_cw_arc_region(cx, cy, mnr, mxr, 180, 270, cur, max, 
      self.contents.draw_cw_grad_arc_region(cx, cy, mnr, mxr, 180, 270, cur, 
        max, Main_HP_Color, HP_Arc_Color)
    # Gets max subtraction
    max_sub = Integer(@actors[0].maxhp * HP_Arc_Percent)
    # Get new cur & max
    cur, max = @actors[0].hp, @actors[0].maxhp
    cur -= max_sub ; max -= max_sub
    # Return if cur < 0
    return unless cur > 0
    # Get HP tail dimensions
    ox = Main_Center_X - Main_HP_Tail_Length
    oy = Main_Center_Y + Main_HP_Min_Radius
    ow = Main_HP_Tail_Length
    oh = Main_HP_Max_Radius - Main_HP_Min_Radius
    # Draw reverse bar
    if Main_HP_Color2 == nil
      self.contents.draw_rev_bar(ox, oy, ow, oh, cur, max, Main_HP_Color)
      self.contents.draw_rev_grad_bar(ox, oy - 1, ow, oh + 2, cur, max, 
        HP_Arc_Color, Main_HP_Color2)
  # * Draw Main SP
  def draw_main_sp_bar
    # If draw background
    if Draw_Background
      # Get SP tail dimensions
      ox = Main_Center_X - Main_HP_Tail_Length - Main_HP_Border_Width
      oy = Main_Center_Y + Main_HP_Min_Radius - Main_HP_Border_Width
      oy -= Main_SP_Height - Main_SP_Overlap
      ow = Main_SP_Length + Main_SP_Border_Width * 2
      oh = Main_SP_Height + Main_SP_Border_Width * 2
      # Draw border
      self.contents.fill_rect(ox, oy, ow, oh, Main_SP_Backgorund)
      # Get gradient dimensions
      ox += Main_SP_Border_Width
      oy += Main_SP_Border_Width
      # Draw reverse bar
      if Main_SP_Color2 == nil
        self.contents.draw_rev_bar(ox, oy, Main_SP_Length, Main_SP_Height, 
          @actors[0].sp, @actors[0].maxsp, Main_SP_Color)
        self.contents.draw_rev_grad_bar(ox, oy, Main_SP_Length, Main_SP_Height, 
          @actors[0].sp, @actors[0].maxsp, Main_SP_Color, Main_SP_Color2)
    # If draw sp background
    elsif Draw_SP_Background
      # Get SP tail dimensions
      ox = Main_Center_X - Main_HP_Tail_Length
      oy = Main_Center_Y + Main_HP_Min_Radius - Main_SP_Height + Main_SP_Overlap
      ow = Main_SP_Length
      oh = Main_SP_Height
      # Draw border
      self.contents.fill_rect(ox, oy, ow, oh, Main_SP_Backgorund)
      # Offset border
      ox += Main_SP_Border_Width ; oy += Main_SP_Border_Width
      ow -= Main_SP_Border_Width * 2; oh -= Main_SP_Border_Width * 2
      # Draw reverse bar
      if Main_SP_Color2 == nil
        self.contents.draw_rev_bar(ox, oy, ow, oh, 
          @actors[0].sp, @actors[0].maxsp, Main_SP_Color)
        self.contents.draw_rev_grad_bar(ox, oy, ow, oh, 
          @actors[0].sp, @actors[0].maxsp, Main_SP_Color, Main_SP_Color2)
      # Get SP tail dimensions
      ox = Main_Center_X - Main_HP_Tail_Length
      oy = Main_Center_Y + Main_HP_Min_Radius - Main_SP_Height + Main_SP_Overlap
      # Draw reverse bar
      if Main_SP_Color2 == nil
        self.contents.draw_rev_bar(ox, oy, Main_HP_Tail_Length, Main_SP_Height, 
          @actors[0].sp, @actors[0].maxsp, Main_SP_Color)
        self.contents.draw_rev_grad_bar(ox, oy, Main_HP_Tail_Length, 
          Main_SP_Height, @actors[0].sp, @actors[0].maxsp, Main_SP_Color, 
    # Get rect
    rx = Main_Center_X - Main_HP_Tail_Length - Main_HP_Border_Width
    ry = Main_Center_Y - Main_HP_Max_Radius - Main_HP_Border_Width
    rw = Main_Center_X + Main_HP_Max_Radius + Main_HP_Border_Width - rx
    rh = Main_HP_Max_Radius * 2 + Main_HP_Border_Width * 2
    rect = Rect.new(rx, ry, rw, rh)
    # Draw Cover
    if Cover_Image != nil
      # Draw cover
      b = Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD.cover
      self.contents.blt(rx, ry, b, rect)
  # * Draw Main Face
  def draw_main_face
    # Gets bitmap
    bitmap = Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD.face(@actors[0])
    # Draws face
    self.contents.stretch_blt(Main_Face_Rect, bitmap, bitmap.rect)
  # * Sub Center Y
  def sub_center_y(i)
    y = Sub_Center_Y
    y -= Sub_Center_Diff * (i - 1)
  # * Clear Sub
  def clear_sub(i)
    # Get rect
    rx = Sub_Center_X - Sub_Max_Radius - Sub_Border_Width
    ry = sub_center_y(i) - Sub_Max_Radius - Sub_Border_Width
    rw = rh = Sub_Max_Radius * 2 + Sub_Border_Width + 2
    rect = Rect.new(rx, ry, rw, rh)
    # Clear area
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.clear)
    # Draw background
    if Background_Image != nil
      # Draw background
      b = Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD.background
      self.contents.blt(rx, ry, b, rect)
  # * Draw Sub Background
  def draw_sub_background(i)
    # Gets center
    cx, cy = Sub_Center_X, sub_center_y(i)
    # Draw outer circle
    self.contents.draw_circle(cx, cy, Sub_Max_Radius + Sub_Border_Width, 
    # Clear inner circle
    self.contents.draw_circle(cx, cy, Sub_Min_Radius - Sub_Border_Width, 
  # * Draw Sub HP Bar
  def draw_sub_hp_bar(i)
    # Get actor
    a = @actors[i]
    # Gets center
    cx, cy = Sub_Center_X, sub_center_y(i)
    # Draw arc region
    if Sub_HP_Color2 == nil
      self.contents.draw_cw_arc_region(cx, cy, Sub_Min_Radius, Sub_Max_Radius,
        268, 92, a.hp, a.maxhp, Sub_HP_Color)
      self.contents.draw_cw_grad_arc_region(cx, cy, Sub_Min_Radius, 
        Sub_Max_Radius, 268, 92, a.hp, a.maxhp, Sub_HP_Color, Sub_HP_Color2)
  # * Draw Sub SP Bar
  def draw_sub_sp_bar(i)
    # Get actor
    a = @actors[i]
    # Gets center
    cx, cy = Sub_Center_X, sub_center_y(i)
    # Draw arc region
    if Sub_SP_Color2
      self.contents.draw_ccw_arc_region(cx, cy, Sub_Min_Radius, Sub_Max_Radius,
        272, 88, a.sp, a.maxsp, Sub_SP_Color)
      self.contents.draw_ccw_grad_arc_region(cx, cy, Sub_Min_Radius, 
        Sub_Max_Radius, 272, 88, a.sp, a.maxsp, Sub_SP_Color, Sub_SP_Color2)
  # * Draw Sub Face
  def draw_sub_face(i)
    # Gets dest rect
    dx = Sub_Face_Rect.x
    dy = Sub_Face_Rect.y - Sub_Center_Diff * (i - 1)
    dest_rect = Rect.new(dx, dy, Sub_Face_Rect.width, Sub_Face_Rect.height)
    # Gets bitmap
    bitmap = Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD.face(@actors[i])
    # Draws face
    self.contents.stretch_blt(dest_rect, bitmap, bitmap.rect)
    # Get rect
    rx = Sub_Center_X - Sub_Max_Radius - Sub_Border_Width
    ry = sub_center_y(i) - Sub_Max_Radius - Sub_Border_Width
    rw = rh = Sub_Max_Radius * 2 + Sub_Border_Width + 2
    rect = Rect.new(rx, ry, rw, rh)
    # Draw cover
    if Cover_Image != nil
      # Draw cover
      b = Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD.cover
      self.contents.blt(rx, ry, b, rect)
  # * Actor Changed?
  def actor_changed?(a1, a2)
    return true unless a2.is_a?(Game_Actor)
    return a1.hp != a2.hp || a1.maxhp != a2.maxhp ||
           a1.sp != a2.sp || a1.maxsp != a2.maxsp ||
           a1.kh_face != a2.kh_face ||
           a1.character_hue != a2.character_hue

# ** Scene_Map

class Scene_Map
  # * Main Window
  if Object.const_defined?(:SDK)
    alias_method :seph_kh2hud_mw, :main_window
    def main_window
      @hud = Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD::Window_HUD.new
    alias_method :seph_kh2hud_m, :main
    def main
      @hud = Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD::Window_HUD.new

# ** Bitmap

class Bitmap
  # * Draw Clockwise Circular Arc Region
  def draw_cw_arc_region(x, y, min_rad, max_rad, s_angle, e_angle, 
                         cur_v, max_v, color = Color.red)
    # Calculate Inner Regions
    inner_region = {}
    for i in 0..min_rad
      y_ = Integer((min_rad ** 2 - i ** 2) ** 0.5)
      inner_region[x + i] = y_
      inner_region[x - i] = y_
    # Make Degrees between 0 - 360
    s_angle %= 360 ; e_angle %= 360
    # Make s_angle Greater than e_angle
    s_angle += 360 if  s_angle < e_angle
    # Calculate Difference
    diff = s_angle - e_angle
    # Get Percent Difference
    p_diff = Integer(diff * cur_v / max_v.to_f)
    # Modify e_angle with percent Diffence
    e_angle = s_angle - p_diff
    # Pass from left to right
    for i in (x - max_rad)..(x + max_rad)
      # Get Y max at that pixel
      y_max = Integer((max_rad ** 2 - (x - i).abs ** 2) ** 0.5)
      # Pass from top to bottom
      for j in (y - y_max)..(y + y_max)
        # If Inner region has key
        if inner_region.has_key?(i)
          # Get Inner Value
          inner = inner_region[i]
          # Skip if Between inner region limits
          next if j.between?(y - inner, y + inner)
        # Gets Angle of pixel from center
        a = Math.atan2((j - y).abs, (i - x).abs.to_f) * 180 / Math::PI
        # Get 360 Degree Angle
        if (i - x) > 0
          a = 360 - a if (j - y) > 0
          a = 180 + ((j - y) > 0 ? a : -a)
        # Set Pixel if Between Angles
        if Math.cw_between_angles?(a, s_angle, e_angle)
          set_pixel(i, j, color)
  # * Draw Counter-Clockwise Circular Arc Region
  def draw_ccw_arc_region(x, y, min_rad, max_rad, s_angle, e_angle, 
                          cur_v, max_v, color = Color.red)
    # Make Degrees between 0 - 360
    s_angle %= 360 ; e_angle %= 360
    # Make e_angle Greater than s_angle
    e_angle += 360 if e_angle < s_angle
    # Calculate Difference
    diff = e_angle - s_angle
    # Get Percent Difference
    p_diff = Integer(diff * cur_v / max_v.to_f)
    # Modify e_angle with percent Diffence
    e_angle = s_angle + p_diff
    # Draw CW Arc Region
    draw_cw_arc_region(x, y, min_rad, max_rad, e_angle, s_angle, 1, 1, color)
  # * Draw Clockwise Gradient Circular Arc Region
  def draw_cw_grad_arc_region(x, y, min_rad, max_rad, s_angle, e_angle, 
                              cur_v, max_v, s_color = Color.red, 
                              e_color = Color.blue)
    # Calculate Inner Regions
    inner_region = {}
    for i in 0..min_rad
      y_ = Integer((min_rad ** 2 - i ** 2) ** 0.5)
      inner_region[x + i] = y_
      inner_region[x - i] = y_
    # Make Degrees between 0 - 360
    s_angle %= 360 ; e_angle %= 360
    # Make s_angle Greater than e_angle
    s_angle += 360 if  s_angle < e_angle
    # Calculate Difference
    diff = s_angle - e_angle
    # Get Percent Difference
    p_diff = Integer(diff * cur_v / max_v.to_f)
    # Modify e_angle with percent Diffence
    e_angle = s_angle - p_diff
    # Pass from left to right
    for i in (x - max_rad)..(x + max_rad)
      # Get Y max at that pixel
      y_max = Integer((max_rad ** 2 - (x - i).abs ** 2) ** 0.5)
      # Pass from top to bottom
      for j in (y - y_max)..(y + y_max)
        # If Inner region has key
        if inner_region.has_key?(i)
          # Get Inner Value
          inner = inner_region[i]
          # Skip if Between inner region limits
          next if j.between?(y - inner, y + inner)
        # Gets Angle of pixel from center
        a = Math.atan2((j - y).abs, (i - x).abs.to_f) * 180 / Math::PI
        # Get 360 Degree Angle
        if (i - x) > 0
          a = 360 - a if (j - y) > 0
          a = 180 + ((j - y) > 0 ? a : -a)
        # If Between Angles
        if Math.cw_between_angles?(a, s_angle, e_angle)
          # Get Color Value
          per = Math.cw_percent_between_angles(a, s_angle, s_angle - diff)
          color = Color.color_between(e_color, s_color, per)
          # Set Pixel
          set_pixel(i, j, color)
  # * Draw Counter-Clockwise Gradient Circular Arc Region
  def draw_ccw_grad_arc_region(x, y, min_rad, max_rad, s_angle, e_angle, 
                               cur_v, max_v, s_color = Color.red, 
                               e_color = Color.blue)
    # Make Degrees between 0 - 360
    s_angle %= 360 ; e_angle %= 360
    # Make e_angle Greater than s_angle
    e_angle += 360 if e_angle < s_angle
    # Calculate Difference
    diff = e_angle - s_angle
    # Get Percent Difference
    p_diff = Integer(diff * cur_v / max_v.to_f)
    # Modify e_angle with percent Diffence
    e_angle2 = s_angle + p_diff
    # Modify colors
    per = Math.ccw_percent_between_angles(e_angle2, s_angle, e_angle)
    sc = Color.color_between(s_color, e_color, per)
    ec = s_color
    # Draw CW Grad Arc Region
    draw_cw_grad_arc_region(x, y, min_rad, max_rad, e_angle2, s_angle, 1, 1, 
      sc, ec)
  # * Draw Reverse Bar
  def draw_rev_bar(x, y, width, height, cur, max, color = Color.red)
    bar_width = Integer((cur / max.to_f) * width)
    self.fill_rect(x + width - bar_width, y, bar_width, height, color)
  # * Draw Reverse Gradient Bar
  def draw_rev_grad_bar(x, y, width, height, cur, max, s_color = Color.red, 
                               e_color = Color.blue)
    for i in 0...((cur / max.to_f) * width)
      c = Color.color_between(s_color, e_color, (i / width.to_f))
      self.fill_rect(x + width - 1 - i, y + 1, 1, height - 2, c)

# * End SDK Enable Test


See script heading


Should be compatible with anything. It doesn't require the SDK.

Terms and Conditions

Copyright © 2007 SephirothSpawn (Timothy Hoffman)
Free for non-commercial use.
40 USD commercial license. Contact via. SephirothSpawn@hotmail.com

Any modifications to the system are not to be re-distributed without my consent.

Author's Notes

You may customize and of the constants, just be sure you know what you are doing.

:eek: Pretty awesome that you decided to do this Seph! I dunno if I'll personally use it but I know a ton of people have been wanting this for a long ass time.
Though I can't seem to get any of your screens, the script, or the demo to load =/
The Panda":3ra7qfhp said:
:eek: Pretty awesome that you decided to do this Seph! I dunno if I'll personally use it but I know a ton of people have been wanting this for a long ass time.
Though I can't seem to get any of your screens, the script, or the demo to load =/

Same here. the links used to lead me to a wikipedia article about HTTP, but now it doesn't.
Thanks Seph Thats Going Great

One Question Does the health bar grow when your hP is Upgraded?

Problem? = When i start my game with the script with all the dependencies the images on the screen flicker
Just tried it and it's pretty awesome Seph ^_^
Now all's we need is for someone to make an ABS with that little window thingy in the corner and we might just get all them KH fans around here to asplode with happiness(and then we won't have to deal with the constant crappy fan games! Cuz..ya know..they'd be all asploded and such >.>)
Auto-start what?

I really only did this to challenge some math abilities. My girlfriend brought over her calculus homework, a class I took like 6-7 years ago, and I had to refresh the chapter. I felt like saying "when they start putting letters in it?"

Well, I did have an old KH battle system actually. It's not that hard to make really. I might just pull it and put it out with this thing.
SephirothSpawn":2p8yy59v said:
Well, I did have an old KH battle system actually. It's not that hard to make really. I might just pull it and put it out with this thing.

Please do, Seph; if only to stop the excessive requests for one. :x
Atemu":2q52kfhj said:
SephirothSpawn":2q52kfhj said:
Well, I did have an old KH battle system actually. It's not that hard to make really. I might just pull it and put it out with this thing.

Please do, Seph; if only to stop the excessive requests for one. :x
Yes Please
Lol either way there is a bit of an error. Well its not really an error but if the main actor dies then he just disappears and well the others are left in oblivion out of nowhere.

But I would be curious to see that battle system as well as it could help stop the requests.

What else?

Is there a way to get rid of the HP down text?

I haven't read the script yet. So sue me or whatever. I'm tired its late. I'm posting this.


good work nonetheless. :thumb:

EDIT: Nevermind. I see it now. My bad. Read the script. Blah.

But why does this have the SDk and check for it if its not required?  :huh:
Yeah but that really has nothing to do with the script.

Tomorrow I will dig up the old ABS, clean it up and stuff and post it. It'll be worth a few laughs. In the ABS it will fix the disappearing actor (or go to gameover, the user decides). The HP down text is just an image actually. You can disable all the images. I guess when I add the customizable tail lengths, I'll add something where you can turn off the optional image chances.

Oh yeah. Kingdom Hearts Starter Kit. :p
Lol yeah I noticed that they were images after I looked at the script. :D

My mistake.

But yeah that sounds interesting. I want to see it.

Because an ABS is an ABS. Be it Mo's, Behemoths, Prexus, yours, etc.

But you're going to release it as a joke eh?

Nothing serious. :[

I'm an ABS fanatic sorry.
It doesn't require the SDK. I am working with my scripts now to not require SDK as much. More work for me, but then I don't have to hear people whine so much. I actually think this does require the SDK, because I never update or dispose the HUD. I'll have to fix that too tomorrow.

Well it will be a joke because I am not re-doing an entire ABS I modified 2+ years ago. It was actually just a MOD of Near's SBABS and I added the Kingdom Hearts command window and a few other things. So you'll be seeing a script from 2 years, beefed up. I will probably improve the system to be totally 40% more functional, but I just don't have the time to go in-depth.

I have a serious ABS, but it is my baby. This community is not even ready for it yet. ;)
SephirothSpawn":wojjnu3i said:
I have a serious ABS, but it is my baby. This community is not even ready for it yet. ;)

Dammit. :( but at least ummm animations?

Maybe not.

Beggars can't be choosers. We'll see how this goes!

Yep. I had to de-rail, to make a adv. movement system, for shits and giggles, that also adds the dash/sneak bars to this HUD. This both are un-official releases. I will post both tomorrow.

# ** Advance Movement System
# SephirothSpawn
# Version 2
# 2008-09-18
# Version History:
#  Version 1.0 ------------------------------------------------- (2006-04-24)
#  Version 2.0 ------------------------------------------------- (2008-09-18)
#   - Update: Updated entire system

# ** Advanced_Movement_System

module Advanced_Movement_System
  # * Keyboard Input Keys
  Button_Sneak = Keyboard::Letters['F']
  Button_Dash  = Keyboard::Letters['G']
  Button_Jump  = Keyboard::Letters['H']
  # * Speeds
  Speed_Sneak = 3
  Speed_Walk  = 4
  Speed_Dash  = 5
  # * Jump Distances
  Jump_Distance_Sneaking = 2
  Jump_Distance_Walking  = 2
  Jump_Distance_Dashing  = 3
  # * Count, Cost & Recover
  #   Count:   Number of frame points for action (nil for unlimited)
  #   Recover: Number of frames to restore count point
  Count_Sneak   = 200
  Count_Dash    = 200
  Recover_Sneak = 10
  Recover_Dash  = 10
  # * Animation Suffix
  #   Base + iso + jump + sneak/dash
  Animation_Suffix_Sneak  = '_sneak'
  Animation_Suffix_Dash   = '_dash'
  Animation_Suffix_Jump   = '_jump'
  Animation_Suffix_Iso    = '_iso'
  Animation_Suffix_Stand  = '_stand'
  # * Default Enable Settings
  Enable_Sneak      = true
  Enable_Dash       = true
  Enable_Jump       = true
  Enable_Isometric  = true
  Enable_Anim_Sneak = false
  Enable_Anim_Dash  = false
  Enable_Anim_Jump  = false
  Enable_Anim_Iso   = false
  Enable_Anim_Stand = false

# ** Game_Player

class Game_Player
  # * Include Advanced Movement System
  include Advanced_Movement_System
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader   :sneak_count
  attr_reader   :dash_count
  attr_accessor :sneak_count_bonus
  attr_accessor :dash_count_bonus
  attr_accessor :enable_sneaking
  attr_accessor :enable_dashing
  attr_accessor :enable_jumping
  attr_accessor :enable_isometric
  attr_accessor :enable_sneaking_animation
  attr_accessor :enable_dashing_animation
  attr_accessor :enable_jumping_animation
  attr_accessor :enable_isometric_animation
  attr_accessor :enable_standing_animation
  # * Alias Listings
  alias_method :seph_advplyrmvt_gmplyr_init,      :initialize
  alias_method :seph_advplyrmvt_gmplyr_update,    :update
  alias_method :seph_advplyrmvt_gmplyr_cn,        :character_name
  alias_method :seph_advplyrmvt_gmplyr_mrand,     :move_random
  alias_method :seph_advplyrmvt_gmplyr_mf,        :move_forward
  alias_method :seph_advplyrmvt_gmplyr_mb,        :move_backward
  alias_method :seph_advplyrmvt_gmplyr_cett,      :check_event_trigger_there
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Original Initialization
    # Enable settings
    @enable_sneaking  = Enable_Sneak
    @enable_dashing   = Enable_Dash
    @enable_jumping   = Enable_Jump
    @enable_isometric = Enable_Isometric
    # Enable animations
    @enable_sneaking_animation  = Enable_Anim_Sneak
    @enable_dashing_animation   = Enable_Anim_Dash
    @enable_jumping_animation   = Enable_Anim_Jump
    @enable_isometric_animation = Enable_Anim_Iso
    @enable_standing_animation  = Enable_Anim_Stand
    # Sneak & dash bonuses
    @sneak_count_bonus, @dash_count_bonus = 0, 0
    # Sets sneak and dash count
    @sneak_count = max_sneak_count
    @dash_count  = max_dash_count
    # Sneaking & Dashing
    @sneaking, @dashing = false, false
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Update sneak if sneak enabled and not dashing
    update_sneaking if @enable_sneaking && !@dashing
    # Update dash if dash enabled and not sneaking
    update_dashing if @enable_dashing && !@sneaking
    # Update Walking
    update_walking unless @sneaking || @dashing
    # Update jump if jumping enabled
    update_jumping if @enable_jumping
    # Update Isometric movement
    update_isometric_movement unless self.methods.include?('update_player_movement')
    # Update Isometric Movespeed
    # Original Update Player Movement
  # * Character Name
  def character_name
    # Get Base
    base = seph_advplyrmvt_gmplyr_cn.dup
    # Add Iso if isometric enable
    base += Animation_Suffix_Iso if @enable_isometric_animation
    # Add jump suffix
    base += Animation_Suffix_Jump if jumping? && @enable_jumping_animation
    # Add sneaking suffix
    base += Animation_Suffix_Sneak if sneaking? && @enable_sneaking_animation
    # Add dash suffix
    base += Animation_Suffix_Dash if dashing? && @enable_dashing_animation
    # Add stand animation
    base += Animation_Suffix_Stand if (!moving?) && @enable_standing_animation
    # Return base
    return base
  # * Frame Update: Sneaking
  def update_sneaking
    # If sneak button is pressed
    if Keyboard.pressed?(Button_Sneak) && moving?
      # If infinte sneak or positive count
      if Count_Sneak == nil || @sneak_count > 0
        # Decrease sneak count
        @sneak_count -= 1
        # Turn sneaking on
        @sneaking = true
        # Adjust move speed
        @move_speed = Speed_Sneak
    # Turn sneaking off
    @sneaking = false
    # Restore sneak count
    if Graphics.frame_count % Recover_Sneak == 0
      # Increase sneak count
      @sneak_count += 1 if @sneak_count < max_sneak_count
  # * Frame Update: Dashing
  def update_dashing
    # If dash button is pressed
    if Keyboard.pressed?(Button_Dash) && moving?
      # If infinte dash or positive count
      if Count_Dash == nil || @dash_count > 0
        # Decrease dash count
        @dash_count -= 1
        # Turn dashing on
        @dashing = true
        # Adjust move speed
        @move_speed = Speed_Dash
    # Turn dashing off
    @dashing = false
    # Restore dash count
    if Graphics.frame_count % Recover_Dash == 0
      # Increase dash count
      @dash_count += 1 if @dash_count < max_dash_count
  # * Frame Update : Walking
  def update_walking
    # Reset Move Speed (Walking)
    @move_speed = Speed_Walk
  # * Frame Update : Jumping
  def update_jumping
    # If jump button is pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Button_Jump)
      # Gets distance
      dist = @sneaking ? Jump_Distance_Sneaking : @dashing ? 
        Jump_Distance_Dashing : Jump_Distance_Walking
      # Case direciton
      case @direction
      when 2 ; jump(0, dist)
      when 4 ; jump(- dist, 0)
      when 6 ; jump(dist, 0)
      when 8 ; jump(0, - dist)
      when 10 ; jump(- dist, dist)
      when 12 ; jump(dist, dist)
      when 14 ; jump(- dist, - dist)
      when 16 ; jump(dist, - dist)
  # * Frame Update: Player Movement
  if method_defined?(:update_player_movement)
    alias_method :seph_advmvtsys_gmply_upm, :update_player_movement
    def update_player_movement
      seph_advmvtsys_gmply_upm if update_plyrmvttest?
  # * Frame Update: Isometric Movement
  def update_isometric_movement
    # If Isometic Enabled
    if @enable_isometric
      # Branch Point By Input
      case Input.dir8
      when 1 ; move_lower_left
      when 3 ; move_lower_right
      when 7 ; move_upper_left
      when 9 ; move_upper_right
  # * Frame Update: Isometric Movement Speed
  def update_isometric_movespeed
    if moving? && [10, 12, 14, 16].include?(@direction)
      @move_speed *= 1 / Math.sqrt(2)
  # * Max Sneak Count
  def max_sneak_count
    return Count_Sneak == nil ? nil : Count_Sneak + @sneak_count_bonus
  # * Max Dash Count
  def max_dash_count
    return Count_Dash == nil ? nil : Count_Dash + @dash_count_bonus
  # * Diagonal Movement Methods
  d = {'move_lower_left' => 10, 'move_lower_right' => 12, 
       'move_upper_left' => 14, 'move_upper_right' => 14}
  for m in d.keys
    s  = "alias_method :seph_advmvtsys_gmplyr_#{m}, :#{m};"
    s += "def #{m};"
    s += "  seph_advmvtsys_gmplyr_#{m};"
    s += "  @direction = #{d[m]};"
    s += "end"
    eval s
  # * Move at Random
  def move_random
    # Isometric movement
    if @enable_isometric
      case rand(8)
      when 0 ; move_lower_left
      when 1 ; move_lower_right
      when 2 ; move_upper_left
      when 3 ; move_upper_right
    # Original random move
  # * 1 Step Forward
  def move_forward
    # Isometric movement
    if @enable_isometric
      case @direction
      when 10 ; move_lower_left
      when 12 ; move_lower_right
      when 14 ; move_upper_left
      when 16 ; move_upper_right
    # Original move forward
  # * 1 Step Backward
  def move_backward
    # Remember direction fix situation
    last_direction_fix = @direction_fix
    # Isometric movement
    if @enable_isometric
      case @direction
      when 10 ; move_upper_right
      when 12 ; move_upper_left
      when 14 ; move_lower_right
      when 16 ; move_lower_left
    # Original move backward
    # Return direction fix situation back to normal
    @direction_fix = last_direction_fix
  # * Front Event Starting Determinant
  def check_event_trigger_there(triggers)
    # If isometric enables and direction is isometric
    if @enable_isometric && [10, 12, 14, 16].include?(@direction)
      # Check event trigger there isometric
    # Original check event trigger there
  # * Front Envent Starting Determinant (Isometric)
  def check_event_trigger_there_iso(triggers)
    result = false
    # If event is running
    return result if $game_system.map_interpreter.running?
    # Get position
    new_x = @x + ([12, 16].include?(@direction) ? 1 : -1)
    new_y = @y + ([10, 12].include?(@direction) ? 1 : -1)
    # All event loops
    for event in $game_map.events.values
      # If event coordinates and triggers are consistent
      if event.x == new_x and event.y == new_y and
        # If starting determinant is front event (other than jumping)
        if not event.jumping? and not event.over_trigger?
          result = true
    # If fitting event is not found
    if result == false
      # If front tile is a counter
      if $game_map.counter?(new_x, new_y)
        # Calculate 1 tile inside coordinates
        new_x += ([12, 16].include?(@direction) ? 1 : -1)
        new_y += ([10, 12].include?(@direction) ? 1 : -1)
        # All event loops
        for event in $game_map.events.values
          # If event coordinates and triggers are consistent
          if event.x == new_x and event.y == new_y and
            # If starting determinant is front event (other than jumping)
            if not event.jumping? and not event.over_trigger?
              result = true
    return result
  # * Sneaking?
  def sneaking?   ; return @sneaking  ; end
  # * Dashing?
  def dashing?   ; return @dashing    ; end

# ** Sprite_Character

class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If tile ID, file name, or hue are different from current ones
    if @tile_id != @character.tile_id or
       @character_name != @character.character_name or
       @character_hue != @character.character_hue
      # Remember tile ID, file name, and hue
      @tile_id = @character.tile_id
      @character_name = @character.character_name
      @character_hue = @character.character_hue
      # If tile ID value is valid
      if @tile_id >= 384
        self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name,
          @tile_id, @character.character_hue)
        self.src_rect.set(0, 0, 32, 32)
        self.ox = 16
        self.oy = 32
      # If tile ID value is invalid
        self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@character.character_name,
        @cw = bitmap.width / 4
        if @character.is_a?(Game_Player) && 
          @ch = bitmap.height / 8
          @ch = bitmap.height / 4
        self.ox = @cw / 2
        self.oy = @ch
    # Set visible situation
    self.visible = (not @character.transparent)
    # If graphic is character
    if @tile_id == 0
      # If player and no isometric animation
      if @character.is_a?(Game_Player)&& 
         @character.enable_isometric_animation == false
        # Set rectangular transfer
        sx = @character.pattern * @cw
        d = @character.direction
        d = 2 if d == 10 || d == 12
        d = 8 if d == 14 || d == 16
        sy = (d - 2) / 2 * @ch
        self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)
        # Set rectangular transfer
        sx = @character.pattern * @cw
        sy = (@character.direction - 2) / 2 * @ch
        self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)
    # Set sprite coordinates
    self.x = @character.screen_x
    self.y = @character.screen_y
    self.z = @character.screen_z(@ch)
    # Set opacity level, blend method, and bush depth
    self.opacity = @character.opacity
    self.blend_type = @character.blend_type
    self.bush_depth = @character.bush_depth
    # Animation
    if @character.animation_id != 0
      animation = $data_animations[@character.animation_id]
      animation(animation, true)
      @character.animation_id = 0

# ** Kingdom Hearts II HUD (Advance Movement System Addition)
# SephirothSpawn
# Version 1.0
# 2008-09-18
# * Description:
#   This script was designed to add sneak and dash bars to the KH II HUD.
# * Instructions:
#   Place the script below the Kingdom Hearts II HUD.
# * Requirements:
#   Method and Class Library 2.3+
# * Terms & Conditions:
#   Copyright (C) 2007 SephirothSpawn (Timothy Hoffman)
#   Free for non-commercial use.
#   Free with Kingdom Hearts II HUD lincense.
#   Any modifications to the system are not to be re-distributed without my
#   consent.

# ** SDK Log

if Object.const_defined?(:SDK)
  SDK.log('Kingdom Hearts II HUD + AMS', 'SephirothSpawn', 1.0, '2008-09-18')

# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if Object.const_defined?(:SDK) == false || 
   SDK.enabled?('Kingdom Hearts II HUD + AMS')
# ** Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD

module Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD
  # * Main HUD Preferences
  Sneak_Rect              = Rect.new(48, 480 - 32, 160, 12)
  Dash_Rect               = Rect.new(32, 480 - 38, 160, 12)
  Sneak_Border_Width      = 2
  Dash_Border_Width       = 2
  Sneak_Background_Color  = Main_HP_Background
  Dash_Background_Color   = Main_HP_Background
  Sneak_Color             = Color.red
  Sneak_Color2            = Color.purple
  Dash_Color              = Color.yellow
  Dash_Color2             = Color.orange
  Redraw_Frames           = 10

# ** Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD::Window_HUD

class Kingdom_Hearts_2_HUD::Window_HUD < Window_Base
  # * Alias Listings
  alias_method :seph_dashsneakbars_update, :update
  # * Draw Main SP
  def update
    # Original Draw Sp Bar
    # If update sneak_n_dash
    return unless update_sneak_n_dash
    # If draw background
    if Draw_Background
      # Get sneak backgroud position
      ox = Sneak_Rect.x - Sneak_Border_Width
      oy = Sneak_Rect.y - Sneak_Border_Width
      ow = Sneak_Rect.width + Sneak_Border_Width + Sneak_Border_Width
      oh = Sneak_Rect.height + Sneak_Border_Width + Sneak_Border_Width
      # Draw background
      self.contents.fill_rect(ox, oy, ow, oh, Sneak_Background_Color)
      # Get dash backgroud position
      ox = Dash_Rect.x - Dash_Border_Width
      oy = Dash_Rect.y - Dash_Border_Width
      ow = Dash_Rect.width + Dash_Border_Width + Dash_Border_Width
      oh = Dash_Rect.height + Dash_Border_Width + Dash_Border_Width
      # Draw background
      self.contents.fill_rect(ox, oy, ow, oh, Dash_Background_Color)
    # Get sneak position
    ox, oy = Sneak_Rect.x, Sneak_Rect.y
    ow, oh = Sneak_Rect.width, Sneak_Rect.height
    # Gets current and max
    if Advanced_Movement_System::Count_Sneak == nil
      cur, max = 1, 1
      cur, max = $game_player.sneak_count, $game_player.max_sneak_count
    # Draw sneak reverse bar
    if Sneak_Color2 == nil
      self.contents.draw_rev_bar(ox, oy, ow, oh, cur, max, Sneak_Color)
      self.contents.draw_rev_grad_bar(ox, oy, ow, oh, cur, max, 
        Sneak_Color, Sneak_Color2)
    # Get dash position
    ox, oy = Dash_Rect.x, Dash_Rect.y
    ow, oh = Dash_Rect.width, Dash_Rect.height
    # Gets current and max
    if Advanced_Movement_System::Count_Dash == nil
      cur, max = 1, 1
      cur, max = $game_player.dash_count, $game_player.max_dash_count
    # Draw dash reverse bar
    if Dash_Color2 == nil
      self.contents.draw_rev_bar(ox, oy, ow, oh, cur, max, Dash_Color)
      self.contents.draw_rev_grad_bar(ox, oy, ow, oh, cur, max, 
        Dash_Color, Dash_Color2)
  # * Update Dash N Sneak
  def update_sneak_n_dash
    # Return true if hasn't been drawn yet
    if @draw_dash_n_sneak == nil
      @draw_dash_n_sneak = true
      return true
    # Return false if not redraw frame
    return false unless Graphics.frame_count % Redraw_Frames == 0
    # Return true if sneaking
    if Advanced_Movement_System::Count_Sneak != nil || 
       Advanced_Movement_System::Count_Dash != nil
      # If current count is different
      if @draw_sneak_count != $game_player.sneak_count ||
         @draw_dash_count != $game_player.dash_count
        @draw_sneak_count = $game_player.sneak_count
        @draw_dash_count = $game_player.dash_count
        return true
    # Return false
    return false

# * End SDK Enable Test

I'll probably have them all done next week sometime.

@.::Makasu::.  : Maybe in a few months I might release some pictures and such. ;)

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