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Kingdom Hearts Advance

I'm glad to here from your request that you found a way to do the battle system in events again, it looks really nice. It proves that just because scripting is the new thing nowadays, doesn't mean it's the best. You make us old school game makers happy, I hope this project comes out looking nice and I suggest you make a topic in the early developement forum if you haven't already.
Guys I have trouble.... I can't seem to find a solution to this:
Well I'm using f0tz!baerchen's Pixelmovement Script, it's a very great script....but here's the problem....I'm making the BS but since my charset is eight directional and when I try to change graphic using an event like:

Change Graphic : Shiro_attack(This is a four directional sprite)

but in the script I set th player char to be 8 dir....so when I change it, it is chopped off, the sprite.

Well you guys are probably saying why don't you use a 8 dir charset for attacking? Well, here's the other problem, RPG Maker XP editor itself is set to have 4 dir charset.....so if I try to choose which sprite to change too, It will become like two sprites togethet....:(

Please help me:'(
I can help out with some basic mapping. I am OK at mapping (Or so I've been told) I don't like to judge my own work. Send me the KH tileset and I'll make something for a 'showcase'
@ RMXP Community: I am currently working with Kiralim on getting the game a Website, It should be done in a couple of days. We will not release the link untill it is completely up. (psst if you want me to make you a FREE website for your game then go to my Request thread)

@ Kiralim: I have every background music track from KHI (60+ files) If you want them then I can give them too you.
Yup, I still have to thank Areo for offering.....

Thank you you will be added to the credits if we use them.

Ok gonna send to you:thumb:
Hey Kiralim, I can photoshop it and add color and all that if you want me too.

(you are a really good artist :thumb:.)

Edit: I colored it. I wasn't sure on what color you wanted everything so I did it on what I think looked best on him. If you don't want it you don't have to use it.


Im Also working on making you a User bar. i'll give it to you when I'm done.

RMXP Community: We have the website up. I will wait for Kiralim to release the link. it will make it easier to find updates there.

woot! woot!
You're really great man, that was the concept in my mind, all the colors and stuff, it's just like I how I planned it to be.:D

The link will be up soon guys. It's almost done!:thumb:
Thanks Kiralim. If you want than you can send me any more sketches you have (like the full body shot of shiro) and I can color them for you. Im also pretty talented at Spriting so I can make those as well (but i'm sure there are better spriters out there)

Thanks for the feedback:thumb:
Hi im genji and i got a kh project too but id want too join. i create character designs and i am pretty good with event but i dont work for free. Since i need tileset, you share and stare at the work you need. My projet is right now in french on a other forum but im going to make it in english too. its cauleed Kingdom Hearts Lost Souls and im presenting it soon so...
By the way MP me for anything i can also map in ISO See you later.
Genjii please learn proper English before asking for a job. You are very hard to understand.

So Kiralim, how much more do you think you need for the Battle System?



brandonrichard could you post a demo of your bs?

btw i would love to help im am 12 (sorta like u) and im rather good at rmxp so you can give me a job of the choice!
Sorry for not updating, was at Tokyo eleven days ago.

Show some of your work please.;)

Why would you need charactersets? Please tell me exactly what are you good at.:yes:

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