Shiro wakes up again and heads out to the local Ramen shop, when he gets there he see's his two friends...and a cop. Shiro"what happened?" So-so" there was a robbery at are favorite ramen shop

. All there money was stolen so they might need to close down..." Shiro,"that's horrible :sad: we gotta find the people who robbed them", so-so2" no duh...but we don't know were they went or who they are...", Shiro"why don't we ask around town to see if anyone saw anything...maybe someone saw something...", so-so2" well yeh we could, but it's very unblikely we'll find the people. And even if we do what couold we do?". Shiro" aww cmon, i bet we could take care of some 2-bit robbers :shades: ". so-so2", no you ediote

we can't...". Shiro," sticks and stone
so-so, i'm gonna go look :tongue: ". After alot of looking, Shiro will finaly find someone that saw the break in but noone would belive him/her idk what gender. Anyway He/She says it was some ugly grey thing from a badly drawn cartoon. He/She saw the general direction on were it went and Shiro goes to find out who or what robbed the Ramen shop. Shiro find's Himself at an Abandoned Builed soon to be Condemed and torn down. He finds the Advancer and has to fight it off, the keybalde apears in his hand and he has no idea were it came from. As soon as the advancer is defeated the keblade dissapears and Shiro couldn't figure out what just happend... He found that the advancer had stolen a big sack of assorted stuff(books, money, diapers, a gun (jk), and some random junk).
He returns the stolen money to the Ramen shop and yehhh the ramen shop isn't closed :grin: .
After that Day 2 ends