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Kinetic - Phase



ohwadaminute... The font was posted eailer...
I prefer pix Chicago. Because it's bigger. There should not be more than half font height of space between lines. Thats how I see it.

Oh I found a bug too- at the begining of the game if you keep pressing the action key to skip the messages; when Gia turns up at the 'end' of the messages she may not be at the ladder. You may have told her to 'Move Up' and since she was at a wall when the messages ended- the game locked up when she tried to walk through a wall.

aaa how did you make that intro so cool :< I wanna make an intro like that to my game but I'd feel like I'm just making a rip off of your intro...



Just finished the demo. Awesome work. The graphics are beautiful with a lot of original work, the music is fitting and what I can tell of the story and the main character so far is interesting. I like how it seems your splitting the game into missions, which fits her work as an agent.
EXCELLENT!!! An amazing mix of metal gear solid and chrono trigger like stories. I am truley impressed and WANT MORE!! BTW, are those custom tilesets? Where did you find or make those? Great work, A++
I loved it! Great game, almost professional quality if you ask me. The story is very intriguing and I am dying to learn more about this world. If I may ask was this inspired by the manga Blame! at all? For some reason it has a Blame! like feel to me.

Also what exactly is a gear core? Simply a means of using kinetics or is it like a small computer?
Wow, that makes me sad. Valentineenigma's one of those gamemakers who has a great vision and the talent to realize it. I hope you come back!

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