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Kieara Phoenix's Misc SciFi - Futuristic / Fantasy {update}

posted a shrunken version of my tileset as of yet in the first post, comments or ideas are appreciated!

Please do not use until completion!! Unless I've already given you permission (for previous versions of the tileset)

Domo Arigato= Thankyou!
Absolutely amazing! AND from scratch... You are quite the artist. Hope its done soon... unless it is, in which case, I wasted your time with half of this reply...
Naw its never wasted time when you encourage someone ^^

And no it's not finished yet, I haven't seperated the tileset for easier use yet, and I'm want to add more stuff just starting to run low on ideas. Plus I need to finish the Charactersets to go with the tech based tiles.
Thank you ^^ I am almost done re arraging the tileset, but I will wait to post it until this site's update is completed and after feedback on the first post tileset if things need to be fixed or not.
Its a very good shot I'll admit.

Couple things though: tone down (if not remove) the gradation in the floor tiles. Light doesn't do that and it looks kinda silly.

However over all its not too bad. Feels kinda Phantasy Star (which makes sense)
I think this could turn out to be amazing, it looks lovely so far. I'm really interested in seeing If i can get this to blend into my game.

The only thing I was thinking was perhaos you could make some simple, plain building shapes that people can fit together - I know you have two types of house on there already(4 if you count 2 colours each) but maybe just some plainer ones that tile together more easily? Other than that I can't think of anything!

Great Work, hope it's finished soon!
@Malick ^^ Ah but hopefully the wait will be worth it! (just trying to figure out how to fix the trees and then I'll be done 100%)

@Marscapone; Thank you and I'll take that into consideration on the next tileset I may make. Could you tell me which tiles stand out that way to you?

@Dr_Chaos Thankies^^ I'll try my best not to make it too much longer

@Calibre; Domo Arigato ^^ To you what is plain? I thought it was relatively simple for tiling together, is there an example you have in mind? And I'll more than likely do that for a future tileset because it would make this one's release even longer ^^;

@Dark Ruby and Khengi; Thanks, I'm glad you will be able to find use for it.
...I think the tree's look find lol there's nothing wrong with them. Besides I think most people will use the RTP tree's....I hope....(Yes that was me trying to make the release come faster)
You know, kiera, your work always impresses me ^_^. Surely everyone who works on modern game will use this when it's finish.
Isn't it better if you do more shading? It will be cool.
Nah, and some autotiles :P
What I really meant was is that I'm not too sure Kieara as I haven't yet tried the tileset out, but will it be easy to make a variety of shapes for buildings, like taller like skyscrapers with many windows at the front as well as quirky houses for one or two to live in. I saw that this diagram of a futuristic house:


...kind of looked like your house tiles you already have, but would it be possible to use your tiles to make something like that? This is what I mean about perhaps adding a few tiles to help create new shapes using the existing house pieces.

It's only an idea for improvement anyway, I'm sure it will be great just the way it is.
@Calibre Hmm I see what you mean, I guess you could always modify it slightly..
but here are some examples of building shapes I was able to do for my game.

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... ouseex.png[/IMG]

Is this similar to what you kinda have in mind?

@Lyndis; Are you saying I need more shading? And yes there are auto tiles I've made that I will release with the tileset upon completion. (see throughout thread for examples of autotile usage, I think on page 2 is a pic of mainly the autotiles I've made/modified) The charactersets I'll do later, seing as I'm not even near completing them all -_-;
Yeah I guess when it comes down to walls and things like that, it's easy enough to edit to your requirements, that is if you will aloow people to edit it after its release to what they need it for? I would also hope to be able to add some rtp stuff to it to give it a bit more functionability.
Alright, I give up on the trees for now...releasing the tileset "as is" for now until problems are found or something needs to be corrected. Feedback is still appreciated as always good or bad.
I'm planning on adding more charactersets in the future, but I figured I might as well release what I have all in one thread.

I tried to put it in the DL manager, but I guess it is still not up?
this is officially my favorite custom tileset, this is amazing! it would be amazing if you made custom mech charsets to go with this tileset if you could cant wait

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