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Kieara Phoenix's Misc SciFi - Futuristic / Fantasy {update}

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... ton2-1.png[/img]

Free to use in non - commercial games as long as credited properly ^_^ ENJOY!!!!

I can't get this to tile seemlessly with the lava lake autotile, so if you could help me fix it, I'd appreciate ithttp://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n2 ... fall01.png[/img]


-the white and black tiles are supposed to look like marble
-two of the tiles are transparent for the reason of I thought it would be cool if you were in a space station to see the stars/galaxy beneath your character...OR if you are in a futuristic floating city to see the city/whatever you the game creator wanted below it.)
*Note: For the pictures, Lynminnmay (girl in purple and pink) the Veritech (space ship) and patlabor robot I do not get credit, it is small versions of aformentioned shows.
And shared credit for some of the auto tiles with the makers of RMXP
*Note: Charactersets hologram tv, last row contains shrunken images of a Doctor Who advertisement not by me.
*Note: There is extra space at bottom of tileset for add ons, I do not mind add ons or some adjustments (to color or extra tileset add ons) anything furthur I ask to just bring me up to speed by PM and to make sure I still get some credit, Thank you ^^
Picture Materials

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225/Kiearaphoenix/SupermarioWS.png[/img] http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... Pink-1.png[/img] http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... x/comp.png[/img]

-pipe autotiles: I've taken some pipes from KnightBlade and made them in autotile form so I didn't have to make upteen different forms of pipes and can automatically make most shapes I like. So no credit for these. http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... slight.png[/img] http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... 0pipes.png[/img]

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225/Kiearaphoenix/1holograms.png[/img]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225/Kiearaphoenix/0transdoor1.png[/img] http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... tdoor2.png[/img]  http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225/Kiearaphoenix/1techsigns2.png[/img] http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... switch.png[/img]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225/Kiearaphoenix/0door2.png[/img]  http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225/Kiearaphoenix/KPTVfuture.png[/img] http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... Screen.png[/img] http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... nSigns.png[/img]  http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225/Kiearaphoenix/KPDoor.png[/img] http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... Chests.png[/img]



Please feedback and/or ideas are always appreciated! ^^
Looks wonderful. And you're right, there's very few really good, or even various Futuristic tilesets. I know. I looked really hard in finding some. Any that I do find, I intend to use and give credit.

However, I have one question: Wherever do you find these resources? If it's just recoloring and editing, you do a fantastic job. It changes the entire appearance and mood of the tileset.
Lord Jesus, please make an auto-tile to match it :p

It's very nice. Those windows could use some streaks to indicate that they are actually windows instead of big holes.
@kailer, Mr.mo and Skyla Thanks ^^
The_JSTREET;140681 said:
Lord Jesus, please make an auto-tile to match it :p

It's very nice. Those windows could use some streaks to indicate that they are actually windows instead of big holes.

Thanks and What kind of autotile do you have in mind? (I've never made one but there is always a time to try new things ^^)

Windows? Ohh...I forgot to make windows...-_- They are holes...kinda like...erm...opened to the outside. Although I guess It wouldn't make sense for space...hrm, must think of a solution to rectify..

How would I make something look like there is a containment field/ shield on the outside? The same way for windows?
Hmm... I imagine a containment field as the same as windows, only not as shiney. Like, looking out of one makes it look like someone decided to tone down the brightness on the outside. That's just my opinion though.
On all the walls, and floors. Textures are things like glass, steel, plastics, carpets, etc.

Typically, in a futuristic setting, walls and stuff are made of synthetic material. So it's hard to place it, but it's usually something like plastic/metal. Chroming textures (as opposed to just gradients) and solid colors with shading work well. If something looks plain with solid colors, you can jazz it up with things like rust, scuff marks, and details (consoles, vents, plugs, switches, etc.)
Well...i think the floors are pretty jazzed up enough...I have quite colorful flooring and the marble flooring has some texture...of course I needed some plain flooring to keep it from all being too much color.

As for the walls
I had made one wall kinda detailed for the futuristic/ however I am more toward the combo of futuristic/fantasy and if I did that it wouldn't go for what some view the fantasy. (some feel, and have expressed to me that this future/fantasy is more how they view the future, not the typical despotic future...rust/scuff marks.)

Thanks for the suggestion I shall do a couple of more walls with your recommendations,(for those who still want a futuristic setting like that, rusted and beat up) but I think I may do most of the stuff in the current trend..simply for what feedback I've gotten about what people want or don't want...(I'm kinda catering towards those that like that genre ^^:)
Update^^ (see first post for update, and compare/contrast the before and after) I added windows...(I had to study how RMXP windows were made cause I thought at first it had to be see through...) curtains, and a few more texture to walls and a few more walls towards the futuristic genre. I may have to go back and do a some of the pannels beaten up a tad bit more now that I'm re-reading some of the suggestions..-_-
Thanks for your comments and suggestions! I do apply them or try my best to incorporate your ideas^^ If there is anything you'd like to see (those who want the scifi/fantasy genre for thier game) please tell me, I'll see what I can do.^^
Thanks ^^ ...although I've never played the phantasy star game, I'm hoping it is at least scifi/futuristic in looks...sounds like a futuristic game-_-;..

I find that I'm heading kinda towards more the scifi than fantasy as seen in previous tilesets, I may have to regroup and try to add more of that and less tech....if anyone has any suggestions of fantasy oriented things I could add please tell me ^^;

screenies of tileset and autotiles in action
autotiles completed so I was able to make this skywalk
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... kywalk.png[/IMG]

*note* the autotiles are the only things that I've amended or adjusted that aren't 100% original. A few are, however, the waterfall and indoorwater and the gardenboxes are not.

I'm now moving to the outdoor aspect of the tileset, I think I've added enough for indoor (if you feel I can add something else please tell me^^)

Space port

I've purposely went with two main color schemes to get different looks
red, purple and black/grey vs. blue, green, and white/cream
so that a person could either do a

light version

or a darker version

Oh see first post to see the tileset additions

comments or concerns of sanity are always appreciated^^
The light and dark variants kind of remind me of the two different nations within Space Cowboy Online.
And I was wandering if it's anyway possible to like give out a sample tile set of this as a test bed for those who want to help in like give advice in changing something or have something to add to it. but it's up to you to decide.
Space Cowboy Online? What exactly is that out of curiosity? I have heard of Phantasy Star (wikied it after you posted it was similar; guess I could do the same now)

And I guess I wouldn't mind too much but that'd depend on how many would actually be willing to do that...^^;

Any takers? ^^

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