The HKCP is awesome, therefore I'm going to try and participate. I had a spriting topic before, but I'm going to use this exclusively for getting input on HKCP resources. Please please please give me any comments and crits on what I put here, I'm tough, you won't hurt my feelings and I promise I'll try to not get a big head if I get compliments. :tongue:
Please do not use these resources until they have been completed and put into the HKCP. They WILL BE FREE USE (with credit), But not until I iron the kinks out of each and it's in the HKCP.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/ ... dcopy3.png[/img]
A nice little bun, nothing too extravagant, I hope good for a variety of NPCs.
And here are some accessories I whipped up to go with it!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/ ... edcopy.png[/img]
A royal type (or at least rich looking) hair stick with dangling chains and jewels
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/ ... dcopy2.png[/img]
A cloth bun cover for Middle to lower class galls who need to tame that mane! The Tie ribbons sway with walk animation, and the tie and cloth cover can be used independently of one-another!
There it is so far! Let the picking apart begin! (I hope)
The HKCP is awesome, therefore I'm going to try and participate. I had a spriting topic before, but I'm going to use this exclusively for getting input on HKCP resources. Please please please give me any comments and crits on what I put here, I'm tough, you won't hurt my feelings and I promise I'll try to not get a big head if I get compliments. :tongue:
Please do not use these resources until they have been completed and put into the HKCP. They WILL BE FREE USE (with credit), But not until I iron the kinks out of each and it's in the HKCP.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/ ... dcopy3.png[/img]
A nice little bun, nothing too extravagant, I hope good for a variety of NPCs.
And here are some accessories I whipped up to go with it!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/ ... edcopy.png[/img]
A royal type (or at least rich looking) hair stick with dangling chains and jewels
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/ ... dcopy2.png[/img]
A cloth bun cover for Middle to lower class galls who need to tame that mane! The Tie ribbons sway with walk animation, and the tie and cloth cover can be used independently of one-another!
There it is so far! Let the picking apart begin! (I hope)