At this current time around the world, there exists organizations that seek to undermine the freedoms that we all hold dear around the world, although some may be more repressed than others. I won't say we don't deserve this, having done the Crusades and all, but at what point does the world turn it's head towards it's un-timely demise? Radical Islam has been a threat for many years, and seeing as how there are more Muslims than any other religion (athiesim isn't a religion, it's principles), we should all take a look at this real threat. Near my home is a place called Islamberg. What is it? I don't know, I didn't know it existed until there was a report of gunfire every weekend and a reporter went to the camp. What does a Muslim community, who follow the "peace-loving ways of Muhammad", need with guns?
State Police and FBI agents went there, and being trained to be sensitive to religious types, they had a picnic. They didn't investigate the shootings, but hey, they had a picnic.
My postulation for you RMXPers is thus: Do you believe there is a global jihad, and if so, why do you think that? If not, why do you feel that way?
Oh, and simple being an infidel and mentioning their prophet could have me killed, so no worries. :box: :smoke: :angel:
I have some links for you.
Goto YouTube and search for "obsession" or "islamberg" or "walid shoebat"
State Police and FBI agents went there, and being trained to be sensitive to religious types, they had a picnic. They didn't investigate the shootings, but hey, they had a picnic.
My postulation for you RMXPers is thus: Do you believe there is a global jihad, and if so, why do you think that? If not, why do you feel that way?
Oh, and simple being an infidel and mentioning their prophet could have me killed, so no worries. :box: :smoke: :angel:
I have some links for you.
Goto YouTube and search for "obsession" or "islamberg" or "walid shoebat"