This thread is about Pluto's quotes.
<Lud> pluto, who is a furry fan?
<pluto> the editor of The Sun
<Lud> pluto, who is a furry fan?
<pluto> the editor of The Sun
<AnyKey|Haircuts> pluto what is dawne?
<pluto> well you asked the right guy, i'm a whale biologist
<malaysian> hey guys
<malaysian> did you here
<Justin> hi
<malaysian> gets what is coming
<indra> Title: YouTube - Caesar III: Mission 1 (at
<malaysian> to malaysia
<malaysian> Rollercoaster Tyccon
<AnyKey> finally
<malaysian> ~Tycoon
<Justin> no
<malaysian> the second one comes out
<malaysian> in 4 years
<Justin> Rollercoaster tycoon is released a million years ago
<malaysian> Im so excited
<malaysian> guys
<malaysian> guess what else is coming
<malaysian> out
* Necrile has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<malaysian> Pokemon Saphire and Ruby
<AnyKey> lol
<malaysian> ~woot~
<Justin> The way to speak like a Malaysian is
<AnyKey> much newer than RCT
<Justin> spam the Chinese equivalent of vaginas
<Justin> and always drop some ZZZZZZZs and fucks
<malaysian> guys
<malaysian> the PS2 is coming
<AnyKey> lol
<malaysian> the PS2 is coming
<AnyKey> I have ChessMaster 7000
<AnyKey> this has ChessMaster 9000
<Justin> ,,,,
<AnyKey> nice
<malaysian> you know what one game malaysia has the the states dont
<malaysian> Ping Pong 2000
<Justin> lol
<malaysian> yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss
<Justin> yo guys
<Justin> check out this Malaysian MMO game company
<Justin> called
<Justin> CiB Net Station
<Justin> its a moneysucker
<Justin> lots of people spend like a few hundred bucks in a month even though its "free"
<AnyKey> lol
<Justin> because if you dont spend money on it, YOUR GONNA LOSE
<AnyKey> they have Freespace
<AnyKey> I got that for free with a computer
<AnyKey> ten years ago
<Justin> whats Freespace?
<malaysian> guys guess what is coming
<malaysian> to our country
<malaysian> Maple Story
<malaysian> Im so excited
<Justin> bacon
<malaysian> im going to pee my pants
<Justin> Maple Story is one of the first MMORPGS to reach Malaysian
<Justin> Malaysia*
<Justin> :/
<malaysian> i know
<malaysian> right
<Justin> ....
<Justin> Everyone here
<Justin> is playing
<Justin> DotA
<malaysian> arent you excited
<malaysian> Im going to the national Maylasian DoTA competition
<malaysian> im going to represent my sountry
<malaysian> ~country
<malaysian> with this national sport
<Justin> lol
<Justin> hey guys
<Justin> you should try
<Justin> playing a Malaysian game
<Justin> for a while
<Justin> you'll learn they dialect
<Justin> which is
<malaysian> there are such things
<Justin> Zzzzzz
<Justin> z
<Justin> z
<Justin> z
<AnyKey> Freespace is a space-based dogfighting game
<Justin> z
<malaysian> who needs free spce
<malaysian> when I can just go to the corner of my house
<malaysian> and dog fight there
<AnyKey> I'm sure there's more to it than that, but that's all I got out of it before putting it down and ignoring it.
<AnyKey> dude
<malaysian> Rocky is level 7
<malaysian> yesssssssss
<AnyKey> lol
<AnyKey> they have several of the Pro Pinball series, too.
<malaysian> R.I.P. Oreo
<malaysian> ;-;
* AnyKey uses a world leaf on Oreo
<malaysian> you cant catch a malaysian without a pinball machine in their house
<malaysian> the police will arrest you
<malaysian> that and a ping pong table
<malaysian> its all we have to look up to
<Captain_Murphy> Pluto, what is como doing?
<pluto> shut the fuck up
<AnyKey> pluto, who is your master?
<pluto> Britney Spears.
* C np: Five Finger Death Punch - Walk Away
<pluto> Ugh.
* pluto plugs his ears
<como> i had a dream once that i gave birth to a coke bottle out of my arsegina
<como> i named it pepsi
<como> for irony
<como> and then felt bad because
<como> imagine growing up as a coke bottle
<como> thinking your pepsi
<glassandahalf> pluto, fly me to the moon on a bed beneath the stars, shall we see what love is like on Jupiter or Mars?
<pluto> Glassandahalf: jupiter.
<Ludicus> imagine lassie being shot by the what's-their-name
<Ludicus> cabots?
<pluto> why the hell not
<CapnHOOHAH> thirty fucking minutes
<pluto> Lordy.
<pluto> DOCTOR
* pluto is blown off feet by force of CapnHOOHAH's statement
<pluto> \o/ DOCTOR
<pluto> \o/
<pluto> \o/ Doctor
<UWE> Pluto is a fan too
<CapnHOOHAH> \o/
<blink_> .ping
<Olga> pong
<Twirly> .pong
<Olga> ping
<Twirly> lol
<blink_> hmmm
<Twirly> I didn't expect that to work :x
<metaaa> pluto, do I exist?
<pluto> Not without lubricant.
<blink_> if there IS such a thing as reincarnation
<blink_> i am so fucking screwed
<Iron_Lung> :x
<Iron_Lung> lol why
<blink_> i'll be a born a black cripple with a mangled face with aids and two cocks on my head
<blink_> because of all the shit i find funny
<blink_> and just laugh at because i can
<Iron_Lung> ahahahahahahahaha
Matthew (~seduction@96.242.gyr.nux) has joined #hbgames
<domowoj> oh christ
<Matthew> What's up, my little strawmen
<runaway_bro> your little what
<Matthew> hehe
<Matthew> My little fictitious corporations.
<runaway_bro> weren't you the guy who gave up all his earthly belongings
<Matthew> That would be me.
<domowoj> man gaydads interactive is really a terrific name
<domowoj> despain shat all over it but
<domowoj> i came up with it
<domowoj> it's MINE
<domowoj> i want to use it for something
<Matthew> You really own nothing.
<runaway_bro> ... t-smug.gif
<Matthew> You just think you do.
T 1279161981 18<Matthew> gamakichi: Be sure to sign up for my blog:
T 1279161982 18<Matthew> Thank you.
T 1279161983 31<runaway_bro>30 you too matthew I know you're thinking it
T 1279162001 18<domowoj> SO PUT IT ON BIG L PUT IT ON
T 1279162003 31<runaway_bro>30 oh wow I
T 1279162006 18<domowoj> COME ON PUT IT ON BIG FELLA PUT IT ON AND ON
T 1279162006 31<runaway_bro>30 thought you were trolling but
T 1279162016 31<runaway_bro>30 you actually ARE the world's biggest shitrag aren't you
T 1279162024 18<gamakichi> hehh
T 1279162031 31<runaway_bro>30 no not you gamakichi I love you
T 1279162036 31<runaway_bro>30 and wars are fougth over love
T 1279162044 18<Matthew> gamakichi: Word
T 1279162045 31<runaway_bro>30 so take my internet advice on how to bone a chick maybe!!!
<Matthew> You want my real address?
<gamakichi> y
<gamakichi> s
<runaway_bro> his real address is
<gamakichi> es
<runaway_bro> in all of our hearts
<gamakichi> wait were u the dude who was supposedly shot at while on irc
<runaway_bro> yeah
<gamakichi> hahahahah
<runaway_bro> <runaway_bro> a true champion of men, who drinks heavily while reading law texts and wears goggles on his head
<runaway_bro> <runaway_bro> gives away all his possessions to live spiritually and then shoots at and is shot at in turn
<runaway_bro> <runaway_bro> maintaining an internet connection all the while
<gamakichi> :X
<runaway_bro> that would be his epitaph
<runaway_bro> so hurry up and shoot the guy fgt
<Matthew> hehe
<gamakichi> ok ftgt shitt
<runaway_bro> I go to all the trouble of thinking up an epitaph and he's not even dead??? this is bullshit
<gamakichi> u need to post in staff pic thread
<runaway_bro> I'd take a picture but cameras just burst into smoke when they are put on me
<runaway_bro> I am that hot
<runaway_bro> idk I pretty much have a teenage boy body
<gamakichi> while this is true
<gamakichi> i need pics
<runaway_bro> scrawny but in an endearing way that opens hearts and draws academ awards
<gamakichi> hell REGI has pics
<Matthew> Is this #clubgay?
<runaway_bro> ummm, yes
<runaway_bro> dumpass
<Matthew> Gonna watch some Due South. Laters.
<runaway_bro> have fun w/ your hare krishna tv
<MayorAnime> hey heading out. thanks for chatting with me again, domowoj and runaway_bro!
<gamakichi> mathew
<runaway_bro> cheers man
<gamakichi> donot leaf
<Matthew> gamakichi: If there were good conversation, I'd consider staying.
<gamakichi> well ur a fagot
<runaway_bro> ICE BURN
<gamakichi> how about that
<gamakichi> fagot
<gamakichi> FAGGOT
<gamakichi> get out faggot
<runaway_bro> SHIT DOGG NO HE DIDN'T
<gamakichi> u fuckin queer
<gamakichi> FAGETT
* 23MayorAnime ( has left #hbgames
<runaway_bro> GOD
<runaway_bro> DAYYUUUMMMMM
<gamakichi> suck my dick u ugly fagot
<runaway_bro> idk where I'm going with this but
<Matthew> You want a fag to suck your dick?
<gamakichi> hows that for convorsation
<runaway_bro> suffice it to say: god damn
<runaway_bro> yes matthew
<runaway_bro> that would be ideal
<gamakichi> is that a yes
<runaway_bro> I dream of it every night
<gamakichi> suck it bitch
<gamakichi> now
<gamakichi> faggot
<gamakichi> FAGET
<gamakichi> FUCK U FAGET
<runaway_bro> but I have a chode and furthermore it is bent almost ninety degrees
* pluto falls over
<Matthew> When I'm done with your slut gf I will.
<runaway_bro> so I'm just too embarrassed
<gamakichi> TAKE IT BACK
<runaway_bro> I like how he adds a smiley face to let you know that you've been served
<runaway_bro> it's an excellent visual aid
<gamakichi> :x
<runaway_bro> because otherwise I'd have no idea
<gamakichi> i lold hard
<gamakichi> matthew gtfo fagot
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> FAGGET
<gamakichi> thank u for the read i give it 2 thumbz up
<gamakichi> thats 4 y
<runaway_bro> also wow you actually made a website for a one-shot jab at a guy
<gamakichi> i just got pwnt
<runaway_bro> a really sad jab too
<runaway_bro> shit son we're dealing with an
<runaway_bro> ~*~internet champ~*~
<runaway_bro> what happened to
<runaway_bro> <Matthew> gamakichi: If there were good conversation, I'd consider staying.
<runaway_bro> btw
* Matthew yawns
<gamakichi> Im sorry Matthew
<Matthew> There is not yet any emotion on my behalf.
<gamakichi> Lets start over
<Matthew> Keep trying.
<gamakichi> so matthew what r ur life goals
<gamakichi> u know my name is matthew too
<Matthew> To help eliminate world poverty.
<domowoj> just
<domowoj> die
<domowoj> both of you
<gamakichi> ahaha
<gamakichi> Matthew what a good thing
<gamakichi> but srsly
<gamakichi> what do u wanna do
<gamakichi> srs convo time
<Matthew> Become a spiritual teacher and help eliminate world poverty.
<Matthew> Better?
and in slackers<Matthew> Sometimes I wonder where intelligence went
<runaway_bro> into my head
<runaway_bro> obv
<Matthew> Lackthereof
<domowoj> does christophe walton look like
<domowoj> that guy with themonocle
<domowoj> from the ds platformer
<runaway_bro> um.....
<runaway_bro> I'm pretty sure I have a head
<runaway_bro> calling me headless is rude and UNCOUTH
<runaway_bro> goodd day SIR
9Matthew (~seduction@96.242.gyr.nux) has joined #slackers
<Matthew> What's up, my little strawmen.
<domowoj> haven't you
<domowoj> gotten shot yet
<Matthew> hehe
<Matthew> And you are?
<domowoj> the love of your life
<domowoj> the only woman you'll never be able to conquer
<Matthew> lol
<Matthew> Hmm...
<Matthew> I don't conquer women though
<domowoj> please
<Matthew> Their hearts conquer me.
<domowoj> i nearly choked stifling my laugh
* Matthew pats you on the back
<Matthew> It's good to see you again.
<runaway_bro> I like how he adds a smiley face to let you know that you've been served