<boon> oobn
<boon> is suing urc
<boon> whileeeee atta friends
<boon> while bdruink
<boon> uhi guys!
<boon> !@!!!!!!!!
<boon> im not om drunkyalkt
<boon> i cant see the keys
<boon> its pitch black
<como> http://bb.hbgames.tk/upload/como3.png
<como> have a picture
<alexis> hi
<alexis> im gonna throw up
>> Cody is now known as Inquisitive_Core
>> You are now known as Happy_Core
.:Inquisitive_Core:. Hi Happy Core
.:Inquisitive_Core:. How are you?
.:+Happy_Core:. hi Inquisitive Core
.:+Happy_Core:. I'm well
.:+Happy_Core:. are you happy today?
.:Inquisitive_Core:. What is happiness really?
.:+Happy_Core:. it's what makes the world a better place
.:Inquisitive_Core:. Did I just answer your question with a question?
.:+Happy_Core:. it makes everything just swell
.:daxis:. o.0
.:+Happy_Core:. yes
.:Inquisitive_Core:. Hi Daxis
.:Inquisitive_Core:. What're you up to?
.:+Happy_Core:. hi Daxis
.:daxis:. hello....
.:daxis:. downloading.....
.:Inquisitive_Core:. Porn?
.:daxis:. yuffie i'm scared
.:+Happy_Core:. are you happy, Daxis?
.:Yuffie:. nvm, its too dark
.:daxis:. yes.....
.:daxis:. >.>
.:daxis:. <.<
.:+Happy_Core:. yay!
.:Inquisitive_Core:. So you're staying inside, Tash?
>> +Happy_Core brings out the cake
.:daxis:. yay cake!!!
.:Inquisitive_Core:. You found the recipe?
.:+Happy_Core:. yes
.:daxis:. ^__
.:Inquisitive_Core:. And the uh... special ingredient?
.:+Happy_Core:. Anger Core hid it, but I found it again
>> +Happy_Core is so happy
.:+Happy_Core:. no
>> Inquisitive_Core has a question
.:+Happy_Core:. I dropped that
.:daxis:. o.0
.:+Happy_Core:. they were invited, instead.
.:daxis:. why does everyone think i download porn?
.:+Happy_Core:. right, Daxis?
.:daxis:. yes
.:daxis:. ...
.:Inquisitive_Core:. But doesn't the recipe say "First, bake 1 Daxis."
.:Inquisitive_Core:. ?
.:daxis:. umm....
.:+Happy_Core:. well
.:+Happy_Core:. we used better stuff
>> daxis siezures
.:Inquisitive_Core:. Snapple stuff?
>> +Happy_Core is so happy
.:+Happy_Core:. no
.:+Happy_Core:. better than snapple stuff
.:Inquisitive_Core:. Isn't Snapple stuff the best stuff on earth?
.:Inquisitive_Core:. :O
.:+Happy_Core:. nope
.:+Happy_Core:. they just think it is
.:+Happy_Core:. this stuff is better
.:Inquisitive_Core:. Ooh.
.:Inquisitive_Core:. So you found better stuff?
.:+Happy_Core:. no neurotoxins, either.
.:Inquisitive_Core:. What does this button do?
>> Inquisitive_Core np: Cute Is What We Aim For - The Curse of Curves
>> +Happy_Core is just overflowing with joy
.:Inquisitive_Core:. Oooh.
>> +Happy_Core is just overflowing with joy
>> Inquisitive_Core has another question
.:+Happy_Core:. the button makes people happy
.:Inquisitive_Core:. Should I press it?
.:Yuffie:. o.0
.:+Happy_Core:. if you want to
.:|A|mber:. o.o
>> |A|mber is now known as Amber
.:Inquisitive_Core:. Hi Amber
.:Yuffie:. Cody
.:Inquisitive_Core:. yes, sis?
.:Yuffie:. u really scare me sometimes
.:Inquisitive_Core:. xD
.:Inquisitive_Core:. I know
>> Yuffie disowns Cody
.:Inquisitive_Core:. but you scare me sometimes too
.:Inquisitive_Core:. :O
.:Inquisitive_Core:. ._.
.:Yuffie:. who wants to be my new brother?
.:Inquisitive_Core:. I'll be back later
.:Inquisitive_Core:. I DO
.:Yuffie:. nuu
>> +Happy_Core raises his hand
.:Yuffie:. u suck
.:Inquisitive_Core:. I'm Inquisitive Core
.:Inquisitive_Core:. :O
.:Amber:. O.O
.:Yuffie:. hmm
.:Yuffie:. i pick cody again
>> Inquisitive_Core is now known as afk
>> +Happy_Core is so happy
<Yeyinde> Now do it with puts
<Ludicus> how do you type that
<rm-rf> puts
15:09 boon hi guys
15:09 boon me and ZC have microphones
15:09 boon and blink_ and the rest are mobile telecom operators
15:09 boon like BT and shit
15:10 boon welcome to #telecom
15:15 *** Ludicus joined #telecom
15:15 +++ osprey.ca.us.slacked.org set the channel to mode +n
15:15 +++ osprey.ca.us.slacked.org set the channel to mode +t
15:15 Ludicus noone's on #telecom
15:33 *** boon joined #telecom
15:33 boon wtf
15:33 boon you actually
15:33 boon :x
15:36 *** boon left #telecom (Leaving)
16:58 indra DisabledBear: Your nature demands love and your happiness depends on it.
16:58 DisabledBear LOVE ME
16:58 DisabledBear LOVE ME, DAMNIT!
16:58 Enjerubirejji Heads and I'll love you
16:59 Enjerubirejji @coin
16:59 indra Enjerubirejji: tails
16:59 Enjerubirejji HAHAHAHA
16:59 Enjerubirejji Tough luck DisabledBear
17:00 Enjerubirejji Or should I say
17:00 Enjerubirejji Tough LOVE
17:00 DisabledBear D:<
i thought it was kind of cute* jasprelao (Mibbit@219.83.mv.xsi) has joined #hbgames
<jasprelao> hello, I'm a newbie here
<jasprelao> please help me
<shadow> :O
<jasprelao> hello mr. Shadow
<shadow> hi ;]
<jasprelao> may introduce myself?
<shadow> ok o.o;
<jasprelao> The name's jasprelao, I come from Indonesia, I'm a newbie game developer
<shadow> im shadow from canada
<shadow> i dont develop games ;[
<jasprelao> oh, nice to meet you Mr. Shadow
<jasprelao> could I give you the link of my game in this forum?
<jasprelao> I want to know about your opinion
<jasprelao> but my game still in progress, so there isn't a demo yet
<shadow> oh i have a mac it probably wont work
<jasprelao> no no
<jasprelao> it just a post in a forum
<jasprelao> could you open the forum page, Mr. shadow?
<shadow> ok
<jasprelao> viewtopic.php?f=78&t=71213
<indra> <http://ln-s.net/74C2> (at www.hbgames.org)
<jasprelao> that's my game
<jasprelao> please give me some advice about that game
<jasprelao> hello, indra
<shadow> oh indras just a bot
<shadow> dunno where everyone else is
* shadow punts rm-rf
<jasprelao> oh
<rm-rf> >:O
<jasprelao> thanks
<rm-rf> no punting!
<rm-rf> you're mean
<jasprelao> punt?
<jasprelao> I don't understand
<jasprelao> how about it mr. shadow?
<rm-rf> nice game ;o
<shadow> very nice~
<rm-rf> i like the titlescreen, looks sweet
<jasprelao> please give us comment
<jasprelao> thanks a lot
<jasprelao> hehehe
<rm-rf> you want me to post on your forum thread? ;o
<jasprelao> yes, so that I could show it to my crews
<jasprelao> and motivated them to work hard
<rm-rf> alrighty
<rm-rf> i got nothing to do so why not lol, though im not good at critiquing, but ill try
<jasprelao> thank you very much
<jasprelao> I really appreciate it
<jasprelao> That game is our dream
<rm-rf> nice
<jasprelao> my dream since I am in Yunior high school
<rm-rf> yunior? you mean junior?
<jasprelao> yes, Junior, I'm so sorry
<rm-rf> its cool lol
<jasprelao> and I meet many great people that want to help
<jasprelao> make the dream comes true
<jasprelao> Thank you very much for your comment
<jasprelao> I'll show it to my crews
<rm-rf> no problem ;o
<jasprelao> you're so kind to a newbie like me
<shadow> we're just nice people ;o
<jasprelao> nice
<jasprelao> I like to be her
<jasprelao> here
<shadow> watch out for Jeremy though
* shadow hides in his tree
<jasprelao> Jeremy?
<shadow> nah im kidding
<jasprelao> hahaha
<blink_> ban shadow
<shadow> no
<shadow> ;[
<blink_> ok;[
<como> too late i already banned shadow
<como> and klined
<blink_> oh;]
<como> and replaced with an eggdrop
<como> watch:
* shadow bouncie
<como> shadow courtmartial blink_
* shadow bigyawn
<Ludicus> @roulette
<como> !kickl Ludicus *BANG*
<como> \o/ . ' .------<SAVE THE WORLD;
<como> -|/-----.------PISS ON A CHILD>
<como> / \ ----o|-<
* pluto is blown away by force of como's statement
<Diagothan> can someone lock this?
<Diagothan> viewtopic.php?p=745975#p745975
<AnyKey> why would you want it locked?
<AnyKey> looks like a pretty standard welcome thread
<como> I posted jiggly boobies in it
<AnyKey> as I said
<AnyKey> looks like a fairly standard welcome thread
<Diagothan> brb going to try and let this shit out
<Diagothan> wish me luck
<como> good luck
<pluto> I hope it doesn't explode.