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Inq - RMXP Medieval Outdoors (PA)

Kaze, its really easy what I mean. Izze just takes his/here project file where the full set stuff is in there, and deletes the tileset out of there. What you keep is an empty database slot for Inq's tileset, but with the passa's/prio's still set.
EDIT: Aww, there are no wooden cottages...



Well, what can I say, except pure brilliance, I just saw it, and well worth the wait, Thank you.
Thanks for removing the link to the tileset. Yeah, I wouldn't have been too pleased about that, but since you've removed it, it doesn't matter. If you want it up, either, as suggested, remove the tileset and keep the passability, or you could email the RPG Palace webmaster and have it put up as a download link on there. Personally I find people that want the set up already done for them kind of lazy. Doesn't bode well for making an entire project. :)

Yeah, there's no thatched country cottages. They were on the list, but I ran out of time, I'm afraid. Things I ran out of time to do were:

- More Doors (anim)
- Cogs (anim)
- Water wheels (anim)
- Windmill blades (anim)
- Windmill tower
- Flags (anim)
- Waterfall with no cliff background/grey cliffs (anim)
- Rail carts (anim)
- More skeletons
- Thatched cottages
- Beach
Hey INQ could you post a passability demo with all 3 of your tile sets no tileset in them just blank blueprints so we can use that along with the tilesets.
...nope. :)

That would take me quite a while and I just don't have the time. I don't set the tileset passabilities up on my example maps. Also anyone who can't be bothered to set up the passability themselves really shouldn't be bothering to try and make a game.



Thank you Inq for forgiving me, you don't know how sorry I am. I'll probably upload a demo at RPG-palace-forums, if that is ok?
Edit: Is it ok if I just upload the Tilesets.rxdata-file? If so, I'll upload it at RPG-palace.
Izze, you dont have to delete the tilset out the database. Just take him out of the tilset folder from the project file. The X's and O's
will remain.

Im happy to be the first? person who is bringing out an add-on for this tilset.
http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/9296 ... inqxe1.png[/img]
The usage of this is that the other pieces of this stuff, isnt overlapping right. This is.
Credit not needed, Inq made this. I only edited...
Amazing work, i've been looking forward to this tileset for so long :) Can finally work on the project i've been planning for the past year and a half; the RTP tilesets bore me so much that i was never bothered to work with them, it's actually fun mapping with your amazing tilesets, and it makes our games look gorgeous :)

Again, fantastic work, you should win some sort of dedication and contribution award, or some guy should just give you lots of money ;) haha :)



The ladders even have shadows! Great stuff. I've only been using it for about ten minutes, and I've already noticed an improvement in my mapping thanks to this set. I'll definitely be using this when teaching at school. Great work, Inq.
I personally can't see what use it has, Mr Smit. Surely the lower layer ones are more useful. Also, you've got the black lines on the shades of the grass still visible. That kind of results in it being totally useless.

Just a heads up. If you re-download the set, the missing "XP Doors" character set should be in there. Lots of people said only "XP Doors 2" was in there, but after downloading it myself many times and checking, I'm pretty sure they are in there.

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