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I concede the election.

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Obama Sucks!

I am not Racist, I am just saying that becuase I hate his stupid fantasy's of, "Changing the world!" Lol he sounds just like hitler. I hated  McCain Palin 2, but hey he would helped our ecommany!

Why I hate obama:
1. He is up for abortion.
2.He hates america.
3.never showed his birth certificate, or has showed any documents of were he was from, and ect.
4. Ignores news makers.
5. Said he hates white people, but then, "Crys" about his dead WHITE grandma.
6. Wants to stop the war, and get the army out.
7. Had drugs, meth, beer, and ect in high school.

Now don't get me wrong he went to a high respected school, and "Passed." So he might be smart enough to actualy save us, but who knows.

I just hope our ecomony does not die even more. =(

Just speaking my thoughts please don't yell at me.

(I would love to show proof of this, but it just so happens that I learned/heard about it at school, so maybe it's not true, but hey if it is then we MIGHT be screwed.)
3.never showed his birth certificate, or has showed any documents of were he was from, and ect.

he was born in hawaii. and yes he certainly has showed these kinds of dcouments at some point or he wou;dn't be where he is today at all. that kind of shit is required for ANY JOB especially one in the Us senate.

4. Ignores news makers.

what?? this doesn't even make sense

5. Said he hates white people, but then, "Crys" about his dead WHITE grandma.


6. Wants to stop the war, and get the army out.

everyone wants to STOP THE WAR. the issue is a matter of how. do we go FULLCHARGE or do we WITHDRAW. imo this is your only valid criticism here. it is obvious that you disagree with him on this issue and you are welcome to.

7. Had drugs, meth, beer, and ect in high school.

so has everyone else in the fucking world.

xinrua":5ndfy2eb said:
Why I hate obama:
1. He is up for abortion.
2.He hates america.
3.never showed his birth certificate, or has showed any documents of were he was from, and ect.
4. Ignores news makers.
5. Said he hates white people, but then, "Crys" about his dead WHITE grandma.
6. Wants to stop the war, and get the army out.
7. Had drugs, meth, beer, and ect in high school.

WHEN has he ever shown ANY signs of hating America? WHEN did he say he hates Caucasians? And for the love of god, his grandmother died a couple days ago, and you accuse him of not even caring?

And tell me, Xinrua, WHAT GOOD has the war in Iraq done? What is SO TERRIBLY BAD about getting the army out?

If you can give me proof of ANY of these things, then I might listen to you. But right now you're regurgitating what every single Obama-hater has said.
(I would love to show proof of this, but it just so happens that I learned/heard about it at school, so maybe it's not true, but hey if it is then we MIGHT be screwed.)

THANK GOD YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO VOTE. seriously you are just fucking UNINFORMED. this kind of shit is disgusting. don't go by what your faggot-ass classmates say (especially since they're just repeating what their conservative parents tell them). think for yourSELf. this is the United Fucking States of America and you have the RIGHT -- no the DUTY -- to be informed about the decisions like this.

I mean it's OVER but ujesus christ dude. people like you are just OFFENSIVE to the people who actually love this nation.
Fayte":6qane82o said:
6. Wants to stop the war, and get the army out.

what? since when was it a bad idea to try and end a war that took a lot of innocent lives?

Ok, well ether way, not all those lives were innocent, and what if when the army left, Would we not be protected if they did come after us?

Jeska":6qane82o said:
2.He hates america.

what. Obama loves America. Have you heard any of his speeches?

Obam Loves America? I Don't know...If you heard one of his talks like 1 or 2 months ago, he says that he hated it. He said it many time actualy in public, or so I heard.

Jeska":6qane82o said:
1. He is up for abortion.

I don't think it's possible for Obama to be up for an abortion. Even if he wasn't a male, I think he's past menopause age.

Have you not read the news paper? It showed it like 3, or 2 months ago.

Well w.e I can't explain, becuase I am only going by what I heard, read, and what I learned from those around me.

Now then leave me in peace, so I can eat my cookie, and go to sleep. Hey if you want proof of this stuff, I will be glad to search for it!
dun beleuive jeska ,he's a commie faggot OBVIOUSLTY!! check his profile page... disturbingly red don't you think?

we all dun know osama is a robot alien made by the guvment to destroy america with his black cock. i have extensive photos of his cock being used to destory small buildings and houses in afgenastan!! also obama said he would' eat american babies, just play a radio recording he did back in 1999 when the towers fell backwards and you'll hear it!

plus those "officiual" documents of his are obviously fake, and signed by osama bin laden (true story!! OPEN YOUR EYES!!) not only that, but he is a muslim sworn into office on the korean and wears hammer ans dsickle pins to rallies!

the only reason he got more votes is cause there's more black peoples in the world (obviously). they fuck like rabbits we have to go through the towns killing blacks FUCK!! WHAT'S HAPPENINGNG TO OUR CUNTRY GUISE?!!?!?!?

But seriously, all your ignorant racist faggots are making republicans look like racist, uneducated dicks. Either shut up and bother to learn about the candidate yourself or don't vote. And democrats, stop acting like stuck up pretentious know-it-alls. Not all republicans are retarded (and no one like that has posted in this thread yet, but I've been seeing that kind of ignorant attitude everywhere today... Being in Chicago and all... Probably doesn't help that we have communist propaganda looking pics of Obama all over the city. >_>;;)



Xinrua, get the fuck out. Seriously. I can't stand all you little kids who don't know fucking anything about the candidates and the issues and instead just go by all the right-wing scaremongering and sensationalism they overhear from their parents!

Barack Obama is not a fucking terrorist. He is not out to destroy America.

Stop falling for all the bullshit that gets stirred up by hardcore conservatives, racists, and people who are scared shitless. If you can raise arguments against Obama that are based on actual issues like his policies then I will listen, but I don't want you bringing all this "OBAMA IS A SCARY BLACK MUSLIM" bullshit into a legitimate political topic. Understand?
it's fine if someone wants to bring up legitimate negative things in regards to his platforms, but not if you're attacking the man personally (with attacks that aren't even true in the slightest!).
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