ablahblah987;195845 said:Stargate has Earth in it. Haven't you seen the movie? And in Tales of Phantasia, the story was dumb. It was the game play that was good. As for this not intentionally making sense before the game is released... well that doesn't make sense... Sorry for being such an ass, but seriously...
chrono_link295;210202 said:ok.......i hate to say it but some one had to....
Sesame Kiryu wrote:
"Christianity: Proper Deity - None
now i stopped reading at this point because i kinda hate things that make absolutely NO seance what so ever (unless there my own words),
i have NO idea where you got "Proper Deity - None" or as to where or what the listing of names under that means since it says Noah i can only assume that the three names under the proper deity are the names of the important icons.
But i can tell you whatever they mean they make absolutely NO seance because Christianity has a proper deity, we call him GOD, or if you wont to dig a little deeper (into Jewish faith) Jehovah. Also, Virgo and Nike?!? WTF?!? are you on crack?!? If you want to try and be a tad less heresies, I'd recommend
changing nike to Abraham and virgo to one of the disciples BUT not Jesus, because i'm sure you have some kinda crappy unrealistic plot line planed out to where you make Christianity look like, well .......what an atheistic person would make it look like. If not , then good for you, but you still need to change Christianity's profile in your game, if not for reality's sake than for your life's sake because i'm sure a mob of angry Christians is gathering out side you house as you read this..........go ahead look............................if you dare!!!
I'm probably not gonna reply to this message.....so........yeah.....