@Plauge: You haven't deleted the instructions I told you to DELETE before.Im beginning to get dissapointed (no offence!) That is where I keep my script, remember?
Also why don't you rename the setup.exe to 'Tree Soul Kingdom.exe' or 'Tree Soul Kingdom Installer.exe' the next time? Would be great. Also the licence text: as I said, delete it fully, insthead of putting 'if you had a licence, I'd put it here'. Just take away that, looks silly.
So please upload again, and read this TWICE so you don't miss anything once again! It is very important, so you don't need to upload 300 more times ok?
And name it to 'Tree Soul Kingdom Installer.exe' as before! And take away the savefiles (again) as well, if that isn't obvious!
Remember to take your time, never stress!!
And good luck!