
I downloaded again, but it still doesn't work for me.
I believe the only reason it works when you test it is because the image files are also on your computer, either in your brower's cache or saved as seperate files.
As I said, when you save a web file as .htm it's
impossible for the images to be 'bound' inside the .htm file itself. It's imposible because the .htm file format does not support this capability. However, if you choose "Save HTML file with images" or a similar option, it will not only generate an .htm file, but also create a seperate folder where the images are kept. In most browsers and word processors this folder is automatically created and named after the file name you saved as, then given the suffix "_files". So, for example, if you saved an HTML file with images and called it "RPG-maker-tute.htm", it would automatically place the images inside a folder named "RPG-maker-tute
It sounds like you are trying to use the .htm format as if it were an .mht (MHTML) formatted file. To learn more about the differences, try
this Wikipedia article:
It [.mht] is used to bind resources which are typically represented by external links, such as image and sound files, along with HTML code into a single file. The key to MHTML is that the content is encoded as if it were an HTML email message...
In your .htm file, I can right-click on one of the broken (i.e., missing) images and click 'properties'. And, for example, one of the image property boxes says:
Address (URL): Distribute_RMXP_Game_files/image005.jpg
This shows that your file believes that the image005.jpg image should be located inside a folder (located on my machine in the same area as Distribute_RMXP_Game.htm) named "Distribute_RMXP_Game_
files". Since I do not have such a folder containing this image file, Internet Explorer could not display it... I would suggest you look on your PC to see if you can find a folder by that name. My guess is that you will find the images there.