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How many languages do you know?



CERU":3sy9pmyt said:
syphonmax":3sy9pmyt said:
Yep CERU that's right learning japanese from anime doesn't help :tongue:

It hurts. Basically, Japanese is the one language you shouldn't start off my trying to learn yourself. ._.;;

I think that could be said of almost any language, if by "learn yourself" you mean "watch television programs spoken in that language and play match-the-sounds-with-the-subtitles" :/



Nphyx":17nsp2rn said:
CERU":17nsp2rn said:
syphonmax":17nsp2rn said:
Yep CERU that's right learning japanese from anime doesn't help :tongue:

It hurts. Basically, Japanese is the one language you shouldn't start off my trying to learn yourself. ._.;;

I think that could be said of almost any language, if by "learn yourself" you mean "watch television programs spoken in that language and play match-the-sounds-with-the-subtitles" :/

Heh, I've watched a "LOT" of anime in the last year or so since I've been on this anime high, and no your not going to learn japanese by watching/listening to the subtitles.  In total I might have picked up 10-20 new words in japanese and that is about the extent of months worth of watching.
Yeah ... Immersing yourself in the country and picking it up as you go is one thing, but watching subs doesn't count as language-learning.

I watch anime constantly and all I know is "moshi moshi", "sa", "ja ne", and a few other miscellaneous terms and phrases. If I went to Nippon & had to ask where the bathroom was or how to get to the Embassy or something I'd be in deep doo doo.

English and Internet-ish?
I have decent english.
I can't do Spanish since i cant roll my "r"s
And plus i'm to lazy to learn the rest.
But i do know some japanese words :O Pssh i'm so Pwnage



Venetia":3lgrzvtx said:
Yeah ... Immersing yourself in the country and picking it up as you go is one thing, but watching subs doesn't count as language-learning.

I watch anime constantly and all I know is "moshi moshi", "sa", "ja ne", and a few other miscellaneous terms and phrases. If I went to Nippon & had to ask where the bathroom was or how to get to the Embassy or something I'd be in deep doo doo.

Don't forget the usual "Dosa", "Onee-chan" and a couple of others, all said in the same intonation, no matter the show. :tongue:

Oh, and if you've seen Death Note, "Shinigami".



Native Language: Filipino

I've been practicing English for just as long though, more or less. I also took up a little bit of Mandarin, and Spanish. I picked up a little Japanese from my girlfriend and the occasional anime, but not really enough to converse with.



pmhoa":1t5d4df2 said:
I can speak:


I studied but forgot:


That's a pretty cool mix of languages. Finnish would be cool to know, but it sounds damn weird so it would propably be hard to learn.



Dalton":274aifep said:
First language: German.
So I can comprehend some Dutch when its thrown at me...
Kind of the other way round for me... I speak enough Dutch to understand simple German sentences a lot of the time. :)
I can Speak:

Hebrew - Fluent
Yiddish - Fluent

The past two were my mother tongues as I am Jewish.

English - Fluent
Spanish - Semi-fluent
Japanese - Getting there (I know more kana and kanji then actual grammar and words at this point)

Also, I wondered why your username sounded so familiar Pisteleh.




I speak English, Spanish, German, Japanese, Latin, and in my 2nd year of French. I want to learn all those obscure languages like Sweedish and Mandarin but my parents decided a long time ago I would only have to learn the ones I would need for buisness. =\

My birth language is German though, although I live in fucking South Carolina (Dad is adopted german, mom is a southern black woman =|
Tagalog-native tongue
English-learnt at the same time with Tagalog (you need to if want to get in a good school)
Fookien, chinese dialect -Mom and teacher taught, business purposes
French - just a little can't really make sentences, just for show
German - from dad (teaches every time he sees something on TV thats related to german, be it WWII to Volkswagen), forgot most of them but I remember when I hear people talk.
Spanish - can't make sentences, and can't understand when people speak like in spanish news channels (like machine guns).

Ruby- nahhh, dunno a thing.
Lol, if you watch Shin Seiki Evangerion (Neon Genesis Evangelion), the phrase Asuka uses too much is 'Anda Baka' which means = You are stupid, You are an idiot or You are a fool. The meaning changes depending on what you use Baka for.
Lets see...


I speak those fluently.

I can read Portuguese and translate it.
I am 5% in learning Japanese
and I understand Italian

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