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House System - 1.6!!

Like I say previously... The script doesn't need that feature...why?.. Read the posts above.

To have Items bigger than 1 tile, create a bigger character graphic and assign it to the furniture.. that's all.

If you need help with that, I can make a little demo, but, it's very easy to understand how. (It isn't necessary to use only the tileset to assign the character graphic, you can use normal character graphics to do that.)

Example, this is a Big Plant Character, create a new furniture with this graphic and see how it works.




works, thanks.
do you know where i can find s dynamic event spawner besides this one because i want to spawn events whit script for something else i have in mind.



another question do i need all those other scripts if yes can i use blizz abs while i have the other scripts?
Well, it Depends, I think...no.. if you are talking about SDK (MACL doesn't cause Incompatibility problems in the 999% of the cases), I can't do anything, about the other scripts, my Window_Icon command requires SDK, but I have a non-sdk version in my hard disk.

I can mod my script to non-sdk easy, because I use the SCENE_BASE, that is in the MACL also. (If I remember, it's the only class that i use from the SDK), but I don't have time, now, to transform the script (If there are more SDK classes of mod methods). Sorry.

Before read that, first, test the script with yours.

PD: Don't make double posting, edit your message, i read everyday this topic.. (I don't wanna see this topic like a Chat Room. :)



it works whit blizz abs there is only 1 problem, when d button is pressed the menu doesnt show up. is there any way to fix that?
Mmmm... for the problem, SDK rename and split some Original methods and like as you said, that abs is nonsdk (Why all the ABS give problems!!) , that is the answer, or maybe, try to change the button in the module or try the manual form:

script : $scene = Scene_House_Decoration.new
(If i remember the name, search in the script for some similar), see if it works.)

About the other question, no, I will not, because i have around 10 free days before enter the Institute again, so, I will not have time to do that, so, use the Script conversion Station for that... (Maybe I can, but I will take around 1 month because I only have the sunday to work, and a few hours).

Sorry Again, I'm leaving now. :down:
Do you mind if I modify the script a little bit? Also I found a glitch when I put the basket on the floor I can walk right through it. And how did you get the font with an outline or a shadow?¿
I don't care if you modify the script, remember me as original author only :).

About the glitch, it's a bad tileset configuration, fix that by modify the tileset in the database, it's curious that the tile configuration will be the event configuration, (If you use tilesets tile graphics).

About the shadow, it's a MACL function, see the MACL header and you'll find that.



well.. i dont care,i just have to ask someone else here,but thanks anyways.
and another thing. is there any difference in scripts whit sdk,and those whitout?
This is an awesome script man!! If you think about it you can make a couple of scripts like this and more and you can make your own RPG Maker XP style Sims Game ;). Also I sent you a pm! Overall though great script and I hope you continue working on it and more!!
Thanks rpgmakerwhat, I like those system, like The Sims, Harvest Moon, or Runescape, in this time, the scripters only make Battle System or Something that come from FinalFantasy or GoldenSun (most battle addons), but don't look that there are people wanted to make a Simulation or Farming... or other kinds of games.

And...I love the Sims :biggrin:
Hello, I'm an Italian boy. Not being an expert in English, I would like to know how to run this script.
Every time I press D and then C to place an object, I get always the following message:
"You can not put that there!"
How do I do? Thanks to all who will answer me!

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