Like I say previously... The script doesn't need that feature...why?.. Read the posts above.
To have Items bigger than 1 tile, create a bigger character graphic and assign it to the furniture.. that's all.
If you need help with that, I can make a little demo, but, it's very easy to understand how. (It isn't necessary to use only the tileset to assign the character graphic, you can use normal character graphics to do that.)
Example, this is a Big Plant Character, create a new furniture with this graphic and see how it works.
To have Items bigger than 1 tile, create a bigger character graphic and assign it to the furniture.. that's all.
If you need help with that, I can make a little demo, but, it's very easy to understand how. (It isn't necessary to use only the tileset to assign the character graphic, you can use normal character graphics to do that.)
Example, this is a Big Plant Character, create a new furniture with this graphic and see how it works.