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Help with dialogue trees

I want to do dialogue trees that are similar to Fallout. I tried using the show choices event, but it didn't allow enough dialogue for the answers I'd like to use.

An example:

Message: Hey kid! What you doin' ere? This isn't the place for yer kind.
Show choices

1. Ah, I see. I'm not looking to cause trouble. I'm looking for information, but I'll leave you guys alone. Sorry for botherin' you all.

2. Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't realize that this place was reserved for people with IQs below 100. I'll be going so you all can complain about your sister/wives.

3. No one tells me where to go. If you don't want to answer my question I'll show you just what this kid can do.

This is just a simplified example of what I'd like to do with my dialogue trees. They'd of course have many more layers of dialogue choices.
Thanks, that will be helpful, but unless I'm missing something it still doesn't quite solve my problem. I need longer responses than just yes or no. If you look at my example on my first post, you'll see what I mean.

Of course, I may just be missing something, but I don't think so. Thanks again.



In that case, this should be in script requests, there isn't a way to increase the size of the show choices text from the event editor. Moved.

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