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Hanzo Kimura's Graphic Arts Request Station 2 [CLOSED!! DONT REQUEST YET!]

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Where do you logomakers get your wicked fonts? That's really my only question, since I assume that I could apply a gold-looking gradient to words that say "Ghost's Town" without too much trouble once I find a text style which will knock off a sufficient number of socks.
Hi, could you please make a logo for me? I'm willing to pay $20. Does paypal work? The game is called Dog Chode Odyssey. I'd really appreciate it if you would do this. Thanks in advance.

Edit: I would also like a subtitle that says George Bush underneath it as well as the Japanese kanji for George Bush. Thank you very much.
fffrrggwwwwwtttttt":2m2ea5gl said:
it absolutely digusts me that you are charging money to apply photoshop filters to people's text

your initial post is the most disgusting pretentious and arrogant post i have ever seen on this forum, and that is saying a lot

Aside from the gradients, it's the logo design that is being paid for, aka the tribal markings, etc. and the labor in his time.
Hanzo Kimura":25rku70m said:
@optimus "mustache" prime and Acezon
Dont get mad at me guys
I'm a hard-headed guy

I experimented other things on your request
it didn't like the result for your exact requests
so i decided to take my own idea out of it
its pretty simple though,,,
http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs31/f/2008/ ... Kimura.png[/img]
http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs31/f/2008/ ... Kimura.png[/img]

Check my website for more >> www.hanzokimura.deviantart.com
Wow, it looks really nice, same with Acezon's.  It does look good in yellow, better than I thought it would.  Thanks alot Hanzo!

Was blue really all that bad with it?
dogdick master":2cuxhlqv said:
Hi Hanzo. Just checking in to see if you noticed my request. As I mentioned, I'm completely willing to pay. Thanks :)

Follow the Template of Request on my First Post ^^
that will give me much more info about your request
Hanzo Kimura":3c9yfyno said:
fffrrggwwwwwtttttt":3c9yfyno said:
it absolutely digusts me that you are charging money to apply photoshop filters to people's text

your initial post is the most disgusting pretentious and arrogant post i have ever seen on this forum, and that is saying a lot
whatever desp =p

heres what it looks like in a blue hue
http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... piris2.png[/img]
Holy crap.  Man it really does look bad with blue!  In that case, Thank you Hanzo!  You're a godsend!
Hanzo Kimura":2x2hd3uo said:
@optimus "mustache" prime and Acezon
Dont get mad at me guys
I'm a hard-headed guy

I experimented other things on your request
it didn't like the result for your exact requests
so i decided to take my own idea out of it
its pretty simple though,,,
http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs31/f/2008/ ... Kimura.png[/img]
http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs31/f/2008/ ... Kimura.png[/img]

Check my website for more >> www.hanzokimura.deviantart.com

Oops.. I said Night Sky..... and make the "C" on the Chrono capital.... and put the japanese name under the title, just like what you did in the first one..

The logos that you made are very good..... but the colors, i think they don't match the title... that is just the thing I saw in your logos... but all in all, they're great!



Ynlraey":1rajct60 said:
fffrrggwwwwwtttttt":1rajct60 said:
it absolutely digusts me that you are charging money to apply photoshop filters to people's text

your initial post is the most disgusting pretentious and arrogant post i have ever seen on this forum, and that is saying a lot

Aside from the gradients, it's the logo design that is being paid for, aka the tribal markings, etc. and the labor in his time.

The tribal markings are quick work, and everything else is someone else's font given a pretty color scheme with the game's title written again in Japanese characters (not Japanese, just the characters) underneath.

Wait, if all we're paying for is the design...

Fifteen bucks for him to sketch a doodle on Photoshop and pass it through a few color filters!? Doesn't that seem a little hefty to you!?

Can I start charging five bucks a pop if I start editing Megaman 7 sprites by request? There's time and labour involved, and it takes some design skill too to get the armor spikes just so.



Design is an art, and there is no fixed price on how much an art can cost. It is really up to how much you are willing to pay for it. To those who appreciate his 'design', they may be more than willing to pay for it. It is all very abstract; and all depends on the 'clients' and an artist how much they think the art is worth. Of course, the same goes for the sprite editing. Those appreciating your works may be willing to pay, and those who could not afford to may offer to do something in return. Or you may be happy just doing it for practice and helping out others. Just my two cents :)
Nellie":1pzh8vcm said:
Design is an art, and there is no fixed price on how much an art can cost. It is really up to how much you are willing to pay for it. To those who appreciate his 'design', they may be more than willing to pay for it. It is all very abstract; and all depends on the 'clients' and an artist how much they think the art is worth. Of course, the same goes for the sprite editing. Those appreciating your works may be willing to pay, and those who could not afford to may offer to do something in return. Or you may be happy just doing it for practice and helping out others. Just my two cents :)

this is true. it's not hanzo's fault, it's the idiots who are paying for his garbage



Maybe we should just stop spamming Hanzos resource topic with bawww about how he's making his profit. It's really not that important anyway, if people want to pay for or even request for stuff that they can do but are too lazy to, then let them.
Hanzo Kimura":1yd5o7x1 said:
I'm Thinking of Closing The Thread for good :)
thanks for watching the thread

-hanzo kimura

That's quite a shame. And for people spaming Bawwww on the thread about cost, you know he dose take a substantal about of free request. All your doing when you pay is showing your impataint and don't want to wait. So you realy don't have to pay if your just pataint and wait for him to get to you. Also I'v seen lots of people almost throwing money at hanzo over his logos. It's not realy like he's charging a who lot when you think of how many people I'v seen post that they'll willingly pay a lot more then $15. All the same let's make this world a better place and stop with the Bawwww. If you don't like it stop looking at the thread. Easy.
anyway i forgot to inform that,
im still gonna finish this last batch and the undone requests, and those who want to modify their request VIA PM, I'll PM you guys the result for your requests,

any mod can start Closing this thread now,
I really didn't get any money from this 'garbage' almost all of my finish 'products' are free requests and is absolutely free,

only mdlu did pay 15$ on his contest project: 'Magic'...
Other than that, No other member did pay me and i charged them nothing.
Some 'Comments&Critiques' doesn't give 'critiques' at all but instead a harsh words,
That doesn't bring any good idea to improve my work
but pulling me down instead

it made me realize like im putting Sarcasm on my thread
The other premium request, uhmm he didn't pay,
i did not mock him anymore to pay me...
Thats the only two premium request i did and nothing more

Thanks to those supported me and kept this thread and the first thread alive
Im happy to serve so many members so far.

To those who needs me especially,
The Unfinished Jobs, Needed Modification
If your still aware of getting your request done
just PM ME

Also, Those who are always asking for a photoshop tutorial
I'll Try to make one, those who are interested for the tutorial
Just pm me, so i'll keep you on up to date...
thats not final and i may not be able to make it at all,
but oh well, lets just see... thats all ^^ thanks again guys

-Hanzo Kimura




We do not close or delete threads by request (although, I dunno, do we now? I'm honestly not sure, so if a mod who does know wants to close this, I won't complain.) If you really want to be finished with the title-making biz, just leave the thread alone and it'll sink to the bottom anyway before long.

Also, question: If you want to get back at me and that handful of others for what was said, why are you penalizing the people who actually care about your title screens? You'd do a better job of putting us in our place if you just said "Alright, I hear your opinions, but I'm just gonna keep on truckin'."

Then again, a real artist has to learn to take the good with the bad. If you're of the temperament to sulk and give up the moment someone gives you anything but shining praise, you really shouldn't have chosen the creative life in the first place.

To everyone: What I say is not a bawww. Closing your thread because someone criticized you!? That is a bawww.

To Necro: I still think $15 is still a pretty hefty price to pay just to get him to use different filters and the Bevel tool.
@Chimmy Ray:
Can I ask you something?
Do you know what art is or design?
I hope you know that all those Logos aren't just Filters and bevels no they are art!
Do you really think I just take a cool font fill it and make some effects work on it?
No!I design those Logo's!Design doesn't mean to draw them,sure it means that too but design is also give them a look!I think you can't make a logo like Hanzo in a day...It needs practicing and you saw the Premium description he said he makes a original Style Pack just for the requester and don't think it's that simple to make Style Packs...
I think all of the Requester's are happy with they're Logo's!What is you're problem?

Have a nice day,
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