Venetia Macgyver":2o49mat6 said:
I didn't even notice this argument shit was going on.
I'm seriously fucking disappointed in all of you. Why is it SO HARD to be POLITE????
Hanzo may not be a SUPER 100 PHOTOSHOP PRO LOL, but he's making people happy (99% of them, absolutely FOR FREE), so insulting him TO HIS FACE, openly, is probably one of the most DICKISH things I've ever seen happen on this board, and THAT'S SAYING A LOT.
I swear to god if I see this kind of shit happen again, blatent and very RUDE behavior, directly at someone's expense, I will go berserk.
And for the record, I would want to close the thread too if I were him. There was no polite criticism phase. It went from nothing, straight to calling his work GARBAGE and making walls of diatribes about his little hobby.
Crap like this makes me want to scream JUST AS MUCH as horrible n00bism.
Way to go, assholes, dissuading innocent members from making request stations. Criticism is one thing. Being an ASSHOLE is quite another.
I'm locking this because ATLEAST SOMEONE should offer some COURTESY around here.
Thanks Ven for the supports, all the time ^^
Atleast im glad someone can appreciate the 'garbage' i made,
But i admit its such a shame for me to close this,
well i know i can't please everyone
for chimmy ray, i didn't point you out that your the reason why i close this down, did i?
well so much for your reaction ^^ hoping 2 see you make some 'garbage' out of photoshop
whenever you 'learn' how to make them ^^, and why dont you start making your thread about those
'megaman' stuff rip offs and edit them and look for payment for members maybe it will click
it depends how dumb the members are right? xD
its not that its a criticism at all,
criticism maybe harsh sometime but calling all my works a 'garbage' isn't criticsm at all
instead, an insult in my side...
I'm not blaming anyone though, it just made me realize that i should stop making this thread.
I'm Not Dropping the last requests, i said pm me if your still interested on me make a garbage again xD
Those who are still interested in my garbage skills
PM me i'll send you my Mail and we can chat through an IM for your request ^^
I made a new account, My New Username is
Lonewolf >>
Click here to PM My New Account
I just think that my name was too exposed from the forum.
Venetia: Dupe accounts aren't allowed. I'm handling it.
I dont like seeing you guys having arguments in this thread anymore so please, let this thread sink in