The hair is looking good. It just needs a few more pixels to flesh it out.
For shiny pieces like the shoulder pad and breastplate build up your value from dark to light. I like to place the highlights along the edges. Think how a blade would have that shimmer along the edge.
I'm not really sure what you were doing with the rest of the breastplate so I left it alone.
I've never done a straw hat before. Since straw hats have a weave pattern I think you should stick to a checkerboard pattern then actual lines. Also you may want to reselect your color palette. You're using way to many colors and they were hard to work with. ... nybits.png[/IMGzoom]
For shiny pieces like the shoulder pad and breastplate build up your value from dark to light. I like to place the highlights along the edges. Think how a blade would have that shimmer along the edge.
I'm not really sure what you were doing with the rest of the breastplate so I left it alone.
I've never done a straw hat before. Since straw hats have a weave pattern I think you should stick to a checkerboard pattern then actual lines. Also you may want to reselect your color palette. You're using way to many colors and they were hard to work with. ... nybits.png[/IMGzoom]