I'm extremely skeptical of all religions as a whole. Religions to me is just an excuse to get a massive group of people to agree on one thing, and if you're lucky you might change the course of history. Can good come of this? Sure; if there had been no Jesus and no rise of Christianity then we'd probably still be doing like the Roman's do. However, you can't deny that there is usually more harm than good. Yes I'm referring to those that kill in the name of whatever God they believe in and in the name of their religion.
For this reason, I feel the need to pick apart your so called "religion".
Before time, an infinite nothingness was a canvas for the force to create its world.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... owait.
The nothingness is absolute zero matter.
You're contradicting yourself. "Absolute zero" implies that there's absolutely nothing. Zip, zulch, notta; nothing exists. Unless you're referring to the theory of
absolute zero, in which case it wouldn't be nothingness, now would it? Matter is something that
does in fact exist. Quoth the Wiki:
In science, matter is commonly defined as the substance of which physical objects are composed, not counting the contribution of various energy or force-fields, which are not usually considered to be matter per se (though they may contribute to the mass of objects). Matter constitutes much of the observable universe, although again, light is not ordinarily considered matter. Unfortunately, for scientific purposes, "matter" is somewhat loosely defined. It is normally defined as anything that has mass and takes up space.
So what you're saying is that the nothingness is absolutely nothing of something that exists, has mass, and takes up space. DOES NOT COMPUTE.
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c391/ ... uckpb4.gif[/img]
The force created itself from the nothingness, forming it into matter - space, energy, elements.
"When God said 'let there be light', do you think that could be a metaphor for the Big Bang? The creation of the universe in that instant?"
"No, God just went 'click'."
Again, you're contradicting yourself, as there had to have been
something to exist for the Force to have formed itself. Although, from what I've seen, the
Theory of Evolution doesn't seem to apply to this, so I guess you could get away with that, but it's still difficult to believe that something could just randomly make itself appear for no logical reason whatsoever.
Also, I'm wondering why you don't capitalize "Force", seeing as it's an important part of your beliefs. Could be because of the dreaded monster known as copyright? Le gasp!
Also, as previously established, "energy" isn't normally considered part of matter. :thumb:
The force is released from a center point, which, from the overflow of the force, compressed itself into a very powerful and everlasting star that is a constant emitter of the force.
This just sounds like scientology, and I'm not going to get into that as I hate scientology with every fiber of my being and I hope it dies a slow and painful death.
Although at the same time, this force sounds more like
gravity then some mystical power. So I guess that means you're contradicting yourself yet again.
The Central Star, as it is called, is the home of the Jury.
Most people would call that a "Sun", dear. And damn, a condo on the sun? At least you wouldn't have to worry about a heating bill...
The force is constantly expanding, although at a very slow rate.
Why? Why would it want to keep growing? Is there a reason for this? And why so slowly? I would imagine something would want to pop things into existence and be done with it.
If you manage to reach the end of space and feel you will hit an invisible solid wall.
*CLUNK* "Dammit, you idiot! I told you to take a
right at Jupiter!"
It'd be pretty hard to feel the end of space, unless you want to do so the hard way, though you probably wouldn't live to tell about it. Besides, our current technology can't even get a man
safely and
quickly to Mars, so how can you even prove this at all?
The nothingness is absolute zero substance, so it's impossible to enter.
Contradicting again!
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c391/ ... eng101.gif[/img]
Seriously, have you even had a basic Science class yet?
The force has the power to create, but it does not have the power to change or destroy.
Uh... that's pretty damn impossible. In order to create something, something needs to be changed. How can you create something from nothing?
Oh, right. YOU CAN'T.
It relies on its creation to govern itself. The force is the basic fiber of everything. If one can control the force, make it flow through their bodies, and transform it as they wish, they can control everything.
Okay, sure. Yoda. Or maybe Obi-Wan is a better name. Episode I Obi-Wan.
Seriously, this is directly out of Star Wars. I don't feel like running downstairs to get my books on the Classic Trilogy and Empire Building (a book that details everything that happened when making said Trilogy), but trust me, it's there.
This is more commonly known as magic.
Cute. Very cute.
The Egyptians and other ancient civilizations like them believed that a priest throwing a few powders and leaves together to form some kind of remedy was magic. Pharaoh's were gods on earth and the mere faith in him was enough to supposedly bring the floods in from the Nile every year. Native Americans from the New Jersey area believed that if a healer made a bloody feather float away from a sick child then that child was healed, etc., etc.
If magic really existed, then a lot of this wouldn't have been proven otherwise hundreds of times over by now. Not only that, but would you trust the adverage American with a power as explosive and potentially dangerous as magic? I know I wouldn't, and I thank god that no one has such power, realized or otherwise.
It is very powerful, but the channeling of the force can easily destroy someone who is inexperienced.
Beware the Dark Side? Or maybe Dork Side?
Seriously, I've spent about an hour on this and only got through the first page. Nothing you've said on it makes the least bit of sense. I'm almost afraid to touch any of the other pages.