Alright man, the hair as i said before needs to be planned more carefully, so use the scalp marker and take your time with it.
Don't use pure black, as it stands out too much against everything, many times you can just recycle the darkest color of the template instead (or use a somewhat dark borwn, blue, red etc..), see how i left the color there for the shoes, and also used it around the pants area.
When working with this look for the pants (or almost any type of pants on small Templates really) you need to use lights and darks to create the illusion of bulging, i've used lighter shades on the outline where i want it to look like that and i've used darker shades where they apply to define this.
These darker shades for the pants mainly apply where you think they will.. cinch in, take a look at this photo i found to see what i mean, i've circled the areas where the pants cinch or tighten up more to the skin.
I also added some soft light to help, don't go for really bright highlights with cloth as it looks bad, leave that for your metals and sometimes hair (anime style ^^).
Before i mentioned about using a lighter shade in center on a dark line to give illusion of curve, this applies all over the place here :D
And a lot of this applies for for tight clothing to, follow these tips for spandex and such.
Work this way if you use the same straight line form used on the pants when working on the shirt, take a look at the shirt for the samurai here (A remake character of mine) and you see what i mean, same type of deal right?
When working with smaller sprite templates you will need to know these things because you will be using them many many times, keep it up man :thumb:
Not a bad start here, use the scalp marker though man, because he looks like he's baldidng just a bit ^^, also remember the shading under the hair.
I searched the name and got this character picture here.
http://i701.photobucket.com/albums/ww13 ... -alter.jpg
What you need to do when working on an existing character is to try to somewhat catch the look of the entire character, since where working with a smaller sprite there's no way you can fit it all in so you pick what you think makes the character and exclude some pieces.. though i sometiemes try to add as much detail as possible XD
This character is not over detailed or anything but i just thought i'd get that out of the way ^^
His hair is wrong from what i've seen of the pictures, you need to go more spiky there, here's what i came up with using the picture as reference.
To be honest this hair was hella hard to emulate XD but i went a bit overboard though (wanted more detail on hair XD), best to use a similar look and go from there instead of killing yourself haha.
His jacket does not reach his waist so you must try to do the same too, and sometimes you have to make some pieces smaller to fit the other as well.
A lot of what i've said throughout the Thread applies here too man, pants are similar, but since they are tighter you do less work.
This example needs a tad more work but i think you get my drift here, the gold arm will also fit but i'm in a hurry now so i don't have the time to add it.
Keep working on it man :thumb:
E- The many color changes huh? I kept changing it till u got close.