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Jack, stop changing your name and start posting more. Be a forumtard like Vennie and me and get all up in acting professional while goofing off with sexual innuendos and you'll be popular too :thumb:

Yeah I got really confused with that big new addition to the forums that skewed everything off too at first XD
*rubs chin thoughtfully*
I see... I see indeed! I hope these staff members help support RMXP as much as they can, kupo! <3
It's good to see these new faces as mods but sad to see the old ones leave us. Later guys and welcome to all the new mods!
Thank you to all the ex-mods for their service. I'm so glad that they have found their calling and have chosen to pursue it. Welcome to all of the new mods and cheers to you. :)
I welcome The New Order, I hope you can handle it(with Des back and all that :P)

And goodbay to the old staff, be good and don't do stupid stuff.
Why would people "not be able to handle" Despain? He's actually a decent guy once you get to know him. Don't shoot the poor man down because he hates stupid people.



Atemu;322068 said:
Why would people "not be able to handle" Despain? He's actually a decent guy once you get to know him. Don't shoot the poor man down because he hates stupid people.

He hates everyone.



o noez we are all stupid and he iz dah god :(

Darn, I should have realized he is our superior. Never disrespect if you didn't live in the pre-despain era!!!! gaspgasp :]
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