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God's RPG?



First time on this forum, so I thought it would be interesting rather than make an intro for myself to just  write out my thoughts and let you interpret me through what I say.

This is a rather interesting topic to me, I mean the Almighty God himself a bored game creator who one day just came up with us and then made us. But it is funny thinking about it because the first image that pops into my mind is the stereotypical 30-40 year old virgin that still lives in his parent's basement eating nachos with cheese and wearing a stained nerd t-shirt covering his own fat. Yes a little bad humor towards God I know so to those who I might have offended with this I am sorry, and either way don't take it to heart since I am probably going to hell (if there is one) for just saying that.

I really dont know what to say about the whole RPG thing, since it is a headache for me to try and phrase it into a way for me to explain what I think and I really have limited time at the moment to try and actually think of a way to say it. So I will probably write about it later on, but I did want to comment on what PeteD2S and Shiroun were talking about.

shiroun":2hvvofoj said:
What if the universe is more of a grid.

Example to prove it:

You are awoken at 1:00 AM by a sound, you a still drowsy, and go to check it out. Your [Insert family member/mate here] hears you wake up, and sees you leave the room. They ask you where you are going, you answer then saying you are going to check out what made a sound. You go downstairs, and see broken glass, and a branch stuck in the window, thus no one got in. You walk towards it, and cut your foot, scream in pain, and treat it quickly. You walk upstairs, and go back to sleep.

In the morning, you wake up feeling horrible, you ask your [family member/mate] if they felt ok, they answer yes, and then explain what happened.

Now then, you don't remember anything from that night...

Did it happen? Prove it.

It did happen because you cut your foot, when you went to inspect the window with the branch sticking through it. So when you were to wake up feeling horrible, the moment you get up and put pressure on your foot the pain will still be there and it should trigger the memories of what happened the night before. If that weren't enough, the moment you go downstairs you will see the broken window and the branch and the glass littering the floor and you would remember it as well. And last but not least if that does not help your family member or friend who was up with you last night will explain to you what happened and you will remember it.

PeteD2S":2hvvofoj said:
You can't be sad without a reason. There must always be a reason for sadness or happiness.

Actually you can be sad without a reason. All emotions are triggered by chemicals within the brain (that is if you believe in this) and it is possible like in schizophrenics for those chemicals to be messed up or be in small or large amounts thus causing you to use inappropriate emotions for the situation. Or the other mental and emotional disorders out there that can cause people to have the opposite emotional reaction in a situation. I.E someone at a funeral bursting out in laughter.

Brosek":2hvvofoj said:
I agree... I usually stop to think, is there a true path in life that is the correct path? What will all of our hard work accomplish.. a patch in dirt in names in text. We're but bees in a colony that try hard to appease to the queen (In this case being god.. or some being or person we see as a higher authority.) It is an endless cycle to try to reach the stars.. in the end what is the point of it? We're lonely.. man is alone (figuratively) so we try hard to entertain the fact that if we try hard enough we'll be rewarded. We are constantly trying to prolong our lives.. for what purpose? It is as you said.. life is but an RPG.. we all try to fulfill roles that have no tangable pay off.. but the praise and the feeling of completing a task. Striving to level up.. to defeat the feeling of helplessness inside us all.. what is life? A mere ripple in the ocean of time.. not really of great benefit but beautiful to look at up close.

How long is 1000 years really? .. How far away is 5 million years? We compare things in our view to see how long things are.. What is a foot but the size of an object.. what is language but an assortment of sounds.. what are humans but tool using primates.. What is evolution..? We can not think about these things because its sad what it really is.. a laugh.. a joke played on us. The truth we know deep down.. the real reason we're scared of death.. because we dont know anything close to the truth to the questions. We must play our roles.. the only comfort we have.
If I have to agree with anything it is what Brosek has said.

Ninjitsu500":2hvvofoj said:
I thought about this when i first started making my game.
It sucks cause I can't talk to my parents about it, cause they're uber religious.

Just think of the "scripting" required to create one human body.
Just one process, eating, is more complex than my entire game.
Take breathing, circulation, the immune system into account, and it puts all of Seph and Trickster's stuff to shame.
Take the brain processes in, and almost nothing in the world can compare to it.
Just sight, my favorite topic, is so insane to understand.

And that was just the human body, not the rest of this "RPG."
I wish I could save, and reload the game file when I make mistakes.

Sigh... I wouldnt have so many stitches.

Lol that is why we are God's RPG. Apparently he can create the sripts and everything else in a short amount of time. Either way, if this is true then the closest theory I think is the Matrix. But that is just me. And well that is all I have to say for now about this topic.

Please feel free to pick out any errors or idiotic statements I have said, just keep in mind that I am new at this.
And if it doesn't make you remember the memories?
I've had it happen to me, woke up on the floor of hard wood, bruises all over, didn't remember.



Well then. Wait. Ok if the first two memory triggers fail, then it did happen because your friend or family member would explain it the moment you woke up. Now then to answer your second question I really don't know, because either your brain could have blocked it out since it has happened before to others in some cases I have read or heard and then would come to remember it later on in life. Or I do not fully understand what you mean. Care to explain to me a bit more if you do not mind what you mean by "what if the universe is more of a grid"? Sorry to ask just need a bit of enlightenment on it. If you do not feel like explaining then feel free to ignore me.



*shrugs* Honestly I am new to this concept. God I actually feel dumb, guess I'm not as smart as I thought I was. But well thats why I joined, in order to learn more. But well in search of looking up protonic life forms lol I found out about heat death of the universe. But thats beside the point, just curious though anyone know about it? Well to answer your question though I really dont know, just that it could happen. We can believe to be bio but can actually not be. I mean like someone stated earlier this is a circular question, no one knows the real answer just a bunch of ideals and speculations. After all we could just be a bunch of A.I. in a boring abandoned game based life and we developed on our own due to a virus or something <---( Star ocean ) there are many possibilities but just one answer, the answer? well I doubt we will ever find out in our life time and if we do, it'll be towards the end of it. All we can do is just either obsess and wonder about it  ;D or just live our life to the fullest and use this as a part time pass time whenever we are bored. If I killed the topic, I am sorry just speaking for my opinion and lack of ability to answer your question shiroun  :)
Mm... *revives dead topic*

Back to the point of those guys trying to "prove it", I think the only way for anyone to even come CLOSE to proving something is by having everyone with a conscious, thinking-able (intelligent? maybe) mind to agree on the subject.

But since, really, humans (just to start with) don't think universally alike, this is near impossible.
Maybe there are a couple examples; I can't think of any right now.

And even if we do all agree on something... that still doesn't make it "proven" or "real".... just closer to the concept.

Um. This was longer than I thought it would be. Just ignore me if I'm babbling nonsense....
arcthemonkey":1an7e7zw said:
I suppose you could say I'm a christian who believes that God imagined us, and we exist in his mind.

In fact, Ein Stein's relativety's theory states that there can be no reality without the excistance of the human mind / 'thought'. 

Andy6000":2hul36d6 said:
So clever.  Though that'd be less of an RPG and more like God trying to play SimCity and doing bad like everyone does for their first couple playthroughs 'oh damnit my people are complaining the world is too polluted!  Agh not enough money and people want taxes lowered, what the hell!'

Or maybe it's like the Sims. Everything goes peachy for awhile, then you get bored and start killing off whole families to spice things up. :D
My personal ideology is this - if there was an 'Ultimate Creator', xe (it's a non-gender specific pronoun. Deal with it) must have completely half-assed it. In fact, you can't actually ever have a supreme being - it's mathematically impossible. A supreme being, who is infallible, is a fallacy. It's the whole 'make a rock so heavy you can't lift it' problem. Therefore, if there was a guiding intelligence(s) in the formation of the universe, xe/they must have made some mistakes.
God's RPG? If we are, we're the one you make when you first get the program, have no idea of what a cliche is, and think your game is 'SUPA L33T AND AW3SUM!'.



I personally do not confuse the fact that we will never have more than an extremely precise subjective understanding of the universe with the philosophy that there is no objective universe.  We discover sub-atomic particles by devising a hypothesis about how a particular phenomena operates and then performing experiments to prove or falsify that hypothesis.  Nova did a great documentary on the discovery of the neutrino called "The Ghost Particle" that was an excellent illustration of this process, it used to be on Google Video but I can't find it now :(  Anyways, great viewing if you want some insight into the process.  I disagree in the description of this process as simply "finding the space between these particles".  There is in fact evidence that there is a discreet unit of space; sub-atomic particles literally "pop" from place to place without crossing any space in between at a certain scale.  So the theory of infinitely smaller and smaller particles and no end-result explanation probably is not true.  That one I can't remember a good link to, sorry about that.

Anyways, back to "are we in a video game?"  One thing to think about is the fact that it takes a system of an order of complexity higher than the system you intend to simulate if you wish to create a perfect simulation.  So for instance we cannot simulate the entire known universe on a machine built within it.  Anyways this whole argument is covered by the "Simulation Hypothesis" and other theories.  Here's a great discussion on Wikipedia on simulated realities that covers the subject matter: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_reality .  Hope you all find it stimulating. :)
Skye_Vrbas":5qjduo4u said:
In fact, Ein Stein's relativety's theory states that there can be no reality without the excistance of the human mind / 'thought'. 


I'm sorry(really), but I just couldn't resist quoting this.

Anyways...  The RPG-making entity (or God) doesn't neccecarily have to have made and abandoned us.  Perhaps God is present, yet mostly passive, like a man watching mice scurry through a maze.  Sure, he could manipulate the maze and the mouse in amy way that he wants, but sometimes its better just to sit back and enjoy watching the rat-race (pun intended).



Skye_Vrbas":me5v9u0n said:
In fact, Ein Stein's relativety's theory states that there can be no reality without the excistance of the human mind / 'thought'. 


I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to here but I'm almost positive you are misinterpreting special relativity.  The fact that a measurer in one reference frame will observe different data than an measurer in a different reference frame does not imply the necessity of the measurer.  Completely inert objects happily go about experiencing relativity without anyone watching it happen.

Perhaps Einstein believed that in any case, but it's a philosophical, not scientific question.  It's the old does a tree falling in a forest make a sound question, and there is no way to empirically prove this since without an ultimate observer you can't provide evidence, and with an observer you can't test the question.

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