Symposium material it is, indeed.
On the topic of us not technically existing, that goes in with a theory I devised as I went through upper division college chemistry.
Truth is, I don't believe matter exists at all.
Basically, as we've gone along, all we've ever discovered is space. When we discovered atoms, we only really discovered the space between atoms, which we thought were solid, but were wrong because, of course, we later discovered protons, neutrons, and electrons - or did we? No, we discovered the space between them. Then comes quarks, gluons, strings - We didn't discover new matter at all people - we discovered space.
From every perspective, when you touch a keyboard key, you don't touch anything at all. The particles that make of your finger never actually touch the particles that make up the keyboard - this isn't theory, it's fact. If the atoms that make up your finger ever got close enough to another atom that their energy level intersected, the results would be catostrophic.
I don't think this pattern will ever change. The smaller we go, the more space we discover. Because of this, I surmise that no scientist will ever discover "matter," especially since it hasn't happened yet. What is matter made out of? It's made out of space.
I read an article about some French or Russian scientist, that explained his theory (that was similar to mine). HE believed that the smallest building block of all matter was composed of two revolving particles that, and here's the important part, don't exist. That's right - at the bottom of everything, is nothing.
So if all my keyboard is, and all my hand is, is a series of inexplicable repulsions, what's there? Nothing. Matter doesn't exist.
Now, call me an unreasonable christian, but this proved God to me more than ever. I began thinking that we must exist as a construct in some intelligent mind that transcends the universe and physics, but not in a FFX "Dream of the Fayth" sort of way, but, as I said, that nothing exists outside of the will that brought it into being.
I suppose you could say I'm a christian who believes that God imagined us, and we exist in his mind.
Controversial? I dunno. But nobody can prove that matter exists - we've never seen it.