Messed up roommates, hm...?
Freshman year in college. My roommate was a 200+ ib guy from an upper-class neighborhood. I thought "well, how bad could this be?" Turns out it was pretty bad. He was HORRIBLY immature. Seriously. Who the hell goes "Its tiiiimmmmeee to go poopy!" at 19 every time they need to take a dump? He also had an MTV fetish, and loved nothing more than to watch "Sweet 16" and "Pimp my Ride" at 1-2 am.
There was also the time he crapped so hard he clogged the toilet. I kid you not. Worse, I caught him trying to wash the poop off the plunger and into the sink when he was done "fixing it". I was just like..."Duuuude....I drink out of that!". "Duuurr...I do this all the time at home!" He did stupid crap like that alot. Flushing chip bags down the toilet, breaking crap, bringing things in that had triple-digit+ value then getting them stolen, etc. Worst was when he'd have these paranoid streaks and sit up till 3 am screaming at his girlfriend over the phone. "I know your cheating on me, I know it! I saw a girl and a guy get drunk and hook up with each other, even though they were strangers. I KNOW your doing that!!" He must've been living a horribly, horribly sheltered life NOT to see people make out with each other randomly at a party before he turned 19.
He also snored. Badly. For those of you who don't know how you get sleep aphneia (really bad snoring), one of the ways is when your very overwieght. You uh..."skin folds" press against your windpipe, which in turn causes the snoring. I kid you not, you could hear him snore from 4 doors down.
Lucky me, I was apparently walking, talking blashamy against his Christan religion. After the first semester, he flipped out, screamed about how I was a walking sin, accused me of stealing his shiney toys, then tried to get me kicked out of the room. Lucky me, the RA knew he was uh..."special" and threw him out instead.
Freshman year in college. My roommate was a 200+ ib guy from an upper-class neighborhood. I thought "well, how bad could this be?" Turns out it was pretty bad. He was HORRIBLY immature. Seriously. Who the hell goes "Its tiiiimmmmeee to go poopy!" at 19 every time they need to take a dump? He also had an MTV fetish, and loved nothing more than to watch "Sweet 16" and "Pimp my Ride" at 1-2 am.
There was also the time he crapped so hard he clogged the toilet. I kid you not. Worse, I caught him trying to wash the poop off the plunger and into the sink when he was done "fixing it". I was just like..."Duuuude....I drink out of that!". "Duuurr...I do this all the time at home!" He did stupid crap like that alot. Flushing chip bags down the toilet, breaking crap, bringing things in that had triple-digit+ value then getting them stolen, etc. Worst was when he'd have these paranoid streaks and sit up till 3 am screaming at his girlfriend over the phone. "I know your cheating on me, I know it! I saw a girl and a guy get drunk and hook up with each other, even though they were strangers. I KNOW your doing that!!" He must've been living a horribly, horribly sheltered life NOT to see people make out with each other randomly at a party before he turned 19.
He also snored. Badly. For those of you who don't know how you get sleep aphneia (really bad snoring), one of the ways is when your very overwieght. You uh..."skin folds" press against your windpipe, which in turn causes the snoring. I kid you not, you could hear him snore from 4 doors down.
Lucky me, I was apparently walking, talking blashamy against his Christan religion. After the first semester, he flipped out, screamed about how I was a walking sin, accused me of stealing his shiney toys, then tried to get me kicked out of the room. Lucky me, the RA knew he was uh..."special" and threw him out instead.