lol the fade out at the end could have lasted like two seconds longer.
There's one small spelling bit i get, the "soon it will all be over part," where the "be" has one space it doesn't need.
The empress speech, the "...a reality!" part has a small bit of timing issue or offness- like, it could have paused longer, rather than a small pause between each period
The crystal that appear... yeah, I have a small tick with shit that's imperfect, and i just notice that the crystal is leaned to the right. I hate it when mapping in rmxp is leaning to one side instead of being balanced out, at least the human-made stuff- for nature, it's just fine but for humans... whatever. I just rather like things in rmxp to occur in titles of one, three, five, etc. rather than two or four, because the sprites are only one tile wide and sorta kills the symmetry.
The theme might meander here and there a bit more than it needs to, and maybe the final punch and feel of the theme for this opening could be a little stronger, but it's quite fine the way it is.
Overall, very beautiful work for something made on rmxp. Don't mind the criticism, i've become a perfectionist at shit. Good luck on your game.