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FFVII Materia System XP/VX - Both versions Fully Translated!



FFVII Materia System XP/VX

First, sorry for the average English and typos.

Special thanks to carbajosa and Kain Nobel for the help in translations

I think lot's of people knows Sephirot Spawn Materia system.
An wonderful system that reproduces the FFVII Materia System almost perfectly.

When I posted it first time on a brazilian forum, people loved it,but complained it was quite hard to configure.
So I worked on it to add an easy configuration module (as I always do in my scripts) and added some features to make it more user friendly, and fixed some bugs (latter i discovered it had bugs because it was an outdated version  :lol:).

Well if it was only to show theses few new features, why to create an new topic?

It because I converted it to VX to, with all the features it had on XP.

  • More user friendly (all configurable values are in an module in the begin of the script)
  • Added AP system
  • You can set skills to ignore effects of some Suport materia (you don't want to have an 0 MP skill to gain boost from MP turbo right? :lol:)
  • New Materias
  • New algorithms(XP Only) (Dexterity was replaced whit Vitality, it's really an shame that XP don't have any natural reducing damage status, HIT/Critical are now based on agility, the balance of the values haven't changed much)
  • Custumization of Materia Icon
  • Don't lose skill learned whit levels when equiping materias whit the same skill.

XP Version

VX Version

Materia Icons

IMPORTANT: In VX you must create an new folder named "Icons" on the Graphic folder

You can set individual icons for each materia, the icon must be on the Incon folder.
The name of the icon must be the same of the Materia + "_m"

Cure materia icon must be named "Cure_m"
Ultima materia icon must be named "Ultima_m"

Materias without individual icons will have the default materia icon, the color of defaut icon depends on the materia type

Equipment Slots

To set the slots of equipment, look for lines like these in the "module Materia_Config"

WEAPON_MATERIA_SLOTS[ID] = [X , Y] for weapons
ARMORS_MATERIA_SLOTS[ID] = [X , Y] for armors

ID = Equipment ID
X = number of paired slots (count as 2 single slots)
Y = nuber of single slots

The total slots will never be greater than 8, if you set more than 8 slots, the extra slots will be ignored

The armor ID 5 will have 6 slots
(2 * 2) + 2 = 6

The weapon ID 5 will have 7 slots
(1 * 2) + 5 = 7

If you don't add an equipment ID on the list, the equip of this ID will have 0 slots

Configurating Materias

To configure the materias, look for lines like these in the "module Materia_Config"

MATERIA_LIST << [ID, name, type, status, elements, status effects, price, master price, ap, skill, special effect]

  • ID = Materia ID
  • name = materia Name
  • type = materia type (can be "Magic", "Command", "Summon", "Support" and "Independent", they arent translated in demo)
  • status = status change of the materia.[hp, sp, str, dex, agi, int] in XP, [hp, mp, atk, def, spi, agi] in VX
  • elements = element id of materia. used when paired with elemental spuport materia. must be an array
  • status effect = status effect id of materia. used when paired with added effect spuport materia must. be an array
  • price = Price of materia with 0 AP
  • master price = Price of an level max materia
  • ap = ap nedded to level up. must be an array. the first value is the ap to level 2. Here is the place where you set the max level of materia, depending on how many values yoi add on the array.
    [1000, 2000 ,3000] = the materia will have 4 levels
    [2500, 5000, 10000, 20000, 40000] = the materia will have 6 levels
  • skills = skills of the materia. must be an array. you can make an instace of this array = nil, so materia will "skip" this level
    [2,7,20] = materia gain skill ID 2 in level 1, skill ID 7 in level 2, and skill ID 20 in level 3.
    [nil,6,nil,13] = materia gain no skill in level 1, skill ID in level 2, no skill in level 3, and skill ID 13 in level 4.
  • special effects = special effects of materia. one of these: "All", "Elemental", "Added Effect", "HP Absorb", "MP Absorb", "MP Turbo", "MP Cost Cut", "EXP plus", "Gil Plus", "Luck Plus"(only for XP), "HP Plus", "MP Plus", "Strength Plus", "Defense Plus", "Magic Plus", "Speed Plus", "Flee Plus", "Critical Rate Plus", "Critical Damage Plus", "Escape Plus", "Unnarmed Attack Plus" (only for XP), "HP MP"

Gain new Materia

Use the Script Call event and add this code:

where ID = the ID of materia

Materia Shop

to open an materia shop use the Script Call event and add this code:
materia_avaliable = [ X, Y, Z]

$scene = Scene_MateriaShop.new(materia_avaliable)

X,Y,Z = the ID of Materias
You can add how many IDs you want.

Set Enemy AP

to set enemy AP, look for lines like these in the "module Materia_Config"


ID = Enemy ID
X = AP given by enemy

Enemys that don't have their IDs added to the list will give AP = their EXP/10

Materia System XP - Fully translated!

Materia System VX - Fully translated!

If you have any problem in opnening the projetc, create an new project and copy the Data, Graphics and Audio from the demo and paste it on the new project.

  • Sephirot Spawn for the first Materia System that is a wonderful system
  • Atoa for the changes and improvement, and for the conversion to VX
  • translation to english by carbajosa
  • thansk to Kain Nobel for part of XP translation



The download link for Materia System VX isn't working for me. Can you try to upload it to a different site? It looks really nice, I viewed it earlier, but had nothing to say other than "Wow, looks nice." I would love to try it out.

EDIT: Nvm, I had to us WinZip. Anyway, it all looks nice, but it is in Spanish so I don't feel like fooling with it now. I will let you know if I find any errors tomorrow.
For some reason it's on an older version so you have to make a new game and copy the data files from the demo onto a new project then extract the script.

BTW can you make it so the sell price is based on the AP? That way when you buy it it sells back at 0 but as you train with it it get's more AP and eventual you can train it to sell it back for more then you bought it for! Right now you have to get it all the way up. = ( that kinda sucks... Oh well I'll tinker with it and see if I can get it before hand. =D


Well i took a look and I found this "materia.experience" dose anyone know were I can find the value of display and gain in the script so I can just replace it with Materia.Experience so I can make the sell price the AP? =D Thanks in advanced!

#Edit 2

WHAO! HUGE GLITCH in the XP script! If you try to save your game and reload it flunks out I think it has to do something with scene_title or file beucse they have to do with loading the game.

#Edit 3

lol found it. It's the scene_title in the script. Go to the XP script and find line 2021.

change the line from def seph blah blah blah to this...

  def command_continue

that will make it so it actually makes the matira data up on start lol glad I could help.



it's not Spanish, it brazillian portuguese (it on the begin of topic), i'm looking for someone to traslate it.
I'll try to translate and get na english version of RMVX and XP later (it almost 5:00am and i'm goingo to sleep now).

how could I let this happen @.@
In VX version this part of code was exactly the same and I just copy/paste it...
What I've done to this happen only in XP? @.@
thanks for the tip, i've already changed it.

About the AP/Price... I completely forget about this function @.@
But it quite simple to add.
Actually a member of my team just got it done! If you want it I can post it right here! I'm glad to share the works of our teams since were there to help people lol.

It just makes it so the AP you have currently will be the price when you sell back!

Also we made a compatible version of it with MR. Moe's ABS for XP and Crissagrims for VX! =D If you want them just ask! You can have full credit to. As for translating I can't do that, but since I understand what it dose I can wright up my own directions for you!

Get back to me on what you need! =D

-Matt (Necro)



My was a bit different.
The initial and master price still the same, but the sell price rises at same rate the AP rises
I've done an XP version compatible with my SBS Tankentai XP version (i will post is as soon I get it transtated).
And any different version compatible with differnt system are welcome.
IMO this materia system is one of the TOP10 best systems in RM.

OFF: could you send me in PM an new and clean new project in RMXP and VX? I'm going to tranlate the script myself, but it would help if I had an version with all vocab already translated.
Ehhhh okay. Whatever you need. I know this my make me sound like an ass but I'm busy today >.< yes to busy to make a new game..... I know I know... I shouldn't even be on the forums. I have to do programing homework for Game Design >.< (DAMN YOU C++!!!) I will get to you as soon as I can.



No one has it translated, i've posted it 3 days ago.
I'm asking for help to translate it, but only Necro offered help, but he is busy =/

All I need is an new VX and XP projetc in english, so i wont't need to translate the vocab and items.
So if someone helps, maybe tomorrow I have an full tranlated version.
Hey champ, I'm having a problem here... normally I can manually change the DLL used in the Game.ini file (I use RGSS102E.dll) but the project needs RGSS103J.dll However, even after downloading and placing the DLL in the project folder, it still gives me this message.

RPGXP":bllk1flh said:
This project is from an old version of RPG Maker and cannot be loaded

Thats my guess to why nobody has translated it, so either can you re-upload the XP demo with the DLL included (maybe somethings wrong with the one I linked from FileFront), or can you PM me the XP code by itself? BTW, yes I'm wanting to translate this for you but I can't open the project.

EDIT: Nvm, I just temporarily placed the Scripts.rxdata from your project into my Test Bed... I'm working on a translation for the XP version right now. When I'm done I'm going to send you a new demo to post because the English community will have to work around the DLL problem otherwise.



@kain nobel
Thanks man, i don't have an english rmxp or vx.
I knew that people would have problems, that's why i asked help ;D
[link for the translated version]

I translated everything in the script (including the additional effects)
Thanks for the script dude~!
I decided to translate this for myself and post when done.

If you dont mind, am I allowed to post this in other forums?
Well umm.. right :D



Thanks! I'll add your demo to de main topic.

Since you give an great help, you can post it anywhere you want =D

Just waiting the XP version.
Haha, you can finish the XP one!!! Unless you've already got this far, here's a head start... I got like the first part of the commenting done.

# ** Latest Updates
# - Added AP system, based on David Schooley's system
# - Added effects of Support-type materia
# - Fixed some bugs encountered with combining materia
# - Fixed bug reguarding the max level of materias
# - Added additional Materias not in previous system
# - Recalculation of the damage function added (Dexterity is Defense)
# - Working with Icons for Materia
# - Customization is more simple and direct, all values are customizable
# - Skills Learned by Level are not lost when equipping materias with
#  the same skills
# ** Instructions
# * Materia Icon Explanation
# The icons of Materias can now be changed to individual graphics
# Simply create an icon with the same name as the materia and place a "_m" at
# the end of the filename
# Example :
#  If you wanted to create a special graphic for the Cura Materia, you'd simply
#  name it like "Cura_m"
#  All Materia that doesn't have a special graphic will use a standard Materia
#  graphic based on the type of Materia it is.
# * Additional Slots and Equipment
# To add slots equips go to the "module Materia_Config"
# and search for "# Weapon Slots" for weapons and
# "# Armor Slots" para Armaduras (ambos sem aspas)
# The Materia slots follow this pattern:
# WEAPON_MATERIA_SLOTS[ID] = [X , Y]  (For Weapons)
# ARMORS_MATERIA_SLOTS[ID] = [X , Y]  (For Armors)
# Being:
# - ID = ID of weapon/armor
# - X = Number of Linked slots
# - Y = Number of Individual slots
# Remember: The max number of slots is 8
# If you configure a total more than 8 slots, the extra slots will be ignored
# Linked * 2 + Individual * 1 <= 8
# Example:
# Meaning Armor ID 5 will have 6 slots (2 linked * 2 and 2 individual)
# (2 * 2) + 2 = 6
# Meaning Weapon ID 3 will have 7 slots (1 linked * 2 and 5 individual)
# (1 * 2) + 5 = 7
# If you do not add the ID in the list of equipment, that equipment will be
# considered to not have any Materia slots
# ** Creating Your Own Materia
#To setup or modify existing Materias, refer to "module Materia_Config",
#and look for "List of Materias"

The rest of the fun is all yours, since you claimed it before me anyway!

@carbajosa : Just don't forget to credit Seph for the origional base version of the system, or he'll haunt you in your sleep :P

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