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Female Sexual Opression

@ Roman Candle: I won't stoop. I can't even acknowledge rpgfan's ridiculous defense.

I just want to say to rpgfan: What a convenient thing to say, as a male.
First off sex is sex. It can mean something, but doesn't have to. You can easily just have sex, and not suddenly become an evil, live, plague swearing monster. Don't believe me? I guess over 60% of world (at the very least), has absolutely no moral fiber and is incapable of having the slightest idea of the difference between right/wrong.

rpgfan_2007;310359 said:
One more thing. A woman who's acted like a slut can never recover. Her innocense will have been long gone, and it is lost forever. In her older years, she may wish she had never given herself away so freely, but such wishes are in vain. Once lost, it's gone forever, never to be reclaimed.
Innocence, since you seem to be talking about that pure childlike innocence style of purity and ignorance, is not something to keep but to shed in the waters of a waiting world. It has nothing to do with sex, but rather the feelings one has towards themselves. To feel pure is to be pure, to feel ashamed is to be ashamed. I can say "shame on you", but unless you feel it it's a worthless statement.

rpgfan_2007;310359 said:
Having a sense of HONOR and INTEGRITY is important. How can a woman who's whored herself feel any honor? She's going to try to escape that nagging shame by drinking, or drugs. but once you lose it, it's gone.
Integrity is based on one's own morals and honesty. You can be a penny prostitute, view nothing wrong with it, and have integrity if you don't view anything wrong with it (as in your morally fine with it), and you're honest about it in that definition. Innocence and purity have no conflicts.

Honor? Definition number 10 by my dictionary does list it as:
dictionary.com's honor definition":wksdid19 said:
10. chastity or purity in a woman.
Chastity doesn't mean sleeping with one person, actually it means practicing celibacy. By saying a woman who doesn't already have honor, in reference to that definition, with what you already said means your own mother will never be able to feel any honor or have integrity again.

So, anyone who has broken being celibate behaviors loses being chaste. You must be chaste to have honor in that definition. By yours you must have honor to have integrity. By splitting hairs and running with the statement, word for word, means anyone who has had sex, including all our mothers, is incapable of regaining their honor or integrity, and will all turn to drinking and drugs. Nice thing to say about all our, and your own, mothers there.

rpgfan_2007;310359 said:
A slut? She's not worth anything.
That depends on how much they charge by the hour :thumb:
Seriously though, I hope to god you actually get to meet a "slut" outside your little bubble. To call someone - actually no, not just someone but an entire league of people - worthless shows exactly how much worth you actually merit.

The only question of integrity and honor I can see with sex, is simply if the person wanted it or simply felt they should have. And even then, I don't agree with passing such harsh judgments. Sex = bartering system. I'll give you something, you'll trade back. Even in love. I give you love, you give me yours. Even in lust, I give you pleasure, you give it back. Prostitutes? I give you pleasure, you give me money. Hell, I've whored. I've slept with chicks to get 30% discounts in high school. Oh, crap - I guess I have no ability to have integrity.
rpgfan_2007;310454 said:
BTW, I am not really torn up over this. Though I sound like I'm outraged and seething over it. I'm not. I'm just stating and defending my correct viewpoint. I know I'm right. I see how our society has fallen. And it's sad, but I'm glad I have my head screwed on straight, and have a correct perspective. I can differentiate between wrong and right, something so many people these days have trouble doing.

You have just killed your entire side of the debate with this. Not that it wasn't already folly and wholly sexist. This is all your opinion. I assume you know the meaning of that word. Right and wrong? These thing are very subjective(although more often than not, people share the same view on what they mean.). I could very easily say that you are wrong and evil for stating all of the chauvinist thing you have said. Calling a woman a slut for having more than one sexual partner is stupid. Calling that "slut" worthless, unforgivable. You think that you are right about all of things simply because you are a misogynistic religious freak. Please think before you insult a person's sex with your disgusting generalized non-facts.
rpgfan_2007;310454 said:
You think a whore has any virtue or honor? Wow..you are truly lost.
Because I can see beyond the veil of my own personal ethics? Because I may view someone as a person regardless of what I may disagree with? Oh, sorry tolerance = lost. I'll remember that next time.

rpgfan_2007;310454 said:
You think sex is just sex? Wow. Maybe you're so jaded that you've allowed everything meaningful in life to lose it's meaning.

Sex is not just sex, you twit. People who say sex is just sex, are those very people I am talking about. Our society has turned sex into something meaningless except for pleasure. That's all it's about. Pleasure.

Sex is not just sex. It's too bad that you've lost the meaning of what sex is. It's just a shag for you, right? Just a lay. This is exactly what's wrong with the world today.
Firstly, don't call me a twit. Insult me like I would you, and do it backhandedly, thanks. The jaded line, that worked. You've handed me an insult, but you did it right and proper. It doesn't even qualify as an insult, but I could've taken it as one.

And no, a fuck is a shag. Sex is an act. It can and has meant a lot. But that doesn't mean it always has to by defined law of - morals?

rpgfan_2007;310454 said:
But I tell you, if you ever have sex, and have a daughter, will you encourage her to become a whore then? I doubt it. Why not? it's a good living after all. Good hard cold cash. Easy work, and it's pleasurable. So why do all fathers not encourage their daughters to become whores?
Wait stop right here. If I ever have a daughter. I've already had a child. And yes, I would encourage them to do what they felt was right at the time, given they were 100% sure of it. If that means being called a slut by you, then by all means let them decide for themselves. I will not push what they can and can't do based on my morals and ethics. They are someone else who views things in a different light. All the better for them that they do.

rpgfan_2007;310454 said:
BTW, I am not really torn up over this. Though I sound like I'm outraged and seething over it. I'm not.
Okay. Good for you. If you got outraged over this, that would've been sad.

rpgfan_2007;310454 said:
I know I'm right. I see how our society has fallen.
Society has fallen? Okay, now you've completely lost me.

Strange. We're a little less barbaric and we're becoming more tolerable of people and we're falli-oh wait, there's that word again. Sorry. We tolerate people for who they are on the inside. ouch. societyz crumblzes. watch the sky fall from you're little bubble, and tell me how it turns out okay?
Okay I'm stooping, I have to ;_;

@ Sixty: I love you. <3

@ rpgfan: Sex is only more than sex when:
a.) love is involved. Then it's "making love". However two people in love don't necessarily have to "make love", they can just get down and dirty. Everyone wants it sometimes. My guess is that you're not married/in a long term relationship and wouldn't know. Just a guess, sorry if I'm wrong.
b.) you're trying to get something out of it instead of just doing it to do it (i.e. "whoring").

It's a faux pas to be a whore, a LITERAL whore, because you're trading goods or services for your various orifice(s). Literal prostitutes are rent-a-vaginas, and that, yes, can carry some moral ramifications, in that you're selling yourself and demeaning what your body can offer. Plus that whole racket is pretty shitty. I hear pimps are a bitch, and the crack ain't even all that great.
Har, har

But a chick can only feel demeaned if she ... feels demeaned. If she feels fine about her decision, so what? If you're putting honor on the same level as integrity, and you feel as if you've lost integrity, then yeah, I guess you lost some integrity. You can gain it back however, with a little well-placed self esteem.

I mean, you're just going on penetration here, how antiquated! If you stuck a Q-tip in your ear (which has more nerves per square inch than a fun-hole), would you feel dirty about it? If you did feel dirty about it, would you ever get over it? Yeah, probably.

Dealing on the purely sexual side, do you deem masturbation a destruction of honor? Because that can involve penetration, too. What about sex with other orifices? What about a chick who's divorced? I mean, a married/committed chick'll do one guy innumerous times, is that better or worse than a chick who does it a smaller number of times, but with more guys? Or is it completely immoral to ever sleep with anyone but your soul mate? What about sleeping with chicks who don't penetrate one another? I'm a little lost.

Are you sure you're not just really, really jealous?

I don't give half a shit about who my partner has been with in the past--they're with me, now. And vice versa. It doesn't get you anywhere to worry about their past. If you never knew that your girlfriend has slept with seven guys before she got to you, there'd be nothing to fret over because you wouldn't know. She wouldn't have a black cloud surrounding her over it, and if she did, it'd probably be due to a self esteem issue.

(Plus, some dudes like chicks "well-traveled". They know their way around the bedroom better.)

That's what all sex-issues have to attribute themselves to, in reality: self-esteem.

It seems to me as if you yourself have some self-esteem issues to work out if it's such a hangup to you that a chick has tasted flesh before yours. And besides, who are YOU to judge her? Just some guy with an opinion and jealousy issues. Pass.
I don't think there's any use in talking to rpgfan, he's exactly the kind of person who thinks knows everything that's wrong with the world, because according to a certain set of morals, everything is clearly black or white, you might aswell try to convince a wall.
First off I'm going to disregard everything. Everything. None of it followed anything but "I said so, you're wrong". No points or counter points, just "you are wrong".
Except, for that last line... umm... hypocritical? Am I offended? Or did I just throw something that could've been offensive? Tell me how I'm hypocritical and I'll respond with a debate.
[post edited]

On second thought, I'll take Roman Candle's advice and subtract myself from this hugely unsolvable and negative equation.
I'm so very tempted to bring out that old meme gif., you know the one about arguing. It has a "special" kid on it. Although, since rpg_fan is trying so hard to be serious, I'll pass. Besides, what point is there to insulting a thirteen year-old who was brought up by crazed bible-thumpers.
Whatever. I do not expect to change opinions at least not overtly here.

I am just stating what I believe to be true, and I believe that most of you, on the inside, in the deepest regions of your heart, know that what I say is true. Because...it is.



Off-topic: RPGfan are you serious? or are you playing around being super-humanistic?

But just in case you're serious, can you tell me something about your background? Because I can't quite completely figure out what type of a person / character you have through these posts of yours. At the moment, if I take everything you said seriously I've got somewhere between "high-school student aspiring to become divine Martyr" to "budding serial killer"

But I dunno' really.

Oh and uh on-topic: Say what you will... A proud, smart, attractive girl who knows how to use her charms and has no regard for morals or ethics is one of the most powerful/ dangerous creatures on Earth - if not the most. That's empowering enough.



Uh... cool. Good luck, maybe you'll be able to do significant damage to the system before getting your flame snuffed out.

Ever consider becoming a cult- I mean, new religious leader?

It is a good thing to be pure, and chaste, no?
Nah, not enough stimulus. Makes people crazy and even more horny I guess.

And I can sleep well at night. That's all that matters. A good night's sleep.

Please don't stop, ever, writing in this thread. You're better than Stephen Chow at this ;_;

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