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Fear System Request

Fear System Request

For last few days, I had tried to script a fear system. And failed miserably.

About: Fear System
The game is a "Psychological Horror" styled.
The hero (You) is hunting the truth about his past.

But the gameplay has no battlesystem. Only option is to run.

How does it work?
I created a HUD (Head Over Display) with a bar which increases when a variables is added. $game_variables[10]

The fear system. When it reach a certain amount (The variables).
It triggers BGS. (Background Game Sound).

$game_variables += 100
(Which increased the amount to 100)

When the fear system reach 100, it triggers a quiet BGS. (Volume = 10)

This can be made by Events
I don't want to uses events. It's too much works. Scripting > Events.

If you don't understand what I meant, I will try my best to describe it better.

I can't post a mockup, as there's no windows or scene included, it's a system. =(

In-Game Variables... Ewww
=( I don't know any other options. If you could suggest a method I could use, (Which is easily accessable by a quick line of code)

I would be extremely thankful, if you could do this. < 3
(And thanks for reading, have a cookie on the house.)



He means a system where you can only run. When you run, the variable goes down. When it gets to a certain point, the volume (I'm assuming) increases. When the variable (I'll call it "energy" for now :P) gets back to 100, the music is quieter.

Am I right? The greater your "energy", the quieter the music? Or do you only want 2 volumes?
Abbey got it, that's what exact I need.

(The BGS is the sound of heartbeats. When the variables (Bars is empty).
There's no BGS. When it reach like. 25%, the heartbeats start to play, slowly and at quiet volume.

When the bar starts to fill, the heartbeats get faster and louder.

Get what I mean? =)
Use this:
class Scene_Map
  alias scene_map_update update
  def update
    max_fear = 1000 # Put here the max fear that the player can have
    if $game_variables[10] >= max_fear * 10 / 100
      bgs = RPG::AudioFile.new
      bgs.name = "001-Wind01" # Put here the name of your bgs
      bgs.volume = $game_variables[10] * 100 / max_fear
      bgs.pitch = 50 + $game_variables[10] * 100 / max_fear
If you want any change, ask for it.

Thank you for viewing

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