Sabao, item duping does NOT work in the PS2 remake
I don't think any of the old FFT tricks work in the PSP version either - the JP bug doesn't, I know for sure)
I don't know what to do with Jack when his skills use more than 1 mp ^_^
There is a glitch in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas where, in two player mode, if you drive a car into the water, get out and stand on top of it and trigger a kiss between player 1 and player 2, only player 1 goes down with the car as it sinks, making for an interesting scene.
Another time, in FF7 (a glitch I have yet to reproduce) in the scene before Sephiroth kills Aeris (spoilers, lol), when Cloud has his sword raised over his head and you can struggle a bit, I spent like 15-minute struggling, and finally pressed several buttons at once, triggering a terrifying glitchy sound, a screen with random characters and glitchy graphics on it not unlike when an NES game gets bumped (you know what I'm talking about) and then the game cut to the scene AFTER you kill Jenova, but the boss music was still playing (and wouldn't stop for anything.) Aeris was still dead.