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Fallen Shadows



That battlelayout is awesome. However, I don't really like the main-menu, well just the gray backgrounds. I'd like it if those were sharp-edged, with some sort of outline, and maybe a light gradient in the body, either way, not just plain gray. But that's me =P
Wow, this game looks like one of the more promising projects on this forum!

I'll gladly beta test it too, if you still need beta testers. All of the screenshots look amazing, the custom features look amazing, I'd really love to see them all in action.

I'm really a jack of all trades (master of none), but one way or another I'll be glad to donate some of my time and hard work to this project upon request. As far as graphics and scripting, I'm still pretty novice but alot of times end up surprising myself because it actually (sometimes) turns out good *gasp*

In all honesty, I'm not sure what I'm fully capable of, but it doesn't hurt to try, your requests would give me good practice though.

I'm not really 'applying' for a full time position, rather if you have a request just drop me a PM and I'll see if I can do it and send it back to you (if it doesn't turn out like crap.) This is a special offer though, so don't take it for granted because I don't offer my help to just anybody, it just happens your game looks really good and I'm here to help if and when you need something.

Good luck with your game, I'd really like to 'test' it out, because it looks cool :thumb:
This definitely looks promising. The screens are all very good, I love the tilesets, good job on those. The battle system is definitely a plus, I'm not a big fan of the default. The ring menu has always been one of my favorites since playing The Secret of Mana for SNES. I am more than willing to be a beta-tester for this. Just shoot me an e-mail at airagalanodel@gmail.com or IM me: pyro0423 in AIM.
I'm kind old on Rpg Maker... :lol:
i was like 1 year without touching it...
I just come back to it now...
But i know the basics ... scripts not included... >_>
I can Beta Test for it if you want... :thumb:

Ok i will confess....I just want to play your game because looks like it gonna be awesome!!   :thumb:

Good job guys!

I can pass my E-mail and MSN if you want...by PM.
Thank you all for your positive comments. Beta Testing is 85% complete, and a publica demo, bug free should be up around the end of this week. If you would like to beta test or play the game just pm me.
New Screens Posted!

Most are new Battle System - Pics.

Also, added a comment for every picture.

If I can get a couple more testers to play through, the game will be available to everybody on monday.

I have fixed every bug/error I know about, and the game plays smooth as butter.

Thanks Everybody!
it looks good, I'll defiantly play it. But, im more into getting my project even partly ready for a post here. i lurve that battle system to  :thumb:
Hey havent had a chance to get you online, and for somereason IE wont let me PM ya so thought I let cha know that i loved the game, scanning through a second time for bugs. I also found that Passibility Script I was telling you about, this will help you see where the player can/can not walk. Hope it helps.

# ** Passability Tool
# Rataime
# Version 1.00
# 22/04/2007 (2007-04-22)
# * SDK Log Script and Check requirements
SDK.log('Passability_Tool', 'rataime', 1.00, '04.22.2007')
# Begin SDK Enabled Check
if SDK.enabled?('Passability_Tool')

# ** Sprite_Passability_Map_Rataime
#  This sprite class is used to display the picture representing the passability
#  of the map's tiles

class Sprite_Passability_Map_Rataime < Sprite
  # * Initialize
  def initialize(viewport)
    @base_bitmap = Bitmap.new($game_map.width * 32, $game_map.height * 32)
    @counter = 0
    @update_every_n_frame = 10
    green = Color.new(0,255,0,100)
    dark_red = Color.new(130,0,0,150)
    red = Color.new(255,0,0,140)
    for x in 0..$game_map.width-1
      for y in 0..$game_map.height-1
        if !$game_map.passable?(x,y,0)
          @base_bitmap.fill_rect(x*32, y*32, 32, 32, red)
          #self.bitmap.fill_rect(x*32, y*32, 32, 32, green) 
          dir = get_passability_direction(x,y) 
          @base_bitmap.fill_rect(x*32, y*32 + 22, 32, 10, dark_red) if dir[0]==false
          @base_bitmap.fill_rect(x*32, y*32, 10, 32, dark_red) if dir[1]==false
          @base_bitmap.fill_rect(x*32 + 22, y*32, 10, 32, dark_red) if dir[2]==false
          @base_bitmap.fill_rect(x*32, y*32, 32, 10, dark_red) if dir[3]==false
  # * Get_passability_direction
  def get_passability_direction(x,y)
    down = $game_map.passable?(x,y,2)
    left = $game_map.passable?(x,y,4)
    right = $game_map.passable?(x,y,6)
    up = $game_map.passable?(x,y,8)
    return [down, left, right, up]
  # * Event_passable?
  def event_passable?(x,y)
    for event in $game_map.events.values
      # If event coordinates are consistent with position
      if event.x == x and event.y == y
        # If through is OFF
        unless event.through
          if event.character_name != ""
            # impassable
            return false
  # * Dispose
  def dispose
    if self.bitmap != nil
    if @base_bitmap != nil
  # * Update
  def update
    if @counter == 0
      @counter = @update_every_n_frame
      self.bitmap =  @base_bitmap.dup
      dark_blue = Color.new(30,30,100,150)
      for x in 0..$game_map.width-1
        for y in 0..$game_map.height-1
          if !event_passable?(x,y)
            self.bitmap.fill_rect(x*32, y*32, 32, 32, dark_blue)
    self.ox = $game_map.display_x / 4
    self.oy = $game_map.display_y / 4
    @counter -=1


# ** Spriteset_Map

class Spriteset_Map
  alias rataime_passability_spriteset_map_update update
  SDK.log_alias(:Spriteset_Map, :update, :rataime_passability_spriteset_map_update)

  # * Update
  def update
    if @sprite_passability == nil
      @sprite_passability = Sprite_Passability_Map_Rataime.new(@viewport2)
  alias rataime_passability_spriteset_map_dispose dispose
  SDK.log_alias(:Spriteset_Map, :dispose, :rataime_passability_spriteset_map_dispose)
  # * Dispose
  def dispose


# End SDK Enabled Test
I'm still on the beta testing team, right? If it's too late for me now though, I understand.

Because it's summer for me and I have tons of time with which to play your game!

Thank you for viewing

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