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Encounters & Battle BGs by Terrain Tag

I'm sure this was done back on .net, but I can't dredge anything up from my collection of scripts on my backup disks. So, does anyone know of such a script?

Essentially, if you're on an area with terrain tag one, I want the player to meet one group of enemies, but if he is on terrain tag six, I want him to meet a different bunch of enemies.

I'd like the battle BG to change to reflect the terrain tag as well.

Two other "bonuses" that would be useful. One would be the ability to switch the script off (I only plan to use it on the world map), the other bonus would be some form of compatibility with this thing:

I'd find it helpful if the enemy groups could be altered as events in game progress, but the areas script allows for that already, so all I'd need would be the terrain tag encounters and BG alterations.
It's not exactly what you're looking for but I have a posting here of RM2K Defined Area Encounters by RPG Advocate (with a little more 'instructions' in the topic than in his website :D ).

It allows you to create encounters based on user-defined rectangles in ... let's say... the world map. But it's not by terrain tag. I guess you MIGHT find a use for it.

With a little more scripting, you may be able to change the background?
Yeah, I know of and greatly appreciate the fact you got that thing working! Battle BGs I could probably get around using some kind of parallel process / other "event" coding, I've got some vague ideas on how to do that. My big issue was mainly that I've got sailing in my game and I was planning to do ship-board battles, but with different enemy groups in the sea than on land.
Kinda like in FF1 or in Wild Arms Alter Code F. Encounter Areas could do that but it'd be extremely laborious due to the odd shapes of the landmasses, so I was looking for the "lazy man's solution".
Still, thanks for your help, Encounter Areas are certainly something I'd want to use regardless!
I am also planning on doing something with event comments. Something like:

Comment : EC [troop_id, troop_id, ...] range
Comment : EC [troop_id, tropp_id, ...] Rect.new(x, y, width, height)

The first one will set troops in a circle around current event where as the second one allows you to control any rectangle on the map giving the deminsions for the rect.

I will do that on my lunch today.

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