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PROUD CONSERVATIVE":oy6t1u8q said:
Ynlraey":oy6t1u8q said:
Also KAZ you and your anime hatred :V
Don't ever fucking call me Kaz. Fix your post or get banned.

KASS would've been funnier. Hella funny at that!

Anyways one thing thats really always bothered me about you is that your spriting skills seem to be on a professional level. BUT your drawing skills aren't quite on par with your ability to sprite BUT they are both drawing in some sense. This confuses the hell out of me. Don't get my wrong your good in both aspects its just your spriting skills far outshine your drawing skills and they're the same thing. :x

And your realism attempts remind me of Yu yu Hakusho's style of drawing with a little bit of Slam Dunk thrown in there. Its quite pleasing on my eyes actually. So I'll give you that. :thumb:
:O damn you told me.
Well alrighty then continue on! :thumb:

I really honestly think you should work on realism though. From there you could develop your own style of drawing! Instead of using standard pointy face anime template number 2. Check into that because yeah anime is ani-gay to me. :|

Although some of it is really stylized. So look into that as well. Especially Ergo Proxy. And Samurai Champloo and G.I.T.S



Ynlraey":16grl1t0 said:
Also what shouldIcallyouthat'syourusernameinthepast :V

Oh and nice try, you can't ban me hah.
It's Kav with a vuh-vuh-vuh (if you didn't get that reference, you're too young to be here).

Makasu":16grl1t0 said:
PROUD CONSERVATIVE":16grl1t0 said:
Ynlraey":16grl1t0 said:
Also KAZ you and your anime hatred :V
Don't ever fucking call me Kaz. Fix your post or get banned.

KASS would've been funnier. Hella funny at that!
you're stupid go away
Makasu":2n6qhqtx said:
:O damn you told me.
Well alrighty then continue on! :thumb:

I really honestly think you should work on realism though. From there you could develop your own style of drawing! Instead of using standard pointy face anime template number 2. Check into that because yeah anime is ani-gay to me. :|

Although some of it is really stylized. So look into that as well. Especially Ergo Proxy. And Samurai Champloo and G.I.T.S

Considering anime is the one who got me into this whole drawing business not the way of life. *Sigh*

So what if I like Koyou Shurei?
http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m105 ... hino-2.jpg[/img]
http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k413 ... ichino.jpg[/img]

I know you have a point but seriously,  I just hate it when haters parade that around as absolute. >:V

same goes to Marvel then!

Don't force yourself to draw realism if you don't want to! People like Van Gogh or Jean-Michel Basquiz began from painting/drawing realism but then shifted to their own styles because it was personally and artistically important to them (JUST CHECK JEAN-MICHEL BASQUIZ AND YOU'LL UNDERSTAND WHAT I MEAN). Besides i think the original intention of learning to do realism/drawing from life is to understand How shapes and shadows, hell LIFE works.

Not everybody likes anime/manga style but i think theres a lot of prejudice on both sides! Anime and western comic realism is just one branch in the gatdam tree of graphical portray/arts so don't twice that the people who say X IS better that they are right. I... guess what people are saying is that to understand how human is correctly portrayed you should do some realism exercises?

Basically, anime is just stylished, simplified portray of life (humans and animal in general), so is Marvel realism? it's basically just one way to portray a human. Although while in general it focuses more on portraying people in a more realistic matter, always keep in mind that it's just a one way.

Of course this doesn't mean I'll stop drawing studies it's just freaking annoying when people parade about and saying anime is bad because of the fanbase.
You know something Ynlraey? You should be drawing things you enjoy drawing regardless of what other people think. I'm in no way saying ignore all feedback, but I think changing your whole drawing style cause some people hate anime is pretty stupid. Personally, I find a lot of realism art looks crappier than anime, but that's my opinion. I don't think you HAVE to start with realism before you can develop your own style.
I'd also like to mention: If you look around, you'll notice that women are generally drawn VERY similarly in the face from artist to artist. Look at nearly any American comic. Womens' faces look NEARLY identical. It's because drawing lines on the face ages them. You can slightly change the nose pitch or the eye shape or the lips' width or the jawline width, but if you want to draw pretty-looking women you're usually stuck with the same forms throughout. It's with men that the variations in facial shapes are seen the most.

I'm not trying to defend anything but rather I'm protesting against peoples' frequent announcements about characters looking similar.
They do in lots of things: not just anime. So get off it.

@Ynlraey: I like your forms and uses of color :). These all seem to have this level of unfinished-ness about them though, a sketchiness, that looks more hurried than stylish. Also, I'd like to see more variations in your lineweights: All lines seem to share the same approximate thickness, which can look dull.
ImmortalDreamer":3awl52ja said:
I don't think you HAVE to start with realism before you can develop your own style.

Actually, yes, you do.

All great animators and character artists start out with learning the intricacies of the REALISTIC human form, and then they slant it into a stylized version.
Doing it in the opposite direction will stunt your progress.
Venetia":122q2ggq said:
@Ynlraey: I like your forms and uses of color :). These all seem to have this level of unfinished-ness about them though, a sketchiness, that looks more hurried than stylish. Also, I'd like to see more variations in your lineweights: All lines seem to share the same approximate thickness, which can look dull.

I need to get used to my tablet, I always find line thickness very very hard to control for me :( I'll try my best :)

@immortal, thanks :) But yeah it's just the whole anime thing got annoying for me >_>;
What Venetia said is true though, once you started with anime it's hard to move over to the real thing.
Venetia":26gsaeuk said:
ImmortalDreamer":26gsaeuk said:
I don't think you HAVE to start with realism before you can develop your own style.

Actually, yes, you do.

All great animators and character artists start out with learning the intricacies of the REALISTIC human form, and then they slant it into a stylized version.
Doing it in the opposite direction will stunt your progress.

Thats what I was aiming at.

I mean your able to do what YOU want with YOUR art and not give two damns or a hell what anyone else has to say, think, or observe. If it looks good to YOU then by all means stick with whats best. I mean art is about personal expression. And if you feel that you can express yourself through anime then do you. I myself started off drawing anime. Or was it Captain Underpants? I can't remember which it was but I started somewhere and while my anime roots still show alot of the time I'm slowly but surely trying to make my way towards obtaining a style of my own. As most artist would encourage you to do. Find your own style but don't just boil it down to one style in general. Sometimes you have to break out of whats "comfortable" and move towards the unknown. Because who knows maybe you'll get into more realistic drawings and decide that you like that better? Again though it all depends on if you want to continue to grow as an artist and expand the styles beneath your belt. Plus learning realism would allow you to get more dynamic things and poses and such as well as expand your knowledge of things you might not see. Because anime isn't incredibly detailed stuff. And y'know you might not know what a tricep looks like or how biceps and things like that. Again though leaning towards a more realistic style will help you more than hurt you. I guarantee it. V said it best though.

@V: yes I have noticed that most womens faces are drawn in the same fashion but I think that would have to do more with the style of the artist. For say the that you draw versus the way that I draw women are two different styles. I've noticed that your womens faces tend to have more curvy faces as mine tend to have more rigid sides and such. Again though its just style in the end. Or laziness on one's behalf? I cant say for sure.

Either ways do whats in YOUR best interest and you don't have to listen to what anyone else has to say necessarily. Because its YOUR art and its the way YOU want it to look. :]

You are doing great so far and I never heard of Koyou Shurei either. But their art reminds me of Castlevania's in a way. I think I had a manga drawn by this person at one time but I'm not to sure.
Well yes it always changes based on who's drawing it, but my point was that, when one artist draws two pretty young women of similar ages/weights, they will invariably look like sisters. Only when you get into the real stylized, exaggerated, or hyper-realistic stuff, do you see stark differences in facial structures between women.
I actually like it a lot. :thumb: its a  GIANT step away from anime without going to far from it. :cheers: I do believe progress is being made!

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