This Movie Is So Awesome
I Am Going To Go To The Premier
Whip Out My Cock
And Fap To This Movie
Then Post The Video On Youtube
I think... The creative team, most likely is familiar with Dragonball. A majority of them had to have watched it or grown up with it at some point.
Then the producers and executives probably came in and forced one or two changes that fucked the whole thing up, then the creative directors and screenwriter(s) probably went "FUCK THIS SHIT" and just let the executives bukkake all over the film, knowing that even if they went full-on Peter Jackson this movie would still suck.
And thus we have 80 year-old transsexual piccolo
Saiyans that turn into Zora's from fucking Zelda
Butch and Skull Weaver and Emi
Goku in jeans
and Master Roshi in anime con attire
Let's just hope there's no
robot spiders.