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DeathLock's HKCP Contest Workshop

Whoa that's awesome!
The design is great, just a few tweaks here and there and you should be done!
The main things I notice are that the round highlight at the top of it's head is too jagged on the bottom, it needs to be more rounded.
It almost looks like you're trying to AA this..with those lighter pixels being on the outsides of the outline, don't, it's actually making it LESS smooth, not more. Once you remove those extra pixels the outline isn't TOO bad, the arms' outlines are actually done pretty nicely, just the upper arm might need a bit of touching up.
The legs need work though, they're very jagged still. Don't worry though, smoothing out the outlines is tough until you get the hang of it, once you get used to it it'll just come naturally ^_^
What I recommend is looking at the templates and study how the outlines work to make their shape, play around with paint's curved line tool to see how placing pixels differently can give you different shaped lines(but DO NOT use the curved line tool on the actual sprite). Just keep playing with it and don't stop till it's smooth as butter! Your biggest problem that I see is your jagged outlines, once you manage to fix that I think all of your sprites will be a lot better. Good job so far though, it IS getting better!  :thumb:

All in all, it's pretty frickin sweet. If you finish it I'll find some way to put it in The Abyss Effect when I get off my lazy ass and start doing something with it other than writing story xD

Yeah, I know its been a while since I've updated.

I've taken a new direction for my sprites, taking everything into consideration. Since most of my game sprites would be similar to this I thought it would be best. Lets start, the head is a basic figure so nothing too complicated there. The eye is from the Devil04 in the RTP (Yeah, sue me. :P), but it best fits the sprite itself some recoloring has been done. The body is the same from the Linn sprite, I hate for that to go to waste. The arms are the same as the Linn as well, it seemed my best work so far. The legs are different this time, well its obvious I don't have to explain. The blood and cuts add more horror to it, best used in survival games. I even tried to smoothen the outlines, still could use some work on the legs and mantis hands. I'm far from complete, since I'm still adding to it, such as ripped clothing, so it shows as if a human mutated into this. Of course its optional so anyone can remove it. I was going to add a tail but its some what difficult to figure out the shape. I'll try to add some more colors so it doesn't stay all grey.

Criticism anyone?
First thing I'll say is the outline looks too dark. Actually you have a darker outline where it should be lighter and a lighter outline where it should be darker.

The grey skin needs more contrast. It's skin is actually pretty spotless considering the wounds.

The feet need better definition. I'm not sure if his standing on the toes like a tripod or it the toes should be spread out in front. There really isn't an ankle or any sense of depth to tell.
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r134 ... enfeet.png[/img]

So far all your monsters start out with simple cylinder shaped limbs. Giving them a skeleton structure (like knee caps/ankles) or a better defined muscular structure would help make them look meaner and cool.

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