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Custom battle algorithms request

OK, what I'm looking for is a custom Battle Algorithm Script. Here's the deal. I am implementing a position selector in my menu, similar to the formation command in FF3j. If you choose the same actor twice in a row, his position changes.

I need a script that allows for damage dealt and received from the back row to be half as much as it would be if you were in the front row. Magic and ranged skills need to be unaffected by this.

Just to be clear:

  • :thumbsup02: Arshes is a warrior, on the front line. Everything is normal for him.
  • :thumb02b: Gloria, a cleric, isn't really a fighter, more of a support unit. She is on the back line. The physical damage she deals is cut in half, but her magic-based damage is still as strong as if she were a front line fighter.
  • :cheery02: Estelle, the green haired archer, is also on the back row, but her weapon, a bow and arrows, is capable of ranged attacks. Her Damage dealt is the same as a front line fighter, but the damage she receives is dealt as though she were back line.

There isn't any real compatibility issues, because I'm using basically the default system. I'd prefer something non-SDK, because I have many non-SDK scripts in use.
Um... just wondering, if you use DBS, how would you tell the player if an actor is in front/back row?

And more question to make things clearer:

1. Do the positions of actors remain after battle? For example, if Arshes was in back row when battle 1 ended, will he be in back row when battle 2 starts?

2. As in FF 3, actor positions are also changable via menu. Do you need it or not?

3. How would you want to change positions in battle? Via party menu (Attack/Run) or via actor menu (Attack/Skill/Item/Defend)?



The code to do exactly that using the database position for the actor classes is in Ccoa's CBS, I think. I could probably pull it out of there if you can't find it, but not until tomorrow morning.
Well, by DBS, I meant Animated Battlers. I can make the menu code for changing position, I just need the algorithms for the damage to be properly handled.

I might not have been clear enough... What i'm looking for is a script similar to the FFX battle algorithms. It just changes how damage is dealt. I'm not looking for the menu system, or the battle code. Basically just the equations the system uses to determine damage.

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