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Construct 2 Help?

If anyone is curious about simple things you can make using construct 2 (I know there are lots out there), you can take a look at what I have done personally with the game maker. I used it for a few games myself.

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I know the program a little bit, and I wanted to share some stuff I have completed using it. :) If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
If there isn't a direct "Stop timer" option, you can create a boolean variable on any object and add that boolean check into the same event with the timer.

So the condition looks like:

ThatObject.StopTimer = false


Awesome Bro


not sure what you mean... but I think you actually gave me an Idea.

It involves

"Global variables" & "System X seconds" and "Set Text"

I'm gonna have to play around with it.



I did it... I was able to push a button (to test it out) and time stopped.
Press another button Time Resumed... Thanks... Indirectly Rosa...

after reading your post I was somehow was able to figure out a way
myself, that had nothing to do with what you said...

I'm weird like that... :lol:

Edit 2: Don't worry, I still have LESS then 50...
I think Glitch mentioned that global variables take an event slot. If the variable can be shuffed into an object instead and use the variable from that object, that would save you an event slot.

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