Hmm..Well the parasites were basically big spiders that made you go "BOOM!"...xD
Nah, but that was amazingly AWESOME when whats-her-name exploded. That noise, though, was a little creepy..
If it was living in the water, in the world did it.."breath"? I mean, we know nothing about this monster, but it didn't seem much like a water thing..and the parasites? They must have been down there with it..but, what? They were more like insects, most of which hate water..Underwater cave civilization, anyone? Just big, evil, monsters? :P
Oh, and, Reeves said that if any sequels of Cloverfield would become confirmed around the time of another movies release..Hm. Bad Robot..J.J Abrams..Star Trek, Dec. 2008? Maybe some sort of chain..
Also, I thought this was funny, when they are in subway station, with the Nokia ads..One had an arrow at the phones battery and said
"A MONSTEROUS battery!" Rofl'd big time, 1 of Cloverfields many code names to hide the set of it.